How to catch an untrapable mouse.

Did you try good old fashioned cheese on a classic mousetrap? Go old school! Put facing a wall/corner near where you see sign (mouse droppings). Wear rubber gloves handling the trap to avoid human scent. Don't let him see you place it hahaha. I had one of these and this is all the crazy shit I googled and tried. Persistence will pay off. Weird he's not touching the bait though, mine would get the bait every time without triggering the trap. The newfangled ones aren't as sensitive as the classic.
I agree. The old Victors with the bent metal trip pan were the best. You could bend/modify the pan so they were super sensitive.
Blow Pop, cookie, and a Red Ryder got this one! :LOL:

Got him in my daughters room one morning before work. She was about 3 and didn't know she wasn't supposed to use bait in her trash can.

You need to bait the trap with the wiring harness from a 2023 Ford F-250 Limited. No mouse can resist that!
Surprisingly... apparently A LOT of BMW owners have problems with mice stripping the sheathing off electrical wiring in the engine compartment.
Remember the one guy who was posting about some epic battle with a rat getting in his garden and we were all pumped up and then it kinda fizzled out? Maybe he stopped posting or he gave up or something?
You may be baiting too heavy. Try standard old school mouse trap. Add just enough PB to fill the tiny hole in the pan and then dust the pan and trap bottom with flour. Make them work for the bait and they'll get caught.
Remember the one guy who was posting about some epic battle with a rat getting in his garden and we were all pumped up and then it kinda fizzled out? Maybe he stopped posting or he gave up or something?

Maybe the hunter got hunted....
If we had a lot of money I’d vote to hire the pigeon shooting dude with the awesome air rifles, although the old rat shooter in England is probably more in our budget. Lol
The plot thickens....

3 days, no dead mouse. No mouse poop. No sign of the mouse who has been laughing at us for more than a month now.

Maybe he read this thread and saw himself out?

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Perhaps you should consider using a 1964 .270. Also, hike 90# of those traps 13 miles one way, past a bunch of old fatties, up past 13,000’, where you have a MOAL base camp.
Remember the one guy who was posting about some epic battle with a rat getting in his garden and we were all pumped up and then it kinda fizzled out? Maybe he stopped posting or he gave up or something?

I was thinking the same thing when I read this thread the other day..