How to catch an untrapable mouse.

I was thinking the same thing when I read this thread the other day..

I found it!

It was actually a pretty good ending. I remember being disappointed he didn't get it stuffed or get some better pictures, but in retrospect it was a good ending, and I am proud of my brother @3forks.
The plot thickens....

3 days, no dead mouse. No mouse poop. No sign of the mouse who has been laughing at us for more than a month now.

Maybe he read this thread and saw himself out?

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It's been a day. An updated is required.
I found it!

It was actually a pretty good ending. I remember being disappointed he didn't get it stuffed or get some better pictures, but in retrospect it was a good ending, and I am proud of my brother @3forks.
Haha! I can empathize with the OP and his uncatchable mouse issue!

The ending to my saga was indeed anticlimactic, but there is a noteworthy update…

Over the last couple of summers, we only had a few and very isolated issues with rats in the garden; and I was able to quickly catch them using a long spring trap buried in a shallow hole under the tomato the rat was eating at night.

Also, my old bird dog died, and we adopted a cow dog mix from a Navajo reservation in NM. Turns out, the dog is a vermin catching machine! The dog prefers to sleep outside and would post up in the garden. A couple of times, the dog has caught a rat on his own, but any rat that ended up just caught by a leg in the long spring was quickly dispatched by our new dog.

Between the hard earned education I got dealing with my uncatchable rat, and our new dog, I almost wished I had another next level intelligent rat to try and kill.

However, my wife has essentially put a period at the end of our rat problem and my chances at matching wits with another challenging rat to catch. You see, one time last summer I was out of town and our dog brought a rat he had caught into the house. With me not being home, my wife had to get the dead rat away from our dog, but he was reluctant to give it up and a chase through the house and a game of tug of war with my wife trying to use oven mitts as gloves ensued.

Fast forward a few weeks and about $5k later… my wife had the old wood deck that any critters would live under torn out and replaced with a concrete patio. As a result, other than a rat coming in from a neighboring property, I really don’t think we’ll have any future rodent issues.
Haha! I can empathize with the OP and his uncatchable mouse issue!

The ending to my saga was indeed anticlimactic, but there is a noteworthy update…

Over the last couple of summers, we only had a few and very isolated issues with rats in the garden; and I was able to quickly catch them using a long spring trap buried in a shallow hole under the tomato the rat was eating at night.

Also, my old bird dog died, and we adopted a cow dog mix from a Navajo reservation in NM. Turns out, the dog is a vermin catching machine! The dog prefers to sleep outside and would post up in the garden. A couple of times, the dog has caught a rat on his own, but any rat that ended up just caught by a leg in the long spring was quickly dispatched by our new dog.

Between the hard earned education I got dealing with my uncatchable rat, and our new dog, I almost wished I had another next level intelligent rat to try and kill.

However, my wife has essentially put a period at the end of our rat problem and my chances at matching wits with another challenging rat to catch. You see, one time last summer I was out of town and our dog brought a rat he had caught into the house. With me not being home, my wife had to get the dead rat away from our dog, but he was reluctant to give it up and a chase through the house and a game of tug of war with my wife trying to use oven mitts as gloves ensued.

Fast forward a few weeks and about $5k later… my wife had the old wood deck that any critters would live under torn out and replaced with a concrete patio. As a result, other than a rat coming in from a neighboring property, I really don’t think we’ll have any future rodent issues.

What's the new dog's name? Hopefully something like Colonel Hans Landa?
What's the new dog's name? Hopefully something like Colonel Hans Landa?
Ha! Quentin Tarantino’s movies didn‘t provide any inspiration for naming the dog, but a book by A.B. Guthrie did.

The dog’s name is Boone, and we recently got him a buddy, also from a reservation and his name is Jerry Jeff.

Jerry Jeff is a mouser too, and both love to hunt mice in deep snow like coyotes do.

So I don’t derail the OP’s thread any further, I’ll get it back on track by suggesting that he should look into getting a rez dog if he can’t catch this mouse himself.


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I lived in a 400sf Colorado mountain cabin, ->built on grade<-, for nearly 13 years before my now wife and I decided to build a the same location.

Anyway, I waged war on mice and pack rats, every single day of those 13 years.
If I slacked for a week, it would set me back a month.

For mice, my best weapon was the Victor traps with yellow cheese trigger pad, and my late Vizsla.
You’re my boy, Blue!

Blue was the best mouser you’d ever met.
Better that 5 barn cats.
He would tiptoe into the kitchen, so his nails didn’t make noise, and at times stay actually on point for no bullshit 2 hours.

Between the two of us, we probably killed over 1000 mice.
Rats were way more difficult, but a heck of sight to watch Blue tear one up!IMG_5352.png
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Since I have posted this thread, there is no sign of the mouse. He has plauged us for 3 months and now he's no where to be found.

I found a trap set off in the bathroom today, empty and got excited that there was some action, but the kids informed me the cat had set it off.

Trust me the trail cam has crossed my mind, and I would set one up but he hasn't been around. If he shows back up I will dust off an old Moultrie and catch him in action.

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Since I have posted this thread, there is no sign of the mouse. He has plauged us for 3 months and now he's no where to be found.

I found a trap set off in the bathroom today, empty and got excited that there was some action, but the kids informed me the cat had set it off.

Trust me the trail cam has crossed my mind, and I would set one up but he hasn't been around. If he shows back up I will dust off an old Moultrie and catch him in action.

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Could it be the mouse is a WKR and has learned of your schemes!!??
We have a mouse in the house. We have had mice before. I know how to catch mice. I have waged war and slaughtered them. This mouse is different. He is untrapable.

He only shows evidence in our master bathroom. Poop and pee stains on the white tile floor. One minute there will be a clean floor. 2 minutes later there will be poop on the floor, broad daylight while everyone is home.

One time I was pinching one off, and when I was done I stood up to wash my hands and there was mouse poop right behind where my feet would have been while I was pooping. That mouse poop wasn't there before I sat down to poop. Now, it's getting personal.

I've put as many as 10 glue traps scattered across the bathroom floor overnight, only to wake up to mouse poop in between the traps.

I've set classic mouse traps with everything from peanutbutter, to cheese, to cookies, to Oatmeal. He will poop right next to the traps and not touch them.

I have a live trap with food in it. He won't go in.

I have a cat, that kills mice. I don't even think she knows this one exists.

Please help.

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Fill a 5 gallon bucket 1/2 way with water. Drop enough birdseed (lots of sunflower seed) to cover the surface. Dollop of peanut butter on top. Use scrap board to build a ramp to the top of the bucket.

Mouse will jump in.
If you have one of the older type Victor traps which have a 4 way trigger, place the peanut butter in a glob under the trigger on the wood. Get it as close to the pivot point as possible.
Since I have posted this thread, there is no sign of the mouse. He has plauged us for 3 months and now he's no where to be found.

I found a trap set off in the bathroom today, empty and got excited that there was some action, but the kids informed me the cat had set it off.

Trust me the trail cam has crossed my mind, and I would set one up but he hasn't been around. If he shows back up I will dust off an old Moultrie and catch him in action.

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So he reads rokslide?! Oh now we gotta meet this mouse
My wife told me she found poop under the kitchen sink cabinet 2 days ago. I'm going to set traps elsewhere around the house and see what I turn up.

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Best method I’ve found is super gluing a piece of dog food to the trigger of a trap. Impossible to remove without triggering. Haven’t had it fail yet

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He's literally giving me the middle finger.

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