7mm rem mag ammo recommendations

So I found out my ammo is not recommended for elk and my barrel twist 1:9.5. Does anyone have any recommendations on ammo? I was looking at the federal trophy bonded tip 160 gr and the hornady eld-x 162 gr. I like that both have a high bc so will shoot pretty good. Anyone have any experience with these rounds and cartridge? I know a lot of people say federal bossier but I can barely find those below $100 a box…
I've had really good luck with elk and deer with the Federal premium Swift Sirocco 150 grain
When in doubt, use Nosler partitions, there are prettier bullets to use but the partition been getting it done for 60 + years ,they're not the most "accurate " but they should shoot one inch moa ,something like Nosler ballistic tips can be hand loaded to shoot less than 1 inch moa but that's not need for this year
When I was shooting factory ammo out of my 7 mag, also with a 1:9.5" twist, the Hornady Precision Hunter with the 162 gr. ELD-X and the Federal Premium with the 168 gr. Berger Hybrid Hunter were the most accurate. It shot the Hornady 150 gr. CX really well also. Others here have mentioned great options as well.
160 grain Nosler Accubonds shoot very well out of both my 7mm Wby and 28 Nosler. They also work very well on game. I mostly hand load them, but if I were going to buy a factory load I would go with the Nosler Trophy Grade factory stuff. It is very good.

As mentioned above though, you need to shoot them off sand bags on a bench and see what groups well in your gun. When shooting for groups, I usually wait 3-5 minutes between shots to let the barrel cool. For hunting, the cold bore shot is what counts.
All I've shot out of my Winchester model 70 7mm rem mag is Winchester 140gr ballistic silvertips. They group well for me & I've taken whitetail, muleys, antelope and elk without any issues.
I have to recant my earlier testimony. At 100, Fed Terminal Ascent was shooting great. When we backed to 200, both guns started getting either a 4-5" flyer (in no particular shot order) or the whole group opened up and was moving around a lot. Just for comparison we shot a few boxes of cheaper Norma whitetail rounds mixed in during this process and they grouped great at 200. Settled on Remington Premier Scirroco for our elk hunt next month. They are grouping very well at both 200 and 100 out of both our Begaras.

To add for the Nosler folks, would have loved to try some accubonds, but couldn't ever find them in stock anywhere, including Nosler's website.
Hate to tell you this but the 150 grain PSPCL is an elk killer. Cheap, well tested and usually accurate.