Home/Auto Insurance recommendations

Thanks for all the insight, sounds like it’s time to go shopping. Ive never had a single claim on any home or auto. I don’t doubt rates are going across the board, as is everything, (We can thank all the uninsured for that) but 20-30% in on period is an absolute ripoff money grab. I’m planning to let our HR group know as well. This group plan “corporate discount“ isn't worth anything.

One thing for everyone on the board, insurance companies are always changing the modeling behind their rates. It pays to shop your coverage every 3-5 years to see in someone will offer you a better rate.

We moved from State Farm to USAA after State Farm decided the insurance on my new wife's old Toyota Corolla than my new Saab's. She is a much better driver than me btw. We moved to USAA and saved over $500 per year.
State Farm and Allstate are the absolute worst....
USAA if you're military. I had USAA for 25 years until they raised rates drastically w/ all the advertising. they always paid the claims tho.
best best is your state farmer's Insurance co-ops, like ALFA in Ala.... and they're typically local adjusters..cheaper if you bundle auto/home. trust me i'm a lawyer :)
I have had enough issues that I will and do pay slightly more a month to be able to talk to my agent face to face when something happens and I need to file a claim. It is much harder for them to screw me while looking me in the eye. I use our local State Farm agent now and have been pleased. Progressive and Geico are Uber liberal companies. I avoid them like the plague. I am a veteran and was considering USAA, but they have taken a hard turn from customer service to concentrate on marketing and only try to get as many people signed up as possible. Read the reviews. They are not good.
Agent has zero say when "claims" screw you
We just had a claim with hail damage and Integrity insurance was excellent to deal with. My neighbor had one of the bigger companies and they only covered about 40% of what our company did.
Anyone but Allstate. I won’t go into the nightmare we experienced with them when we had a claim after doing business with them for 33 years but it is not something you want to go through. We are with USAA now.
I am getting screwed by Allstate and have it on my list of to-do to shop around. If anyone knows of any good agents in the Denver Metro area, would love a PM pointing me into a good direction of someone you know/like...
1) I care about my insurer's willingness to pay 1st party claims to me. USAA has been great in that regard.

2) On liability claims, I care that my carrier protects my assets, doesn't pay claims that are not owed (I am not at fault) and does not pay inflated liability claims.

Companies that fight for their insureds are not popular with people trying to assert liability claims against their insured.
No they don't care about their insureds and basically dare you to sue them, putting their insured's assets at risk.
They also screw their insureds on first party UM and UIM claims.