How did the 6.5 Creedmoor lose steam so quickly?

Primarily 6.5 284 Norma as i am not a sheeple. I also shoot 26 nosler and 6.5 300 wby in 6.5 cartridges. 6.5CM is a great bench rest target round, I will never use it for hunting.
Good to know, what makes 6.5 man bun a good benchrest round?
Idk, if I had to pick one cartridge to kill everything inside 600y, and I was limited to factory ammo only, the 65cm is the logical choice. Everyone chambers a rifle in it, from $300 rifles to $4000 rifles, and there is ammo of 37 flavors available online, and usually serval at any hardware or gun store. Personally I much prefer the 6mm version, but 65 does the trick with a touch more recoil and a lil more twisting of the turrets. It's not dead and never will be.
The 6.5 Creedmoor is a well balanced cartridge. Good barrel life, light recoil, high BCs, and effective against a lot of the game most folks hunt in the US.

A pound of H4350 yields about 150 rounds of 6.5 CM, so it’s rather economic to load as well.
It certainly has not fallen off a cliff, its within the top 5 selling for both cartridges and rifles by nearly any measure. In a forum with a bunch of long range gun nerds it likely does not get a lot of attention but to the larger world its super popular. The military is also adopting it for precision rifles now which will only add to this.

I bought one this winter, not because it was the best but I wanted this rifle to be a very common cartridge for easy availability absolutely everywhere. Its not the top performer but it hangs with the 308 in availability and the 270 in performance with 25% less recoil than either of them which is a unique intersection that appeals to me.