How to get my suppressor to Colorado for an elk hunt?????

Why not change route and avoid Illinois?

Heck, back in my younger days of traveling for work, I packed a AR15 pistol as a CCW. Never gave 2 shits about it.

I’m the only guy in the group with a suppressor. I’m thinking nobody else wants to haul 300 miles extra each way on the trip, to accommodate my hearing protection preference.

If you are stressing about it so much, leave it at home. Rifles have been shot for hundreds of years without suppressors.
And that may be exactly what it comes to. Just looking for a solution that is worth the effort.

You don’t know, what you don’t know, until you do some digging.
Good lord. I remember when people were able to figure out logical answers to their own questions.

-don’t get your car searched in NY
-avoid Illinois…**** that state anyways.
-hunt with your suppressor.
-repeat steps in reverse order.
Got it!
So you have absolutely no idea either…. Thanks 🤣🤣🤣
Lock it in a gun case and travel... it's not rocket science. I bet the chances of getting your car searched and your suppressor found are worse odds than winning the lottery.

Sent from my SM-S928U using Tapatalk
Leave it at home. It’s not worth the hassle.
With shipping, you hope the package gets to where you will be staying at the right time.
With packing it & driving through NY/IL, you risk a big delay and signficant financial cost to you and your group.
I went through a similar scenario. In the end, I realized that hearing protection is much simpler for the one shot I would make, in the mountains, on the hunt.
The obvious answer is to keister it across state lines.
Theres your answer

My GF worked in Vermont for close to a year. I might possibly have had a pistol with me as I had to travel through New York from west to east. I might have had a case with a lock that I think I might have put it in at the PA/NY border.

You need this for sure:
I think if all you do is stop for gas and not far off the highway your covered.
Hunted elk in Wyoming on a ranch that requires suppressor's. Last year hunted elk in Montana on a ranch that requires suppressor's. Drove cross country on interstate 80 through ILLinois and had my rifle in the gun case with the suppressor on it. I'm not gonna let some liberal lunatic state keep me from hunting with my legal suppressor that I paid the federal govt. for the legal right to own it. I am going to continue to drive through ILLinois and not stress myself over doing it with a legal suppressor and a legal handgun. I am glad ILLinois is only approx. 170 miles on interstate 80 so I have no reason to stop for gas or anything else since I surely don't want to spend a single penny of my money in a liberal run state that hates American citizens (but do love to over tax the hard working middle class.) and loves illegal aliens.
I had similar thoughts traveling through Illinois with several AR-15's a few years back. Alternate routes through Missouri added about 200 miles. I decided most of this fear is in my head and the chances of getting pulled over for anything are very low. The odds for getting pulled over for something that gives cause for a complete search (with a warrant of course) are an order of magnitude lower yet again. IF both of those things happened, I felt like it was legal anyway, but like you I felt like I could still get a big legal bill and huge hassle for just "passing through". Ultimately I just went anyway, but I did not stop for anything and towed the line with speed.
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For all the Nervous Nellies out there, you can absolutely mail items to yourself, and its really easy. Ive done it when I go hunt in Alaska.

Find a town that close to where you will be hunting/traveling to. Look up the Post Office address and send the box(es) to yourself

Your Name -
General Address -
Post Office Address / Zip -

They will hold it for 30 days

You will need an ID to claim your box(es)
Holy f…. So much for being free people. And to think somebody freely elected them into office. Has anyone peacefully traveling through ever been thoroughly searched?