Hornady ELD-X

This is what I am getting at 200 yds prone off a bag in my Sako 85 Finnlite 7mm Rem Mag running 162 eld-x .010 off the lands and using Hornadys Max load of 68.5 Grains of H-1000. The one on the lower left I pulled, and was also my final shot. The first was a cold fouled bore and the next 3 followed very close. I'm happy with the load. Since then I've gotten 3.5 inch groups at 500. I started at .020 off, then .015 off, then .012 off. At .012 off the groups really tightened up. I've since settled at .010.
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My 6.5 shoots the ELD-x avg 5 shot group @100 is .64 and the AMAX is a .76 avg so they work for me out of a 22" barrel

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I'm curious how these are going to shoot out my Tikka Superlite 7mm mag..I measured with OAL gauge to lands as 3.415" and the longest I can fit in my magazine is 3.360"...doesn't leave me much adjustment to get closer to the lands. Anyone else run into this? I loaded some 150 gr ttsx at the longest I could fit and they shoot .75 groups. Not sure how the ELDx will do.

I run into it all the time with the Tikka's, you have to be diligent and patient sometimes with them and be sure you are seating your bullets dead straight
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This is what I am getting at 200 yds prone off a bag in my Sako 85 Finnlite 7mm Rem Mag running 162 eld-x .010 off the lands and using Hornadys Max load of 68.5 Grains of H-1000. The one on the lower left I pulled, and was also my final shot. The first was a cold fouled bore and the next 3 followed very close. I'm happy with the load. Since then I've gotten 3.5 inch groups at 500. I started at .020 off, then .015 off, then .012 off. At .012 off the groups really tightened up. I've since settled at .010.

good intel !
I agree that's good stuff, but in order to seat my bullets any closer than .055" to the lands, I'll lose the ability to use my magazine..I don't want to single load when I'm hunting.
I agree that's good stuff, but in order to seat my bullets any closer than .055" to the lands, I'll lose the ability to use my magazine..I don't want to single load when I'm hunting.

What I've done for a couple friends of mine that run into the same problem is to load some "good ones" for the chamber. Since the first cold bore shot is the most important. Then just load some to fit the magazine, or shorter if you can find a decent node and will group to acceptable tolerances. I hope this helps.
Thanks for this suggestion, I have considered doing this. The problem then becomes keeping your "good ones" separate from the others. I honestly think they are shooting well enough at magazine lengths that it's not an issue for hunting. If I was punching paper in competition the increased accuracy would be much more important.
It would be a pretty noticeable difference, plus if it fit or didn't fit in the mag you'd pretty much know it. It might not matter at closer ranges but if you are set up to shoot out long it would matter. What happens when a monster steps out on a ridgeline half hour before dark at 725yds? I'd want as accurate as I can get in that situation. It all comes down to what YOUR effective range is or how far you plan to shoot.
I tried a load for a 300WM, 212gr bullet. Still haven't found a good one. Odd groups. 3-4" at a 100. Still trying to see if I can find the right mix. FED215 primers and H1000
I agree MB, but I'm not shooting out to that range *yet*..you have valid points though

I completely understand. I think if you are happy with the accuracy at the range you are comfortable with, you're good. If you stick with it, you'll keep reaching further.;)
I hope to..the gun/scope/bullet combo at around ~3000 fps should be good to 1k yds or better..I, however am not!
Honestly, I have a lot more development to do before even attempting shots like that. I'm comfortable to about 500 yds at this point.

This is what I am getting at 200 yds prone off a bag in my Sako 85 Finnlite 7mm Rem Mag running 162 eld-x .010 off the lands and using Hornadys Max load of 68.5 Grains of H-1000. The one on the lower right I pulled, and was also my final shot. The first was a cold fouled bore and the next 3 followed very close. I'm happy with the load. Since then I've gotten 3.5 inch groups at 500. I started at .020 off, then .015 off, then .012 off. At .012 off the groups really tightened up. I've since settled at .010.

Here we go! I should also add that the rifle is shooting even better now. Faster and more accurate. At the time this group was shot the rifle only had about 60 rounds through it. Now it's had about 180.
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I had a similar issue with the 162 ELDX in my 7RM Christensen Ridgeline. Loaded to SAAMI, they barely shot MOA much like yourself. I ended up having the best accuracy at .010 jump, down to about .75", I'm sure as I continue to tamper with it than I can whittle it down, but I was pretty bummed they didn't shoot as easily as I expected.
Have the 212s doing 3100 in my 300RUM. Shoot 1/2" or so and seem to do well at long range. Going to replace the 190ABLR I was shooting with these. Took an antelope at 890 this year in wyoming. Through both shoulders with a reasonable wound channel. I like them so far.
So, from reading all of the comments it doesn't seem like it's really worth all of the trouble to switch from my Bergers...My Tikka T3 7mm is shooting the 168 Bergers at 1/4-1/2 moa all day long. I feel like a lot of precision issues guys have, especially with the Tikka are directly related to good barrel break in and maintenance. I took the time and effort to break-in my barrel properly and then worked up my load and now my Tikka is just money every time I shoot it.
I've found that the ELD-X likes some jump. I've settled on the 220's in my 300 RUM at 0.050. The 143's like 0.070 jump in my 264WM. The 162's are jumping a whopping 0.140 in my 280AI. And the 200 grain settled in at 0.030 in my 300WSM.
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I've found that the ELD-X likes some jump. I've settled on the 220's in my 300 RUM at 0.050. The 143's like 0.070 jump in my 264WM. The 162's are jumping a whopping 0.140 in my 280AI. And the 200 grain settled in at 0.030 in my 300WSM.

Wow! Those are all making quite a jump alright. What kind of accuracy are we talking about when they are loaded like that?