Hold on to your GMU 23/26A Shorts boys

The AK regulatory year starts July 1 and ends June 30. The press release states closures are August 1 through September 30 for the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 regulatory years.

So regulatory year 22/23 is fall 2022. Regulatory year 23/24 is fall 2023. This coming fall is part of the 24/25 regulatory year.

In another layer of confusion what may be messing with some, if you go to the list of WSAs, its states this particular WSA expires 9/30/2024 and states “portions of Unit 23 and 26A closed to caribou hunting by non-federally qualified users during August and September through 2024.” That is not true based off the actual WSA and is likely just what some DOI intern in DC typed in based off their understanding.
this aligns with what I was thinking also, but I was thrown off by the link that Mark sent that shows the closure is through 9/30/24.
Mark, great work putting so much effort in to this proposal. Thank you for reporting here, too.

The closures of WSA21-01 expire when 2024/25 hunting regs hit the shelf this summer as far as I interpret regulatory years. I ain't afraid of no ghost!
Mark, great work putting so much effort in to this proposal. Thank you for reporting here, too.

The closures of WSA21-01 expire when 2024/25 hunting regs hit the shelf this summer as far as I interpret regulatory years. I ain't afraid of no ghost!

@ the folks on here familiar with how the FSB works:

Do you think we’ll have an advance notice or an idea of what to expect from the April meeting?

If I think I have a chance at a caribou hunt this year, I will hold off on draw applications for other September hunts.

Thanks again to everyone sharing info on this.

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Any one have any insight on what the FSB may be thinking? Is there a chance?

Think ADFG’s whole pitch to FSB is hey look we made the sacrifice on our end to go to a draw there is compromise to be had, so I’d say there is a chance it stays open yes. What FSB does with that info is unknown

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Think ADFG’s whole pitch to FSB is hey look we made the sacrifice on our end to go to a draw there is compromise to be had, so I’d say there is a chance it stays open yes. What FSB does with that info is unknown

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Do you think we’ll have some indication of what they plan to do ahead of the meeting? Is there groundwork that has to be done in advance of voting on a new measure?

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Do you think we’ll have some indication of what they plan to do ahead of the meeting? Is there groundwork that has to be done in advance of voting on a new measure?

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I would think so, but disclaimer I am not overly familiar with how FSB works exactly. Someone more educated could correct me if I am wrong, but I imagine if there was a motion/proposal to close we would know about it x amount of days before hand? Similar to how we knew of the proposals from the state? Just a guess.

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They do have Proposals WP24-30 (proposed by the NWA RAC) and WP24-31 (Proposed by the NS RAC) already before them through the regulatory process for this cycle to act on in their April meeting. Both of these are proposals to close Unit 23 for Caribou harvest to non-federally qualified users from Aug-1 through October 31. They received these proposals in March of 2023. (That was step one of the regulatory process).

This PAST summer, staff reviewed these proposals to ensure they fall under the authority of the FSB, and then offered an opportunity for public comment. (Step 2)

Then, the office of subsistence management (OSM) reviewed these then and drafted their conclusions. (Step 3).

Step 4 - The affected RACs review the OSM conclusion and take action. Options are:
  • Support
  • Support with modification
  • Oppose, OR
  • Defer until later
In October, the NWA RAC met to hear the OSM review and conclusion/recommendation. The OSM recommended support for these proposals WITH an amendment to set a threshold that would remove the closure once the WACHWG manages the herd at a conservative management level. The RAC also heard from Alex Hansen of ADF&G that the non local harvest posed no concern. Nonetheless, the RAC voted to support the closure AS WRITTEN, which means if approved by the FSB in April, there will be a closure for the next two normal hunting seasons and it will only open again IF a proposed change to the regulation is presented to the FSB in the next regulatory cycle.

The NS RAC did the same in November.
Seward Peninsula RAC voted to defer to the NWA and NS
Western Interior RAC voted to defer to the NWA and NS

These are the 4 affected RACs.

So, we are now at Step 5 of the regulatory process: FSB meets to take action on proposals. This is the April meeting. their options will be to:
  • Adopt
  • Adopt with modification or
  • Reject, Or
  • Defer until later.

