How much hunting does your wife let you get by with?


Jun 12, 2019
As much as I want... If I want to go or a buddy asks me to go of course I make sure/check to make sure we don't have any plans but there is no "can I go hunting" discussion. Of course there are the 3 weeks or so I have to "let" her go hunting on her annual trips. Guess you could say I chose wisely.

I feel really bad for the guys that HAVE to live by the "happy wife happy life...." motto when it actually means giving up their own enjoyment because there wives have no hobbies of their own and can't be alone for 2 minutes. Which in my opinon is the VAST majority of guys that use that phrase.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 24, 2012
Kun Lunn, Iceland
Tomorrow mrs turns 57 we met when she was 17…..did I get lucky hell yeah 🤙 there was a time I had 3 elk tags for 15 yrs and hunted 40 plus days a yr no questions asked…that being said I always made sure to balance things the rest of the year. Their is a balance in life and marriage choose wisely💯…good luck hunting🤙


Jul 15, 2020
Not married, but been in a relationship for awhile. Usually get out for a handful of day hunts and long weekends. I always plan to have at least 1 7-10 day backpacking trip each year. Just try to make sure things are good at home and the honey-do list is as complete as possible.


Mar 14, 2017
As much as I want... If I want to go or a buddy asks me to go of course I make sure/check to make sure we don't have any plans but there is no "can I go hunting" discussion. Of course there are the 3 weeks or so I have to "let" her go hunting on her annual trips. Guess you could say I chose wisely.

I feel really bad for the guys that HAVE to live by the "happy wife happy life...." motto when it actually means giving up their own enjoyment because there wives have no hobbies of their own and can't be alone for 2 minutes. Which in my opinon is the VAST majority of guys that use that phrase.
Spot on.

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Sep 8, 2021
Just curious what everyone else runs into, I've got one buddy that can barely get 2 days for rifle deer season.
I know that you didn’t ask if this is normal(barely being allowed 2 days to hunt), but I just want to say THAT IS NOT NORMAL! Your friend is stuck with a real winner from the sounds of it.

Unless they have a farm, a high needs child(or maybe a bunch of little kids?), or a team of sled dogs, this is far from normal. Hell, here in Alaska, even a team of sled dogs isn’t an excuse for the wife to keep her husband home.

If a wife/girlfriend flips out over a guy leaving for a few days to hunt, then she likely has major unresolved issues. Unfortunately, I speak from experience as I tend to attract(or am attracted to?) women with attachment issues.

Luckily I have only ran into a couple of women like this, but after looking at what other guys go through, it’s obviously fairly common. Both of the ex-GFs that had this issue had followed the same pattern: both were the independent type(both registered nurses) they were excited as the trip neared, even sent me off to the airport with a specially cooked meal, texted a couple of times the first few days and everything was fine. Then about the third day they start to fall apart, acting upset if you didn’t get their text and answer right away, pissed if you were out of cell range all day, etc. And it continues for the rest of the trip, and casts a shadow on the relationship once home. Those two didn’t last long...

I mention this because it is a real thing and there are a lot of these women out there. BTW, both of this gals made up all kinds of excuses for their neediness, and swore that they loved me hunting and had no problem with me being gone hunting, etc. Both promised that it wouldn’t be a problem “next time”... I gave one a second chance, only to see her fall apart in the same way. The other I just took a long hard look at the relationship and walked away.

Just remember boys: a good women is one of the greatest blessings a man can have and will enrich your life in many, many ways. Getting mixed up with a bad woman can literally ruin your life, absolutely ruin your entire life.

Choose wisely fellas.
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Dec 19, 2021
Central Michigan
30 years ago, she got me what was called a Sportsmans License for a wedding gift. She knew what she was getting into!! :cool:

Now, I hunt in our backyard. I go out as often as I want with no complaints.
Jun 15, 2016
We are very fortunate to own some land in my hometown of Georgia that has been in my family since the 1950s. My wife usually comes with me in the fall and winter. I don't even hunt most of the time.....I enjoy working on the land just as much/more than hunting, and can't sit too long in a deer stand unless it's during the rut.

I just started western hunting a few years ago, but I generally am on pace to go on a elk hunt every other year, and a sheep hunt every 5 years.

I have friends who go on several out of state hunts per year, and I don't know how they pull it off, but.....I think it is human nature to apply our own limitations (time, money, etc.) to how we perceive other people's arrangement. But "how much you get to hunt" is like finances (bank accounts - joint vs separate).....every marriage and family is different and has a different set of circumstances.


