How many hunters out there are Christians?

Glad to see this thread. The presents of a loving God is everywhere. Sometimes it is hard to see when turmoil runs our daily lives. Everyone has a story, some easy some down right awful. Regardless of personal history God is good. Though I've been in his hands for a long time my experience with my first child has cemented me in his will. Always tough but the gift of salvation given to me is not taken lightly. No one is worthy, but though Christ alone the grand canyon between Heaven and Hell has been bridged. What a walk it will be!!!

Did want to add to this. During a dark time for me this is the passage I drew strength from. Maybe it can help someone.

1 Thes: 5 16-18
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I have gone to a christian church my entire life, but my understanding of faith finally came together in my time spent alone in the wilderness of Alaska. So much in fact, I am currently writing a book on hunting in Alaska, and about half the stories boil down to the amazing creations that I have witnessed and thus it's Creator.

When you spend a week, and even better a few months, in true wilderness, where nothing is marred or touched by man, and you realize every detail that you see was designed for a purpose; that is incredibly powerful. Soon you realize all the blessing in your life, and you also realize that you are no more important that a blade of grass or a single pebble. Humbling isn't a strong enough word for it.

Just like a string of brown bear tracks on a sandy beach, the Pacific tides will rise again and wash us all away. Time in the wild allows us to fully appreciate our blessings and abilities, and allows us to remain focused on what is REALLY important in life, and beyond.
I'm brand new to this forum and this is my first post. I was so excited to see this discussion on the new posts section. I am a Christian, but I've never been very proactive about taking material with me on hunts. There are some great ideas on here and I think it would definitely be powerful to have something prepared by a loving wife. I'm going on a week long fishing trip in Canada in June and plan to pass this along to my wife.

What a cool way to start a my involvement with a group of people who have the same interests as I do. Thanks to everyone for their willingness to share.
I like to have conversations with the Lord like he is on the hunt with me. Like others have said I've had some good talks with the Lord while hunting and seeing his creations. I always like it when I see something that is awesome and it's like "Wow, that is really cool, I like what you did there God."
I always like it when I see something that is awesome and it's like "Wow, that is really cool, I like what you did there God."

I say the same thing when a pretty girl walks by.

As far as the meaning of the thread, I'm what Johnny Cash likes to call a "walking contradiction". From birth to 30 I never stepped foot into a church. I managed to marry a wonderful Christian lady and I've been going to church twice on Sunday and every Wednesday for the last 7 years. 30 years of the world makes your head challenge what the pastor is saying sometimes. I believe the message of the bible is solid I just haven't been able to convince myself of where the message comes from.

The latest challenge tells me I have to believe in the literal Genesis and the world is 6,000 years old. Apparently if I don't then I can't believe the rest of the bible because I have blown out the foundation. I didn't see anywhere in Genesis 1 thru 11 where God told Moses how old the earth is.

I have gone to a christian church my entire life, but my understanding of faith finally came together in my time spent alone in the wilderness of Alaska. So much in fact, I am currently writing a book on hunting in Alaska, and about half the stories boil down to the amazing creations that I have witnessed and thus it's Creator.

When you spend a week, and even better a few months, in true wilderness, where nothing is marred or touched by man, and you realize every detail that you see was designed for a purpose; that is incredibly powerful. Soon you realize all the blessing in your life, and you also realize that you are no more important that a blade of grass or a single pebble. Humbling isn't a strong enough word for it.

Just like a string of brown bear tracks on a sandy beach, the Pacific tides will rise again and wash us all away. Time in the wild allows us to fully appreciate our blessings and abilities, and allows us to remain focused on what is REALLY important in life, and beyond.

+1.. Time in the wilderness has allowed me to make great strides in my walk.. Its nice to get away and reflect. Look forward to reading your book.
wv hunter, hang in there. i know how you feel. if i cant see it feel it touch it smell it etc i have a hard time believing its real. and there are some things in the bible you will probably always struggle with or not understand. thats where faith comes in. its either all true and real or none of it is. so if the overwhelming majority is right then you can trust the stuff you dont understand.
I say the same thing when a pretty girl walks by.

