Regarding the above, WSA 21-01 that closed portions of Unit 23 & 26A expires 9/30/24. There are current WSAs from the WACH Working Group and the NW Arctic RAC asking the FSB for the same thing they asked the Board of Game (BOG), a reduction in bag limit for residents of 4 caribou per year on fed lands, only one of which may be a cow, and to extend the fed closure to non-fed-qualified users in unit 23.
You can find all the current WSAs for the NW and Arctic regions in this pdf, WSA 24-28 to 24-32:
The board of game was definitely considering how their actions would affect the FSB proposals. There was a helluva lot of opposition from the north slope region and Anaktuvuk Pass and I have doubts that the FSB would pass the resident bag limit restrictions as written. But the BOG actions did offer the FSB an option to do similar on the resident bag limit and move it up to 15 per year, one cow, and leave out the eastern portion of Unit 26A that was the issue for the north slope and AP folks.
But on the extension of the closure to NFQU in Unit 23, I would wager that will pass the FSB in April, even though the BOG put all nonres on draw permits in Unit 23. We'll see.
I think most don't really recognize how large a sacrifce it was for the NW Arctic people to ask to lower their own bag limit, and even though the BOG upped it to 15 caribou, one cow, that is still a huge sacrifice for them. And they view that as a sort of "If we do this, then nonres hunting needs to close," thing. I get and respect that. And I thank them greatly for offering to put in regulation a reduction in their own bag limit out of conservation concerns that we all share.