Apr 11, 2020
The wife has no problem with me hunting as much as I want. Its the little kids at home (2&4) who it bothers. Hearing them say how much they miss you and when are you coming home can really make a guy rethink his priorities
Jul 30, 2015
Lenexa, KS
When I consider who I was before I got married, and who I am now, I have traded a lot of my old self to maintain my relationship with my wife and then have children. All willing choices, sacrifices. That is to say if I wasn't willing I'd have ended my relationship.

Early on she told me I could hunt as much as I wanted. After kids there is sometimes some grumbling. But she never 'forbids' me to go. It's more of a discussion, and I consider her perspective and the impacts of my decisions, and I make a decision.

Lately both of my kids have been having some struggles at school/daycare, ADHD type stuff, and school/daycare staff doesn't really know how to handle them (they're great kids at home, so it is our perception it's environmental). My mother in law suggested I cancel my elk hunt, and I firmly told her I'm still going elk hunting, that it's important to me and I need that time for myself. My wife was completely supportive.

I bust my ass all year being a GREAT father and pretty good husband and I earn my time, and that is to say I take the time guilt free. It is earned, deserved, and needed.

During grumbling sessions I have often said things like "you get the kids to 8 years old, and then they'll be going with me." In reality, my son recently turned 8, and my daughter is 4, and I've already been taking them on overnight river floats in the Ozarks, on scouting trips to Colorado, and fishing trips to Wyoming. And my wife gets more time for herself. I have stayed true to my word, and even exceeded my commitments.

In summary, my advice is to be true to yourself, earn whatever time off you need, and I hope you didn't jump into a relationship without discussing these important topics ahead of time.
Aug 4, 2014
Phoenix, Az
A few days ago I told my wife maybe I should turn in my tag due to gas prices. She got mad and told me to go
Sounds like she needs you gone for some reason. If your landscaping looks real nice when you return, ask questions. J/k

Guys that call the wife, the warden or the boss make me thankful for what I have. Seems like some married into an unhappy life. If you both can't do what you love, it won't last more than likely. I hunt atleast 20-30 nights out of the year. Proper planning is a must and encouraging her to go do something in the off-season is key. Most women do not have lives outside of kids and family. Encourage girl trips.


Apr 21, 2022
Shouldn't have to ask permission to do anything you want to do. Outside of hunting season make sure to do the things she wants to do, complete jobs around the house she wants done, and be present. As long as you make sure the bills are paid and the family is taken care of she has no right telling you if you can or can't go hunting. Your wife isn't your boss, she's your partner.


Dec 25, 2012
When I consider who I was before I got married, and who I am now, I have traded a lot of my old self to maintain my relationship with my wife and then have children. All willing choices, sacrifices. That is to say if I wasn't willing I'd have ended my relationship.

Early on she told me I could hunt as much as I wanted. After kids there is sometimes some grumbling. But she never 'forbids' me to go. It's more of a discussion, and I consider her perspective and the impacts of my decisions, and I make a decision.

I bust my ass all year being a GREAT father and pretty good husband and I earn my time, and that is to say I take the time guilt free. It is earned, deserved, and needed.

Kids definitely change things. I know where you're coming from.


Sep 15, 2020
My wife is a saint, lets me do borderline anything I want as long as I check in while I'm gone and as long as I plan it in advance. She does better with large blocks of time (multi-day trips) than the weekend warrior thing. As long as I communicate at the beginning of my application season and as I draw tags and plan it well in advance, she's good with it. It helps that she grew up in Montana in a dyed in the wool hunting family, for sure. It also helps that at the same time as I was planning my hunts, she and I booked a cruise for next February, so she feels like I'm also taking the time for her that she wants. So as long as I communicate early on, communicate a bit while I'm gone, she will let me do basically whatever I want as far as hunting is concerned.

Justin Crossley

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Buckley, WA
A couple of things we do that make it easy in our house. Everything is scheduled on a shared Google calendar, so there aren't any surprises or missed obligations. We have regularly scheduled activities that my wife enjoys. For example, I go with her and her dad every Tuesday to trivia night at our favorite brewery.

The trick is being PRESENT when you're home or spending time with your wife.

To answer the OP's question, I have no limit on how much time I can spend doing what I want.
Sep 22, 2013
My advice? Never stop wearing the pants. Go whenever you want. Tell her up front that's how it's gonna be. Then there's no problem.