7mm rem mag ammo recommendations

My rifle doesn’t shoot them well. Asking other more experienced hunters for recommendations seems like a good idea rather than blindly buy any box of 7mm rem mag ammo that says it’s good for elk. I’m trying to see what has worked well for others and then test those to minimize the amount of money I waste. Elk hunting is expensive to get into and ammo isn’t getting any cheaper. I’m going to do what you said and get three boxes of each to test and then go from there. I’m also trying to fast track it so I can go sight in at 200 yards for my hunt in late October so I feel like time is running out for me lol
Roger. I assumed you had good results already with Fusion. Unfortunately, there is no fast tracking this process. One guy could say bullet XYZ worked great for him and it may not work at all for you. There’s no way to do this other than to test things out for yourself.
Roger. I assumed you had good results already with Fusion. Unfortunately, there is no fast tracking this process. One guy could say bullet XYZ worked great for him and it may not work at all for you. There’s no way to do this other than to test things out for yourself.
Yeah it seemed like I was getting groupings but I’d get an outlier here or there (not to mention those 175gr kick like a mule and may end up developing bad shooting habits.) I think I’ve decided on three bullets to try

-Federal terminal ascent
-federal nosler partitions
-federal trophy bond

I might buy all three or only two. I’m liking the look of the trophy bond since it’s similar to the accubonds I hear about as well as it has a high BC. I won’t be shooting past 300 yards but that high bc will be nice for the wind. I think the lighter bullets will suit my rifle twist a lot better and be much more manageable and hopefully easier to sight in for 200 yards
Yeah it seemed like I was getting groupings but I’d get an outlier here or there (not to mention those 175gr kick like a mule and may end up developing bad shooting habits.) I think I’ve decided on three bullets to try

-Federal terminal ascent
-federal nosler partitions
-federal trophy bond

I might buy all three or only two. I’m liking the look of the trophy bond since it’s similar to the accubonds I hear about as well as it has a high BC. I won’t be shooting past 300 yards but that high bc will be nice for the wind. I think the lighter bullets will suit my rifle twist a lot better and be much more manageable and hopefully easier to sight in for 200 yards
If you have a scope with a turret, sight in at 100 yards. If not, and just a standard duplex reticle, 200 yards works.

Forget about BC. If under 300 yards, it’s totally irrelevant. And don’t get too wrapped up in what you think you want now as availability might totally change your thinking.
Just a simple buckmaster scope with a duplex reticle unfortunately. Does windage not affect much at 300 yards?
I shoot 162gr ELD-M bullets from my 7RM. It's tough to find them in factory ammo. I had Unknown Munitions load them for me.

Always ELD-M over ELD-X. The M stands for MURDER.

Yeah it seemed like I was getting groupings but I’d get an outlier here or there (not to mention those 175gr kick like a mule and may end up developing bad shooting habits.) I think I’ve decided on three bullets to try

-Federal terminal ascent
-federal nosler partitions
-federal trophy bond

I might buy all three or only two. I’m liking the look of the trophy bond since it’s similar to the accubonds I hear about as well as it has a high BC. I won’t be shooting past 300 yards but that high bc will be nice for the wind. I think the lighter bullets will suit my rifle twist a lot better and be much more manageable and hopefully easier to sight in for 200 yards
All good choices. I shoot the 160gr Trophy Bonded out of one of my 7rem mags. I also shoot the Trophy Bonded out of 7 different rifles/calibers. Performance wise between the Trophy Bonded and Terminal Ascent on game at those distances they are one and the same just matters which one shoots best. Partitions I bet have killed more elk than most other bullets combined.

Also, the Fusion bullets are closer to an Accubond by a wide margin than the Trophy Bonded Tips are. Even more so now that Federal has a Fusion Tipped offering. And as someone mentioned the Fusion would an excellent Elk bullet anyone telling you otherwise has absolutely ZERO idea what they are talking about.
All good choices. I shoot the 160gr Trophy Bonded out of one of my 7rem mags. I also shoot the Trophy Bonded out of 7 different rifles/calibers. Performance wise between the Trophy Bonded and Terminal Ascent on game at those distances they are one and the same just matters which one shoots best. Partitions I bet have killed more elk than most other bullets combined.

Also, the Fusion bullets are closer to an Accubond by a wide margin than the Trophy Bonded Tips are. Even more so now that Federal has a Fusion Tipped offering. And as someone mentioned the Fusion would an excellent Elk bullet anyone telling you otherwise has absolutely ZERO idea what they are talking about.
I don’t doubt it’s a good round now that others have chimed in but the weight is too much for the gun so I’m looking at other options
I'd add 162 eldx and eldm to the test...
Good blend of bc and accuracy in most guns i've seen shoot them.

And solid performance on game
They might shoot well... do they kill well?

I switched from Barnes TTSX to 162gr ELD-M because of lackluster killing. Since switching all animals have only needed 1 bullet. My success is posted on my above post. 2 bulls, 1 cow, and 1 buck since 2021. One shot kills, and less than 100 yards distance traveled between all of them after being shot. I cannot say the same for when I used Barnes.
I've never had an issue killing with Barnes. Been using them for quite some time between my 270, 7mm and 300 WM over the years.

I do understand everyone has different experiences with different ammunition.
My son and I are both shooting Federal Terminal Ascent in our 7 mags. Shoot fantastic.
i ve guided a group from wyoming many moons ago and they hunted elk there with 7mm mag and 160 gr nosler partition needless to say it worked great on barrenground caribou ...

i ve seen here in whitehorse those federal bullet premium at $52.99 last week but now they re gone seems the opening took them away.

good luck on your choice and selection and hunting of course.
Another vote for the terminal ascent here, absolutely devastating on everything I’ve shot with them.