He said “The wind never blows in Wyoming,”
I said, “Mister, where you from?
It’ll take the top offa big R.C.
Or peel an unripened plum!
Wherever you been, you been lied to!
I lived in Wyoming, I know.
I once seen a horse turned clean inside out
From standin’ outside in a blow!
You don’t have to shave in the winter.
Just pick a cool, windy place.
Stand there a minute, yer whiskers’ll freeze
and break off next to yer face!
They claim that a boxcar in Rawlins,
A Denver and ol’ Rio Grande,
Was picked off the track
and blowed to the east
And beat the whole train to Cheyenne.
Why, they tell of a feller in Lander
Who jumped off a bale of hay
Before he hit ground the wind picked ‘im up
He came down in Caster next day!
They don’t have to shear sheep in Worland
When they’re ready, they wait for a breeze
And bunch ’em in draws
where the willers are thick
Then pick the wool offa the trees!
But the windiest tale that I heard
Was about the small town of Sinclair.
It used to set on the Idaho line
Then one spring it just blew over there!
I carry this rock in my pocket
For good luck and here’s one for you.
Every little bit helps in Wyoming.
If yer skinny you better take two!
Well, Stranger, you might just be part right.
Though, fer sure you ain’t seen Devil’s Tower.
Let’s say the wind never blows in Wyoming …
Under 85 miles an hour!
Seriously though.
This is the problem with the considerable investment in time the non-resident tag points program drama creates. You can 100% have an absolute shit hunt.
Has happened to me. Will happen to me again.
Not any idea of how to combat the following:
Work stuff
Being sick
This is why it is important to invest as much as you can in more than 1 experience a year. If you have a bad hunt, and don't have another hunt for several years it is emotionally disabilitating.
If you have a bad hunt, and then have 3 good hunts later that year. You won't hardly think about it.