How to catch an untrapable mouse.

Chew up a piece of tootsie roll and put on an old school mouse trap. Mouse can't get it off. Been catching mice for 3 years on the same piece of tootsie roll.
I'd only every trust my MOAL with this guy:

He's literally giving me the middle finger.

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if you bait a trap like this one does he get the bait out without firing? Shove some fat from cooked bacon under there. he may get it out 2 of 3 times but the 3ed......... and then victor makes a different trap the victor quick kill. if there getting your bait of the old school victors this one will get them. Caught 100s of mice and yes every now and then you get a smart one. so far ive won ever time and usually its the old school victors and bait shoved under the rolled portion of the trigger real hard. like i said 2 of 3 times a smart one can get it off without firing it but the 3ed........

if you watch youtube vids of mice working a trap they are very slow and cautious about it and litterly lick the bait off.
And that is the reason the bait is placed under the trigger. The trap is not sprung by the teeth or tongue, but with the top of the head .
There is a popular type of mice trap, most I’ve ever seen are made of plastic. They are meant to catch the mice as they travel by. It’s like a pinch clamp. I’m sure most everyone on this thread knows which I’m speaking of.

I had a bad mice problem in an old mill house I was living in. Eventually they quit touching the standard style traps. Then I started laying out the types of traps I was speaking about above. Started catching some again, and eventually they faded out. Soon after I witnessed 3 mice traveling a wall single file, and they literally one after another leaped through the traps like circus mice. I then started putting small pieces of wood under each one making them each different heights. That was the ticket. They just couldn’t figure it out. If they leaped through one, the next always got em.

Not sure if such technique could be performed in your scenario but if I was seeing sign I’d try something like that along that wall.

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There is a popular type of mice trap, most I’ve ever seen are made of plastic. They are meant to catch the mice as they travel by. It’s like a pinch clamp. I’m sure most everyone on this thread knows which I’m speaking of.

I had a bad mice problem in an old mill house I was living in. Eventually they quit touching the standard style traps. Then I started laying out the types of traps I was speaking about above. Started catching some again, and eventually they faded out. Soon after I witnessed 3 mice traveling a wall single file, and they literally one after another leaped through the traps like circus mice. I then started putting small pieces of wood under each one making them each different heights. That was the ticket. They just couldn’t figure it out. If they leaped through one, the next always got em.

Not sure if such technique could be performed in your scenario but if I was seeing sign I’d try something like that along that wall.

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the better mouse trap?
the better mouse trap?

I attribute the success I had with placing those different traps I started using at different heights. For whatever reason they wouldn’t go around them. They’d either try walking through them or jump through them. I guess placing them at different heights would throw them off. At that time they quit touching the types of traps that I’d refer to as standard (like the types I’d see in cartoons). I don’t know anything about mice, but what I had witnessed made it seem to me like they were learning or communicating. I’d of never of thought of doing this if I hadn’t seen them jumping through them after catching 10 or more with them just placed on the ground.

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if you bait a trap like this one does he get the bait out without firing? Shove some fat from cooked bacon under there. he may get it out 2 of 3 times but the 3ed......... and then victor makes a different trap the victor quick kill. if there getting your bait of the old school victors this one will get them. Caught 100s of mice and yes every now and then you get a smart one. so far ive won ever time and usually its the old school victors and bait shoved under the rolled portion of the trigger real hard. like i said 2 of 3 times a smart one can get it off without firing it but the 3ed........

if you watch youtube vids of mice working a trap they are very slow and cautious about it and litterly lick the bait off.
So far this one hasent touched the bait on any traps.

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Awesome. Just sent it to my kid....

which, now that I think of it might not have been a good idea... her nickname has been 'mouse' since she was about 3 days old...

but now that I think about it, she has as dark a sense of humour as me, so she'll love it...