Horse or Mule?

Ryan Avery

Staff member
Jan 5, 2012
Two years ago, I went down this rabbit hole as a late-onset equine owner. I didn't have a clue… still don't. I talked to many outfitters and people who have used stock in the backcountry their whole lives. I had a long talk with an old timer I met in the Selway years ago when I first met him. He had all horses but switched to all mules over the last twenty years. Long story short, most of them told me the same things. Mules generally eat less, drink less, browse more, and are more sure-footed in the woods. They also have more working years. So I landed on mules, which takes you down the path of finding a good mule… There are lots of sleazy mules traders out there. I learned the hard way to always ride animals before buying. Finding a good trail horse is cheaper than finding a good trail mule. But after a little trial and error, I have a good mule, a young decent mule in training, and looking for one more.


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Aug 23, 2014
oregon coast
I'd liken it to this scenario: you're in a boat with
a mule coming to some small rapids and the mule gets excited and tips everyone out. The mule crawls on top of everyone and gains re-entry to the boat. As he floats peacefully down stream while everyone else drowns he says to himself "Gee, that was close" and never gives a thought to anyone else.

One's man's experience. Worth what you paid for it.

Mike 338

Dec 28, 2012
What Brooks said. Use "Good" horses or mules and either will suffice quite nicely. Everyone talks about the "surefootedness" of mules and there's something to that. That said they can fall off a trail just like a horse.

Mules are a little less prone to lunge or run uphill. You can get them to walk uphill a little easier. IMO, the whole "sure-footedness" thing is because a mules foot is just too small for their body and they know it. They're real careful about where they put their feet (small foot supporting big weight). Hooves are tough but they still need shoes in the mountains. If you have anything that resembles a wreck, a mule often will just sit there and wait for you to help. Sometimes they'll lay there as act like they're dead. Although a mule can be any size, because they're half donkey, they tend to be more medium-sized which is good for packing and mountain riding. Mules mature mentally, much slower than a horse so they can be quite immature and ringy when youngish. IMO, when young, they take quite a bit longer to train, and you'll need a heavy dose of patience. They're always thinking... that can be good or less-good depending on the mule. A mule can quite easily decide it's not going to do something and it can take a lot of patience to get them past it and train that out of them. I'll reiterate, a lot of time and patience and that's much better addressed when you have plenty of time and don't need to be anywhere. You don't just put the key in and go when they're young and in training. That said, when they get it, they got it for good and the investment in time and training is well worth it if you want a "good" mule. Actually, it's imperative.

Horses mature, both mentally and physically quicker. You can start ground training a horse younger and get pretty quick results although many a horse has been ruined by starting them to early. By 4 they can be quite handy and you can get them to do about anything. But, a horse can be more reactive to things. It has a lot to do with the horse (breeding) and maybe more importantly, the trainer. They can freak out and somehow all that training appears to go right out the window. It actually doesn't but an undesirable incident can make it look that way. They always want to use their momentum going uphill and that's aggravating. Packing meat/leading a horse out of the steeps can be a bit more problematic because you take short steps and they take big steps. They also prefer to lunge uphill and use their momentum, thereby pushing past you. A horse in trouble might be more likely to panic and not stop panicking until it has no other option but to stop. Depends on the horse.

I've been scared and hurt on horses and scared and hurt on mules. You don't want either in the mountains. In mountains, I'd give the edge to "good" mules. They're a little less lungey, usually a bit more medium sized (which I like) and maybe, because they're less jiggy, take care of a load a little better. That said, a "good" horse can make you think there's no difference at all.

mt terry d

Jul 18, 2023
After a few years of taking the whole Circus Show, I'd pack a camp in with the animals a week or two before I was going to hunt, then backpack in. No animals to tend, hence
less work, less risk of drama, more efficient hunting. Able to keep a lower profile when
in good country. No need to pack any feed. You can pack your saddle horse/mule on the way in, too if you're short of animals.
When I killed something I'd hang the quarters, hike out and bring the animals back in to retrieve the meat and camp.
Then you can take a couple non-horse owning friends and that eliminates them needing a ride or being capable of riding.
A big pack string is romantic and looks cool but it's not all it's cracked up to be.
One man with just two animals can do a lot.


Sep 27, 2016
Ride the horse, pack the mules IMO. Granted I grew up in a horse & rodeo family so I may be biased. If you’re “new” to mountain stock mules are a pretty good starting point though, they do tend to be more level headed and as Ryan said, use less feed, water and are generally a “healthier” animal overall and they tend to be useable later in life than even the best horses.

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