Since the OSM supports (with amendment to add threshold....), AND since the 4 affected RACs support as written (no threshold....), and, since No one seems to be recognizing that the bull population is fine and that the very small harvest by non-local hunters is NOT a biological concern, I think it is reasonable to assume a new regulatory closure is somewhat likely. IT SUCKS, but it is leaning that way IMO.

Things to watch for next:
There is an ALL-RAC meeting March 5-8 and the agenda for that will be available soon. There should be more indication of their positions (we all know what that is) in that meeting.

Keep checking the FSB website for postings of agendas and meeting materials leading up the April.

I had my hopes up for a bit the last two weeks, but the more i think about it, the more I have my doubts. I also don't much like how this is heading into a more permanent form of closure through the regulatory process.

I hope this is helpful.
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Very helpful [mention]Catag94 [/mention] and I appreciate you expanding on that. I was sort of correct I guess

If I recall during ADFG meeting the caribou biologist for the region did state that the non resident bulls taken are not a biological concern and I imagine will be echoed again at FSB. However, ultimately I do agree with you and it is likely they will not listen.

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Artic Air out of Kotzebue AK sent me a email advising that they are conducting their hunts this fall as scheduled. But the Noatak Preserve is not open to non residents so hunters will have to be flown in further than expected.
Artic Air out of Kotzebue AK sent me a email advising that they are conducting their hunts this fall as scheduled. But the Noatak Preserve is not open to non residents so hunters will have to be flown in further than expected.
Can you get them to confirm they are referring to WSA21-01 when they say the Noatak National Preserve is closed? I know it is closed due toe WSA21-01 through the end of June, but that expires with the month of June (as of now). If they are telling you it will be closed beyond June right now, I'd like to know to what closure they are referring.
Sure, but since it sounds like they are emailing him, (I assume he is a client or already in dialogue with them) he might get a quicker response.

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From the NPS website dated April 6, 2022, which I believe has already been circulated on this thread. Unless there is a new federal action, the Kotz pilots may be referring to this action since it mentions the '24 regulatory year. Read #4 to clarify closure dates:

4. How long will these closures be in effect? These closures are effective August 1-September 30, 2022 and August 1-September 30, 2023, also described as the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 seasons or the 2022-2024 regulatory cycle.

5. Can a non-Federally qualified user take moose and caribou on gravel bars along navigable waters below the “ordinary high water mark” when the adjacent uplands are Federal public lands? Yes. Please note, however, the take of swimming moose is prohibited under Federal and State law in all portions of Units 23 and 26A. See 50 CFR 100.26(b)(4) and 5 AAC 92.085(7).

6. How is “ordinary high water mark” defined? The ordinary high water mark means “that line on the shore established by the fluctuations of water and indicated by physical characteristics such as a clear, natural line impressed on the bank, shelving, changes in the character of soil, destruction of terrestrial vegetation, the presence of litter and debris, or other appropriate means that consider the characteristics of the surrounding areas” (33 CFR 328.3).
These were all questions about WSA21-01, correct?

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Unless the reports are quoting the Noatak Controlled Use Area instead of the whole Preserve, and that is a no-aircraft use for hunting along the closed portions of the Noatak River:

AREA DESCRIPTION: Unit 23, the area consists of that portion of Unit 23 in a corridor extending five miles on either side of, and including, the Noatak River, beginning at the mouth of the Agashashok River and extending upstream to the mouth of the Nimiuktuk River. The area is closed from August 15 through September 30 to the use of aircraft in any manner for big game hunting, including the transportation of big game hunters, their hunting gear, orparts of big game; however, this provision does not apply to the transportation of big game hunters, their hunting gear, or parts of big game to and between publicly owned airports.
I can only assume because no new WSA have targeted the Noatak National Preserve and GMU 23/26A that I'm aware of today.
So it would be errant to suggest the whole preserve is closed to non-residents for the upcoming Caribou season at this point.

What are your thoughts on the regulatory action the FSB may take in April?

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