how do you afford the gear


May 16, 2012
It is a serious question I have a little stash that I add to a little every paycheck but I don't see myself ever getting enough to even come close to paying for a pack in a year or anything like that and usually my fund gets rerouted as a refridgerator or something like that breaks. Just curious of some other ways to get better gear and yes I watch bargain sites and stuff like that.


Jul 17, 2012
Hilliard Florida
Outside of hunting I live minimalist cheap. I paid $800 for the '95 ranger I drive , buy my cloths at goodwill and all the meat and fish I eat I kill. I trade with one of my girlfriends who gardens fish and game for veggies. I live in a dump in a so-so part of town for cheap rent. But when I go hunting there are two rifle and scope sets about $3500 each in that ranger and all the gear you could want :) It's all in your priorities. I'm divorced and just keep a few FWB no "real" girlfriends. When friends say "I can't go this week , mama wants..." I say to myself I have seen the promised land.. free at last free at last!


Feb 25, 2012
Outside of hunting I live minimalist cheap. I paid $800 for the '95 ranger I drive , buy my cloths at goodwill and all the meat and fish I eat I kill. I trade with one of my girlfriends who gardens fish and game for veggies. I live in a dump in a so-so part of town for cheap rent. But when I go hunting there are two rifle and scope sets about $3500 each in that ranger and all the gear you could want :) It's all in your priorities. I'm divorced and just keep a few FWB no "real" girlfriends. When friends say "I can't go this week , mama wants..." I say to myself I have seen the promised land.. free at last free at last!

I am very similar,minus the girlfriend part, im happily married :) lol

I spend almost nothing on the basics,

I have a crappy pair of running shoes with the soles half hanging off, but i have lowa tibet hiking boots.
I have boxers with holes in them, but i wear icebreaker merino boxers when hunting.
I dont even own a jacket that isnt a hunting jacket.

I spend most of my expendable income on hunting and fishing, my buddies always ask how i can afford it and i say simple

you have the nicest tv's and surround sound money can buy, you have a $1000 lawnmower, you go on crusies for vacation, you go the bar and blow $200 bucks ina weekend, thats a new pair of pants, etc, thats why you have shitty hunting gear....

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Apr 23, 2012
Helena, MT
No cable tv, no car payments and this is my only hobby which encompasses a lot of other mini-hobbies like 3d, hiking, etc.
Feb 28, 2012
Selling old gear to pay for a lot of the new gear, not going to ball games all the time, watching discretionary spending so I can have more to use on gear if I need it. Also have learned you don't always need the latest and greatest.


Rokslide Sponsor
Mar 8, 2012
I have paid off $40k in the past 3 years. I used cheap gear for a long time, but when you make the decision to live below your income and get debt free well, it becomes easier to save. I have more debt to pay off, but I am a lot closer to debt free than I was a couple years ago.

I drive a 96 Oldsmolbile, which gets great gas milage. I live in a trailer for the time being, while we save for our down payment on a house.

I sell old gear that I don't use, even if I will only be getting 5 dollars for it. In fact I have a Tigoat 5 that is going to get the axe, any takers?

If times get tight, I cut things out like coffee and eating out. I take on extra work when possible.

I also make it a priority that my wife will not have to sacrifice for my gear. If I make a purchase I have to plan for her to be able to buy some things that she has wanted. If I want to take a dall sheep hunt at some point in my life I need to plan to take her someplace special first.

However, to accomplish any these things we have to do our best to live debt free. My truck is paid off, its a whole lot easier to afford repairs when its paid off, and that doesn't cut into our play budget.

By the way, I am typing on my work laptop because it would cost too much to upgrade or buy new one. We will get them, when we can pay cash for them.

The simpler the lifestyle, and the better planned the budget is, the less likely a surprise bill will hurt you.


Feb 27, 2012
Western Kentucky
I work a second job that pays me about 400-600 a month. If I didn't have that, I wouldn't be able to buy very much at all. I also backpack just to backpack, and I make sure all my gear is dual use to save on that as well.


Jun 6, 2012
I get by on what I have and seldom find that I really "need" the new gear. However, I'm not single and support a family of 5 on one income. Its a good middle class income, but dang, raising kids is expensive. We don't have cable/satelite TV, I don't have a personal cell phone, I don't smoke, I don't drink other than coffee and diet soda or two a day. I'm also at the point of outfitting my kids which costs just as much as an adult. I dont' have the "mamma wants me to......" problem that is mentioned above, but I do have responsibilitites as a father and a husband that occasionally trump even hunting. I try to make sure those are caught up as much as possible by hunting season.