As far as the meaning of the thread, I'm what Johnny Cash likes to call a "walking contradiction". From birth to 30 I never stepped foot into a church. I managed to marry a wonderful Christian lady and I've been going to church twice on Sunday and every Wednesday for the last 7 years. 30 years of the world makes your head challenge what the pastor is saying sometimes. I believe the message of the bible is solid I just haven't been able to convince myself of where the message comes from.

The latest challenge tells me I have to believe in the literal Genesis and the world is 6,000 years old. Apparently if I don't then I can't believe the rest of the bible because I have blown out the foundation. I didn't see anywhere in Genesis 1 thru 11 where God told Moses how old the earth is.


Modern science puts the earth in the 4.5 billion year range.
A3d, I'll let you know that the quote you have by Nietzsche in your sig is from one of his works of philosophy denouncing christianity/Judaism/Islam all other organized religion.
Whether 6000 years or billions of years, both viewpoints (and everything in between) rest on faith and assumptions. Those who hold to billions of years trust that methods such as radiometric dating are reliable and that nothing has occurred in history that may have disrupted the normal decay of radio-isotopes. Those who hold to 6000 years trust that the Bible is true and that other factors explain the “apparent” age of the earth, such as the global flood, or God’s creating the universe in a state that “appears” to give it a very long age. A example would be Adam and Eve being created as adults. One would think upon "inspection" they were more than several years old.
I choose to put my faith in God who has revealed Himself, and met my needs through multiple means more than once in my life.
Whether 6000 years or billions of years, both viewpoints (and everything in between) rest on faith and assumptions. Those who hold to billions of years trust that methods such as radiometric dating are reliable and that nothing has occurred in history that may have disrupted the normal decay of radio-isotopes. Those who hold to 6000 years trust that the Bible is true and that other factors explain the “apparent” age of the earth, such as the global flood, or God’s creating the universe in a state that “appears” to give it a very long age. A example would be Adam and Eve being created as adults. One would think upon "inspection" they were more than several years old.
I choose to put my faith in God who has revealed Himself, and met my needs through multiple means more than once in my life.

Well... I won't argue with your faith. You can believe whatever you wish, and that is the way anyone can think. But will you discount the fact that the dinosaurs existed 65 million years ago? What about all the fossils of neanderthals that are aged 30,000 years and all of the other anthropologic finds?
A3d, I'll let you know that the quote you have by Nietzsche in your sig is from one of his works of philosophy denouncing christianity/Judaism/Islam all other organized religion.

Certainly not aware of that.
The quote came from reading about perseverance, which I see as being important in life and hunting.

What book is the quote from, google isn't pulling anything up for me.
Answers in Genesis is a great book explaing the "billions of years old theory" Again Evolution is just a theory,yet it is taught as fact.The bible also tells of dinosaurs.It refers to them as serpants and dragons.Just a few bones for thought. If we evolved from monkeys then why are their any? We share similar cell designs and organ to many other speices, Is it due to one creator? And finally, We are constantly finding items/places that are talked about in the Bible. Believer or not the Bible tells us we all will meet God one day.
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Answers in Genesis is a great book explaing the "billions of years old theory" Again Evolution is just a theory,yet it is taught as fact.The bible also tells of dinosaurs.It refers to them as serpants and dragons.Just a few bones for thought. If we evolved from monkeys then why are their any? We share similar cell designs and organ to many other speices, Is it due to one creator? And finally, We are constantly finding items/places that are talked about in the Bible. Believer or not the Bible tells us we all will meet God one day.

We didn't evolve from monkeys. I'm not going to go into the anthropology terms and listing all of the inner workings of our phylogenic tree leads to. If you think that if something evolves from something than there is only going to be one type explain why we have 6 species of deer... We could even say bears. Shouldn't there only be one type of bear? They are all closely related but cannot interbreed. You'll always believe what you wish and that is fine. But shaking a stick at modern science as such is all good and dandy from a religious standpoint, and many people do, but then when modern science is needed by those people I'm sure people will be quick on the wagon. Ever been in a hospital? Questioning methods of science that have been proven with many different techniques of dating items (I can list 7 proven item dating techniques) and fossils and artifacts cannot be ignored. Go ahead and read some Nietzsche along with your bible. I've read both, and I don't blindly follow one or the other. That is part of being rational. If you're going to argue rationally for your beliefs I suggest you read some Immanuel Kant he gives a logical rational defense of the Judao/Christian ethic (and proof of god) that is rather intriguing.