Also think about how others will be hunting your spot - that photo shows great deer country, but it’s also fairly easy for the competition to putter around on horseback. If you try to compete head to head with guys on horseback, odds won’t be in your favor. You need to get in positions to see deer others can’t easily see, be close enough that a stalk is doable, and not so disruptive that you drive any deer in the area to the next ridge over. If you’re spotting deer on the next ridge over, they have to be huntable - distance will wear you out chasing low percentage opportunities way out there.
Don’t be surprised if the ideal spot to be at opening morning on the ideal ridge has a small tent directly where you wanted to glass from, or the bowl where a giant buck was seen two days ago now has some dill-weed camped exactly in the middle of it. I’ve also busted ass to get to a deer, only to have other hunters coming at it from another direction ten miles into a wilderness area - sometimes they drive the deer to you and sometimes your BOAL runs over the ridge an gets hammered by someone else. Over the years I’ve seen the most idiotic things, so you always need a back up plan.