I'm not knocking the new gear, because I have a list of wants, but they don't keep me at home. I have recently approached being dept free except for a mortgage and I've chopped up every credit card I've ever owned, so I'm feeling a little more freedom to splurge (with cash only) coming on.


Aug 5, 2012
I work side jobs (electrical) to pay for my gear purchases. In addition I am lucky enough to get overtime at my regular job.

I think a couple guys nailed it. Its how you live your every day life. My refrigerator stopped working this past spring. I could of went out and bought a new one but instead I fixed it myself. I looked online and did some research and fixed it for just shy of 100. A new one to replace the one I have would of been 1500 or more. Water heater goes out? Yup that me that's going to fix it. If I don't know how I research it or call someone that knows.

I understand that what a lot of people do for work they cannot make "side" money. If that was my case I would get a part time job for a little while to buy that new pack, bow etc. But....

I would be careful on working too much. As a family man it does take a toll on your family being gone working. And sometimes you realize that the extra money you make towards that gear or a hunting trip is better off spent on your family. But I figure it all balances out later on anyhow.

I pity the guys that do not have kids or a good wife to come home to. A successful home life is tied into a successful career and even your hobbies. But of course thats just my opinion...


Apr 3, 2012
Like others, I sell old gear and live debt free- other than a house payment.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 27, 2012
Roseville, CA.
I unfortunately have to work a second job. About 20 hours a week fitting bikinis on swim suit models, oiling them up for the wrestling match and then washing them off when done. It has been tough, but I some how manage.....
Feb 25, 2012
Just like the you other guys. I work side jobs. Don't have a fancy truck. I wish I could say I was debt free, but I'm getting closer.

Above Timber

Apr 16, 2012
Colorado Springs
I have a side job working with an organization call Colorado Youth Outdoors. I give kids and their parents/mentors 2 hours a week together doing traditional outdoor activities (Archery, Small Bore, Trap, and Fishing). I also do side work designing buildings (houses, garages, and basements). Full time I am a high school shop/drafting teacher in Colorado Springs. My wife and I are also debt free other than the house and her Rav-4. I drive a 2003 Tundra that we paid off early and we are hoping to do the same with her Rav. I have 2 kids a middle schooler and a elementary age. It is tough but it can be done. One of my parents has a saying "Head down and finish strong." When times seem to get tough my wife and I both look at each other and utter those words.


May 16, 2012
Much like you guys drive old vehicle married and live in a trailer house just seems I can't get ahead trying to get better gear but I can't even come close it seems figured most did side jobs

Above Timber

Apr 16, 2012
Colorado Springs
Gifts as well Christmas, Birthday, Anniversary, Father’s Day… I will admit that much of my hunting gear has been purchased by my wife, mom, and in-laws. I cannot remeber the last gift I got that was not related to hunting in some way, shape, or fashion. I watched my dad do it for years and we as kids never suffered to support his hunting hobby.


Jul 28, 2012
No tv, no cell phone, pack my lunch for work every day don't stop at gas stations. I have two little girls,a wife,house etc. I check ebay every day,cabelas bargin cave things like that also I buy almost all of my hunting gear in the spring and summer when most people are fishing and not thinking about hunting. I seem to find better deals that way.
Feb 25, 2012
Brighton Colorado
I work a full time job as a Machinist and have a part time Taxidermy Buisness. My wife stays home and home schools our girls. We are close to being debt free. I choose to work instead of watching t.v. etc. I also manage to fly r/c planes on Saturday mornings. Serve my church Wed. nights and attend on Sun. Mornings. It is all about time management and YOUR drive. Some days I wish I had one job other days I enjoy both. Everyone has certain talents, all you need to do is learn how to use them and market it.


Feb 26, 2012
Colorado Springs,CO
Typical stuff here, live below my means and have a very supportive wife. She is also very low maintenance. I make a few things happen each year such as trips for her and let her know she is a priority, and make sure she realizes what I am doing and why.
At other times in the year I tell her what I want to do with gear purchases and explain why, then ask what she thinks. Most of the time she will agree 100% with me and I will purchase what I want, there have been a few times where I have to take a step back and re-evaluate my thinking at the time.
Give and take make it work.
I have worked 60-70 hours a week for the last 4 years, there wasn't any time for a second job it seemed. I have been known to make $20 last 2-3 weeks during the off season, just so I can have more in my hunting fund.
Selling non-used gear is always a help.

I don't go over board and spend $4k at places either! ;)
Feb 25, 2012
I did get a seasonal evening job at my local cabelas, figured I could spend the money on new gear at a discount.
THAT backfired big-time, I spent 5 times more than I made.........