How to get my suppressor to Colorado for an elk hunt?????

Perfectly legal to drive with it. Is this even a question?

Man I love the south, can ride around with a sbr with a can attached and it’s just another truck gun!
Perfectly legal to drive with it. Is this even a question?

Man I love the south, can ride around with a sbr with a can attached and it’s just another truck gun!
As long as you stay in your state (without extra paperwork) yes.

Legally, to transport an NFA item other than a silencer (MG, SBR, SBS) across state lines, you need to file a form 5320.20

Glad they make ar pistols as well. Much less hassle to transfer and use as truck guns compared to sbr. Too many laws lol
I agree. Some states you can even get around hunting magazine capacity laws by using a “handgun” instead of a rifle as well.

It’s really not a pain though, the form 20. They are good for up to a year and a lot of people just file one every year. If you regularly travel from say, SC to Florida or something, you can file for essentially a years permission to transport between the two states, you’re legal anywhere in between.
I live in Maine, and I’m planning a Colorado Elk hunt. I really want to be able to use my suppressor.
I will be driving. It is impossible to leave New England without going through NY.
🛑 NY has a suppressor ban….
Then half way through the trip is Illinois with it’s suppressor ban…. (Or a MAJOR detour around it)
Going through Canada of course is not a viable option either.

Any suggestions?
Hoping maybe some of the PRS guys have a solution worked out for going to and from matches.
Didn’t read everything here, but get a toolbag that you can lock with inconspicuous combo lock. Might want to also use for any other items of concern, such as a pistol or large sum of cash you might be carrying to pay for your hunt.

Cops need a warrant to force you to open it and you don’t recall combo anyway, (although i’d not play the forgotten card unless forced to.)

Unlike locking gun safe/bag, a toolbag is innocuous enough makes it easy to carry into the hotel room without attracting attention.
Put a couple gun repair tools in so if asked about contents, well it’s a toolbag and those are tools. LOL.
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you can file for essentially a years permission to transport between the two states, you’re legal anywhere in between.
I need to do more research on this again. I didn't realize that part. I was under the understanding it was good for the duration of a year of only the spot you put you were traveling to and that was it.

I might actually build a sbr then. I didn't want to due to the hassle of traveling.
Stuff it inside your sleeping bag. I am guessing you have a higher chance of a cavity search than a cop opening up your sleeping bag.
I need to do more research on this again. I didn't realize that part. I was under the understanding it was good for the duration of a year of only the spot you put you were traveling to and that was it.

I might actually build a sbr then. I didn't want to due to the hassle of traveling.
Well, from what I understand, for the example that I listed, anywhere along what would reasonably be the path between those two places is kosher. If you go to camp in X state every year, multiple times a year and stop along the way for this or that, you’re fine. Again, from what I understand.

If that isn’t good enough for you, the forms are free to file, there’s no $5 or $200 tax stamp associated. You could fill out and file (gotta wait for approval but it’s pretty quick) multiple to multiple different states on January 1st every year, essentially copy and pasting all of the same information with a different destination. Then nobody can say anything.

I’m not a lawyer, nor do I work for the ATF, but my very good friend and hunting buddy is our local friendly ATF agent and that is how he explained it to me. You could always call your local office for clarity before you pull the trigger on putting one together.

Federal Statute that provides for ability to transport through a State, regardless of State or local statutes.

Document produced by the Illinois State Police, detailing…

What would you have to do in any of those states to warrant a cop searching your vehicle? And even so just put it somewhere not obvious….

Also no one in Illinois south of Chicago gives a shit… they don’t even enforce the statewide assault weapon ban. Southern IL might as well be its own state
Have any relevant laws on interstate travel printed out. Call or email state police in relevant states and print those emails or record the conversations assuming they confirm you’re ok to drive through. Have copies of any documents that show legal ownership of the suppressor.

And then maybe hide that MF’er like you’ve never hid anything before. Put a thread protector on the rifle so it isn’t obvious it has a suppressor. Tuck it under the spare tire. Most trucks have little cubbies for the tire changing tools with some extra space. Tuck it up in the dash. Unless you are not traveling with narcotics, felons, or people with active warrants and just be respectful and take any traffic ticket you get, there is absolutely zero chance it will ever come up.
Has anyone here ever had a traffic stop escalate to a full vehicle search? I have not. Although been strip searched at the Canadian border (non-cavity). That was before anybody shot suppressed.

I would put the rifle in its case, put case in bed of truck, and go on my hunt.
Has anyone here ever had a traffic stop escalate to a full vehicle search? I have not.
🙋‍♂️ In South Carolina, I had out of state plates from one of the commie states. Sheriff said car smelled like weed, I refused to let him search, he called drug dog officer, drug dog officer stated the dog got a "hit" and searched the car.. and yup you guessed it. No drugs in the car... After all of that, I still got a lecture for not turning on my turning signal while getting off the highway

To OP - never done it, but I would ship to FFL if you are that concerned