If you like every duck you’ve tried, then I assure you you’ll like coots too. Sure, they have a bad name, and people say they taste like mud, but what I’ve found is the majority of the people that talk down about them haven’t tried them. When I get wild game, the goal is to not only save the delicacies, it’s to figure out how to make it all edible (even if that means a little more doctoring for certain animals/parts). To me, a good duck gets plucked and cooked whole or breasts just seared in the cast iron and that’s the main course. A bad duck still gets eaten, it’s just in the way of poppers or philly steaks. Coot will fit that bill no problem, and it adds another pile of birds to your freezer.In Europe they hang them by the feet for like 5 days not something I do. I have eaten them all but coots( not that desperate) haven’t found one I don’t like yet. Northern mallards skin on in the cast iron is tough to beat. I also like liver and onions. Waterfowl is my favorite game meat.
Edit: coot gizzards and hearts are just as good as any other duck’s too. Those are probably the best parts!