How to get my suppressor to Colorado for an elk hunt?????

Suppressors can be held by non trustee or other persons provided they have no access to the suppressor. Buy a small, lockable pistol case then ship the suppressor inside of the locked safe. I know with Fedex or UPS, you can ship it to one and they can hold it for pickup. I am not sure if they have restrictions on gun parts though. I like the FFL idea too. Maybe hit up Silencer Shop or Silencer Central to find an FFL SOT to ship it to. I would still have it in the locked safe though.
Just put it in the vehicle. Obey traffic laws when you’re in a communist state. If for some reason you do get pulled over, when asked if they can search the vehicle simply say no. Of course, take all your paperwork with you.
Get back on the road.

Given the United States Postal Service performance recently, I would not trust them with mailing a suppressor to myself across multiple states.
Dude. Get one of those little handgun safes. Put your suppressor in it. Bury it in your gear. Be on your way. If you think a cop will pull you over and then want to search your entire vehicle, I’m not sure what you look like or what your truck looks like. This should be pretty low on your list of concerns, I’d be more worried about finding elk with the rest of the orange army
Seriously, thanks for all the perspectives.
I’ll either figure out a way to ship it to myself, or go without, and use earplugs.
I'm from Mass, I've driven multiple times from Mass through NY and Illinois out west with items that may not have been "Kosher" in either state. Keep it locked, separated from firearms and ammo. In a roof box or in the back of the truck separated from the driver compartment, and out of sight out of mind in another duffle bag.

The reality is most cops have better things to do than get a burr up their ass about some dude going on a hunting trip if you get stopped. And despite these states being really blue, a lot of the LE that I've run across are pretty "Red" normal dudes.

You're more likely to get wiped out in a major traffic accident or killed by a random pack of wolves...

If it really bugs you, ship it to/from an FFL.
FWIW, I would put it in my clothes bag and not think twice. Play dumb if for any reason you get cavity searched along the way. Leave the 2lbs of weed at home so the dog doesn't alert to your vehicle.

I carry a handgun in many places that say no weapons. I'll let the judge sort it out, should I need to skin that smoke wagon.
This thread is hilarious

Also, how many times you planning on shooting an elk? Do you think you’ll go through a box of ammo to get one down?
This thread is hilarious. Some of yall have lived on the very straight and narrow, and it shows.

I'm in the same boat but don't have to go through any of those third country states on my way to my hunts. I can't say I've ever had a second thought.

"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so."
If you are that worried, just leave it at home. I think most of us would do the opposite and just go. All about what your willing to risk in the very highly unlikely event you even get pulled over (assuming you are driving fairly reasonably and not in something that fenders are falling off) and probably even more highly unlikely you are going to get pulled over and searched.

I agree with following the law with everything that’s reasonable (I get the law is the law) but I wouldn’t stress and just take it with me, following some of the advice already given
Find nipple that will screw on to said suppressor. Attach a rubber hose. Run hose away from anything hot but out of view in the engine bay. Lay suppressor in engine bay. Go on about your business
If you don’t break the law while driving, they have zero reason to pull you over. I wouldn’t overthink it. It’s legal to transport if it’s locked and out of your reach.

The other option is shipping to your PA buddy, but I’d feel more comfortable with it in my possession. Stuff gets lost in the mail a million more times often than law abiding citizens get harassed for legal items while driving in liberal states.
The reality is, you are probably breaking laws in every state you pass through. Plus, no matter how crappy the state is your constitutional rights are still there. Lock it up and drive. I believe the guys are right that once you own the suppressor you can mail it to yourself. Silencer Central holds and ships for people in commy states. I would not ship to an FFL because they will most likely charge you.
Just put it in the locked rifle case and drive. Hell, if it’s too much, mail it to me and I’ll meet you somewhere, But just drive.
It’s just weird that you think a cop is going to go through a week’s worth of supplies and gear for several people on a whim. Think about the time and resources to search what you are bringing with you. Just drive.
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