As a % of your income, how much do you spend on hunting or hunting related gear annually? Let's include everything - gas or flights for travel, outfitter costs, gear purchases, tags, etc.
Since our tax situations are all gonna be different let's base the % off of our gross annual income, before taxes. And I know each year can vary quite a bit depending on a big gear purchase 1 year, or a big outfitted trip 1 year, etc. but maybe just average all that over a longer window of time to get an idea on an annual budget.
This will also depend on what stage of your hunting life your are in. For example, I just started hunting about 3 years ago, so my number has been pretty high as I accumulate gear. Might be good to include that as well. I always thought it would be interesting to see if I am spending way more than I should or not on this pursuit, compared to others.
So for example, in the last few years, I've done a few shorter outfitted hunts, some DIY hunts, and being a new hunter, have been slowly building up on gear and I would say I am at 2-2.5% of my gross income is hunting related spend. I'm hoping his drops off considerably in a few years once I have more of the core gear I need.
Since our tax situations are all gonna be different let's base the % off of our gross annual income, before taxes. And I know each year can vary quite a bit depending on a big gear purchase 1 year, or a big outfitted trip 1 year, etc. but maybe just average all that over a longer window of time to get an idea on an annual budget.
This will also depend on what stage of your hunting life your are in. For example, I just started hunting about 3 years ago, so my number has been pretty high as I accumulate gear. Might be good to include that as well. I always thought it would be interesting to see if I am spending way more than I should or not on this pursuit, compared to others.
So for example, in the last few years, I've done a few shorter outfitted hunts, some DIY hunts, and being a new hunter, have been slowly building up on gear and I would say I am at 2-2.5% of my gross income is hunting related spend. I'm hoping his drops off considerably in a few years once I have more of the core gear I need.