How do you justify sheep hunting?

I have been on a few hunting trips. Sheep being one of them. I look back at the time and money spent. The memories made.possibly retiring earlier if had saved the money and invested it? To this day I do not regret the money I've spent on hunting!! Others ask me how I justify it? I tell them ln 20 years I will tell you if I made the right decision.
To some, it means much and to some it means little. Many years ago, my grandpa and his neighbor went to the store. He placed a glass of snuff on the counter. The clerk said, “Mr. George, the price went up to 2 bits a glass”. He replied, “Well, they never have charged what it’s worth”
So this is someone who doesn't know much of anything.

I'm 32, wife and I both work, no kids (yet, praying that changes) but I've now expressed to my wife of two hunts I have huge desire to go on, a goat and sheep hunt. A goat hunt is actually a lot more attainable for myself then a sheep hunt, but, I'm going to try and do both. I work full time, but also have a side business I'm going to get going again, once we have no more debt, I'll be putting money away for a home and a sheep hunt. It's not or a status proof, ( I don't even have social media) it's to prove that I can do it. I'm going to do it, but I also won't put us finicially behind either. Some people want fancy things, or a lot of toys. I could careless, I'm even looking at selling off a few gujs to get only a couple. I'm willing to save up and have fewer toys than multiple fun stuff but nothing I really ever want. It's all about someone's priority, and at the end of the day, we all have different values and priorities, no one should be knocked or judge for what they do. As long as their family is taken care of.
Coming from Australia sheep is out of question for me. Mainly due to the conversion rate. A $30k hunt USD is $45 + in AUD dollars for me plus cost of charters etc.....

You can go to Asia and hunt Kazakhstan for $16k to $20k USD for Maral and Ibex and can add siberian roe deer for another fee. Kyrgyzstan can do Ibex and Siberian roe deer for lot less.
Mongolia is a bit more $$$ but can do a lot with $15k to $20k USD.
Can do three TUR species for $20k
$12k to $15k for a sheep in Kamchatka.

It took me 4 years to get enough courage to book an ibex/siberian roe deer hunt for 2024 and i regret not booking it earlier ( all up will be around $8500 USD , my tips will be done in AUD not to get hit with conversion rate )

. Just work within your limit ( spend what you can afford , do not base your goals what those hunting influencers do ) , book 4 to 5 years in advance and pay it off bit by bit and you do not feel it.
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This was a good read. I did my first sheep hunt in 2021. Yes it was a lot of money but it was a reward trip after selling a piece of our company. Agreed on many of the comments. I have never prepped so much beforehand. 2yrs of preparation and fitneaa. That experience plus the actual hunt which was incredible was well worth the adventure and if you want call it an investment. Was well worth the financial output.
On the flip side I haven't been able to justify spending 100k on stone sheep and will look for other opportunities for game with similiar terrain for a little less $$
Sheep hunting has always been the top hunt I wanted to do. That started over 10 years and back then I held off because the cost (hindsight I should have done it). Fast forward to last year, I said screw it I am going to do this hunt as I am not getting any younger and the cost keeps going up.

In the past few years, I have adapted a lifestyle that consist of if the bills are paid, money in savings and retirement it is time to enjoy life and the hard work I put in.

Booked a dall sheep hunt and went this past August. While I was not successful, this hunt had an entirely different meaning as I laid my dad to rest the week before I left. Having the chance to see God's creation and reflect, mourn and talk to my dad it was well worth it.

I have since booked another sheep hunt in NWT in 2025. Looking for a desert hunt to get on the books as well.
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Sheep hunting has always been the top hunt I wanted to do. That started over 10 years and back then I held off because the cost (hindsight I should have done it). Fast forward to last year, I said screw it I am going to do this hunt as I am not getting any younger and the cost keeps going up.

In the past few years, I have adapted a lifestyle of the bills are paid, money in savings and retirement it is time to enjoy life and the hard work I put in.

Booked a dall sheep hunt and went this past August. While I was not successful, this hunt had an entirely different meaning as I laid my dad to rest the week before I left. Having the chance to see God's creation and reflect, mourn and talk to my dad was well worth it.

