Sioux Falls?


Aug 9, 2016
Spokane, WA
Anyone here live in Sioux Falls and wouldn't mind answering some questions for me? I have a job opportunity out there but I'd love to get some feedback from some like-minded individuals before I accept. I am mostly curious about how the whitetail hunting works there on the east side, is it easy to find places to shoot, any PRS competitions in the area, how's the outdoor recreation in general ie, hiking, biking, fishing etc.. Thanks!
Lots of deer hunting in South Dakota, mostly an hour or so drive from Sioux Falls. Very easy to find places to shoot with ranges outside of the city, farm ground, and other options. Can't speak on the competitions. SD is a great place to live. The eastern side of SD doesn't offer much for hiking, the Black Hills are great for all forms of recreation. Great fishing throughout the state. Happy to answer any questions.
Quite a few PRS matches that I have seen. .22 and big gun. Not sure what is considered a normal amount where your from. I used to do some .22 but have not for quite some time.
Not from SD but have traveled there (Sioux Falls and most of eastern SD) a lot for work over the years, great state with lots of good public hunting access if you do your homework. Great state with really good people
I live in Sioux falls. On average you can get a buck tags every other year. Some counties you can get one every year. Lots of public hunting but you will have to do leg work to get on private. Best duck hunting and pheasant hunting in the country. Also can't argue about the fishing. I haven't had a reason to ever leave the state for fishing. There are prs matches around here but I haven't ever done one. Not much hiking because it's pretty flat around here. Sioux falls does have a pretty nice paved bike trail though.

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Grew up on the east side of the state now live right on the river( lake Oahe). Travel an hour or so from Sf and you can be in good hunting. Archery is state wide tag that you can get every year. Rifle Deer are split up by east/west river/ Black hills you can get a buck tag every year if you apply in the right counties. Waterfowl hunting is not very good ;). I started chasing geese last weekend and will until season closes in Jan or it freezes up. Having something or somewhere to hunt isnt a problem having enough time to do it all. I hardly have time to fish any more . Winter can be no joke and the wind here is what alot of people complain about.
East River rifle tags are all draw and for residents only.
For archery you cab get a statewide archery tag or you can get an East River and west river tags.

The fishing is terrific.
I mostly fish chamberlain early in the year and then start fishing the Webster area once ice comes off up there.

On a side note. SD is a no income tax state and property taxes are pretty decent.

I currently live in MN due to my job but when I retire in 13 years I will be a SD resident by then.
A few more things.
The pheasant and coyote hunting is awesome.
Make sure to read the laws on shooting from the right of way. SD isn’t like most other states when it comes to that.

Last but not least. Section lines.
SD let’s you access property through section lines.
I'd think the shooting/match opportunities would be a downgrade compared to what is available around you now.
The West River portion of the state is the best...even the weirdos from the East know that.

As for shooting matches. Keep this in mind. Our company is one of the sponsors for a new state of the art shooting complex near Rapid City (5 hour drive from SF). You can expect some local, regional, and national PRC matches to take place there in the near future. I know for one our company plans to utilize the range for sponsored shooting events.