Hornady ELD-X

6.5 143's are sub moa out of my RPR
the .308 212's out of my RUM not so much...
Wow! Those are all making quite a jump alright. What kind of accuracy are we talking about when they are loaded like that?

The RUM and WSM are both 1/4 MOA but those are full custom rifles. The 264 is a semi-custom with a benchmark barrel running half MOA. The 280AI is a Kimber Montana and it's shooting 3/4 MOA.
I started my seating depth study at 0.010 off the lands and none of the guns shot well there. I didn't explore any seating on the lands. For hunting rifle purposes I'm pretty much done with my current loads but I will do more experimenting with seating on the lands after hunting season ends. I just can't resist tinkering around I guess.
Has anyone shot any game with these yet? Want to know how they perform on deer and elk

Here is the exit wound just under the back strap on my Wyoming mule deer. Zero meat loss, I aimed and hit right on the crease. 418 yds dropped him in his tracks. I served him a .284 162 Grain ELD-X from my 7mm Rem Mag. Not one step. Entry was almost non existent. Don't mind all the blood under the hole. It was on the outside, he was laying in it.
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Update on my question about terminal performance on game..shot a small 5x5 bull elk with 162 gr ELDx, one shot, complete pass thru, jellied the lungs, bullet size entry and 1" exit. Dead bull. Shot distance approximately 160 yds.
After I see So many people saying these bullets like a little jump my question is has anyone tried them in a Weatherby? I just ordered a box of 162gr to try in my 7mm Weatherby mag. Any good starting points from anyone? So far my gun has proven it loves Retumbo with Nosler Accubonds and Sierra Tipped Match Kings. I hit a coyote at just over 500 with the 178gr out of a 308 and it passed through both shoulders so that was cool to see
I have a buddy who has a Weatherby chambered in 30-378 and he ran some 200gr ELD-X. I haven't talked with him since he has run them through the pipe. I'll try to get a hold of him to see how they did for him. I do know he is forced to jump whatever he loads due to the long throat. He was getting good results with the Noslers also. Then again this might not have any indications on how they might work for you. I'm sure if you play with various seating depths eventually you will find some accuracy.
Here's the factory ammo, Hornady precision hunter, 300 rum 220's. The shot was 300 yards slight quartering away. Pretty good entry and went into the opposite shoulder but no exit. Very little loss of meat on that shoulder. Hopefully I'll get a chance to see what it can do at longer distances.


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I have a semi custom 300 Win Mag(Trued Rem 700) with a 26" Bartlein #3 barrel on it. I'm using Win Brass and Fed 215 primers and 79 g of H1000 shooting the 200 g ELD-X at 2960+ fps.
I'm giving these .1" jump. I have a match grade reamed chamberl and it's capable of 3.65" long C.O.A.L length but my finished rounds are 3.505"

These are the most accurate shooting bullets I've tried in this gun so far. I'm the weak link in the system but when I do my part it shoots them into on ragged hole at 200 yards and groups well under .5" at 300 yards. I could only imagine what a really good shooter would do with this set up.

I've yet to kill anything with it but out to 600 yards they are deadly accurate and consistent. When I had these closer to the lands they were not as accurate. Give them a bit more jump and see how they work.

These are super impressive bullets.
Best trick I've found for determining bullet depth and powder charge is to do the ladder test. Load ten bullets starting from the low end of the spectrum and work your way up. Shoot them all at the target, marking the shot on paper after each shot. Once that's finished there should be a group that are closer together than the rest. The middle shot is what you want to set it at. Same works for powder charge. I found this to be the best way to get the most consistent loads.
You need a gun vise for this and let the barrel cool between shots.

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The 200gn ELD-X factory ammo shot great out of my Rem 700 LR in 300wm. This is the Heart of the Mule Deer I shot this year at 300yds.

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200 yards on a whitetail with a 200 grain eld-x out of a 300 win mag. the entrance wound is about 5-6 inches wide. lots of meat loss and bullet didn't stay together very well.