I have since booked another sheep hunt in NWT in 2025. Looking for a desert hunt to get on the books as well.

Thank you for sharing this. Powerful.

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I have not yet killed a sheep and I have wanted a Dall ever since I could remember. As i grew older I never thought I would ever be able to afford a hunt and I lost interest. Well last year a friend went to NWT and shot a respectable ram and showed me the pictures and I got to hold the horns. I started researching and it has sparked my interest again. Like others mentioned the price is very high and I don't know how to justify it to others who don't really have the desire to. This is more of a life changing goal that I want to accomplish. While the money could be used for something else more responsible I will be able to save and pay for it just fine. I have been contemplating justification lately and came across this post today and maybe its a sign to follow what I want to do. You only get one life, so I am going to try and make the most of it. I have a trip booked for 2028 and I am excited as could be.
These topics always interest me. I personally justify hunting in general because it makes me happy. Work hard, play hard mentality. Most all of us lies with priorities on justification. Don't need a million dollar house, 100K pickup truck etc. Some people will try and justify those type expenses though. Life with only material things gets old and never fulfilling, experiences are an integral part of living.
These topics always interest me. I personally justify hunting in general because it makes me happy. Work hard, play hard mentality. Most all of us lies with priorities on justification. Don't need a million dollar house, 100K pickup truck etc. Some people will try and justify those type expenses though. Life with only material things gets old and never fulfilling, experiences are an integral part of living.

“Spend money on experiences, not things” some of the best advice ever given to me.

Is the experience of sheep hunting worth the cost? Depends on your finances and your individual motivations. Many people wouldn’t even enjoy a sheep hunt. For some, it’s the pinnacle experience.

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I have not yet killed a sheep and I have wanted a Dall ever since I could remember. As i grew older I never thought I would ever be able to afford a hunt and I lost interest. Well last year a friend went to NWT and shot a respectable ram and showed me the pictures and I got to hold the horns. I started researching and it has sparked my interest again. Like others mentioned the price is very high and I don't know how to justify it to others who don't really have the desire to. This is more of a life changing goal that I want to accomplish. While the money could be used for something else more responsible I will be able to save and pay for it just fine. I have been contemplating justification lately and came across this post today and maybe its a sign to follow what I want to do. You only get one life, so I am going to try and make the most of it. I have a trip booked for 2028 and I am excited as could be.
Congrats on booking your hunt! Who are you going with?
“Spend money on experiences, not things” some of the best advice ever given to me.

Is the experience of sheep hunting worth the cost? Depends on your finances and your individual motivations. Many people wouldn’t even enjoy a sheep hunt. For some, it’s the pinnacle experience.

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Well said. I think for me the real value was what/who I found in pursuit of that pinnacle. And that is something I now will be forever chasing.

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I think A lot of what we do as hunters and the amount of time/money we spend in its pursuit can never be fully understood by those that don’t.

I do not consider myself a sheep hunter yet because I have not gone on one, but do have 2 on the books (desert in Mexico that I won in a raffle and dall in NWT 2027). When I first started looking into sheep hunting, I thought to myself, “Man! What is wrong with these people paying that kind of money to hunt a damn sheep??” And here am I now.

The more I looked into it after spending some time in BC after moose, it just called to me and the experiences you hear from those fortunate to have gone on hunts, sucked me in right away. I would have never ever imagined spending money like that on a hunt, but I worked my butt off to get where I am, have the full support of my wife to go on the hunts (despite having 2 young children), and the decisions we’ve made financially will not put us in any sort of bind (especially since the hunt is a few years out) so I figured, why freaking not while I’m young and able to physically do the hunts.

I think the most important thing is not putting your loved ones well-being at risk financially to go on a hunt and as long as you aren’t doing that, get after them!
@ssgjpd and @Ramem7mm - congrats to you both; if I was a betting man you won't have single regret- except maybe you wish you had done it even sooner :D
Thanks, My first trip this past August was everything I could think of and more. Looking forward to the next one, the one after the next and so on. Really kicking myself in the butt for delaying, but heck now is better than never.
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