How do YOU shoot?

How do you shoot currently?

  • Firearm - One eye open

  • Firearm - Both eyes open

  • Firearm - Cross eyed dominant

  • Archery - One eye open

  • Archery - Both eyes open

  • Archery - Cross eyed dominant

  • I have "Balanced Visual Acuity" (You don't have a dominant eye.)

  • I use sticks and stones, so this doesn't apply

  • I'm so good, I shoot with my eyes closed.

Results are only viewable after voting.
The voting statistics in this poll are within a few percentage points of the nacho cheese versus cool Ranch Doritos poll. This suggests to my warped mind that one eyed shooters also like cool Ranch Doritos. I’m pretty confident I’m right…

I mean, I’m a one eyed shooter, and I like cool ranch