How much for hunting club\lease dues?

I have been in a lease for a few years thats about $20/acre. Its a little over 550 acres/8 members but only 3 are active on Whitetail and turkey. The others are there for the Geese. I stay in mostly because its a nice group of guys and it is convenient for taking kids.
You guys hunting deer on leases, how man deer can you kill per year? I know some areas are pretty liberal. We bat our eyes out here over paying for deer, but we only get one.
You guys hunting deer on leases, how man deer can you kill per year? I know some areas are pretty liberal. We bat our eyes out here over paying for deer, but we only get one.
I dont view it as paying for deer though. I am paying for convenience really. Having a place to take my younger kids to work with them is worth it to me,
You guys hunting deer on leases, how man deer can you kill per year? I know some areas are pretty liberal. We bat our eyes out here over paying for deer, but we only get one.
As many as legally allowed by our state. On our lease the biologist told us to take out 50-60 doe last year on 3500 acres. We are lucky to take 30 doe. I took two bucks and two doe on that property. That was enough to fill my needs for venison. I spent a good amount of time up there and not only was the hunting great but I had a great time with all the other members. To me it is worth every penny I spend on that lifestyle. Its a long season Including bow season its October thru Middle of Feb. Starts in September if you toss in a scouting trip. Not much in the way of public hunting where
i live or hunt.
I see a lot of posts on this and other forums of hunters complaining about ranchers, hikers, atv riders and other users of public property as well as not drawing tags. I don't have that problem on my deer lease.
deer leases work best if your area has few public opportunities and you want to spend four months hunting deer.
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I live in what used to be a destination county for deer. In the last 5 years we've had wolves blow up, wildfire and 2 rounds of blue tongue. I have not seen a whitetail deer in 2 years within 30 miles and mule deer population is about 15% of what it used to be just 10 years ago.

We are in a bad spot. I am jealous. We rely on elk now.
You guys hunting deer on leases, how man deer can you kill per year? I know some areas are pretty liberal. We bat our eyes out here over paying for deer, but we only get one.
We get 5 tags tags with out BG license my club is also enrolled in antlerless program with the state. That gives us an additional 60 doe tags to be used on the ground enrolled in the program.

It's used to be a buck a day state didnt issue tags it was the honor

I think I can buy 2 more buck tags, have to be outside the ears, and as many doe tags as I want. Season goes from 8-15 to 1-1.
I stopped going when it went over $3,000/yr. Drama club is a great way to describe it.

You seem to be getting a good opportunity - ducks, deer, turkey, etc. - place stay, etc. I was gonna guess $5,000/yr and 20-50 members.

Funny how some western hunters don't account for scent trails - around here the deer will not cross them once hunting starts. They walk up to em, stand around, try to follow you or just sneak away, never to be seen again.