History Channel: Alone

Bears don't respond to voice commands...and his sidearm is at home. Pegged him when I saw him run from the bears in the trees. LOL

bears will respond to ... Standing up and yelling NO BEAR... it went from 20 MPH to about 60 MPH straight down the mountain... lol.

There was a storm moving in and I hear something coming my way through the brush ( thinking elk) no.. a big black bear that had been spooked by something and it was coming right at me,, running. I reacted out of instinct and stood and yelled.. it responded with kicking it in high gear and blasting past me. Funny thing is I had a .45 lying on the ground in front of me but never thought to go for it.

* right afterwards the real danger hit when the storm from hell rolled in.. Golf ball sz hail, wind and lighting like I have never witnessed.
bears will respond to ... Standing up and yelling NO BEAR... it went from 20 MPH to about 60 MPH straight down the mountain... lol.

There was a storm moving in and I hear something coming my way through the brush ( thinking elk) no.. a big black bear that had been spooked by something and it was coming right at me,, running. I reacted out of instinct and stood and yelled.. it responded with kicking it in high gear and blasting past me. Funny thing is I had a .45 lying on the ground in front of me but never thought to go for it.

* right afterwards the real danger hit when the storm from hell rolled in.. Golf ball sz hail, wind and lighting like I have never witnessed.

Hail I can handle...lightning scares the crap out of me...especially in Arizona. SEE BLOWN OUT & BURNT TREES EVERY 60' WHERE WE HUNT ELK THERE.

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I too am interested in the program because I think as a hunter, we all have a part of us that wants to be able to survive in the wild with the skills we develop. I too would have opted for a raised platform until a more solid permanent structure was built. I know bears and kittys can climb but wolves cant which is a plus. If put in that situation I would think I would find fresh water and a spot for a more permanent camp. I would start building a log cabin to keep my mind focused on an activity instead of sitting in a tent thinking to yourself all the time. I would have that net out fishing as well as some snares out for small critters. i would have also opted for the bow and arrow and did some big game hunting for some read meat. Thats just me arm chairing it but I also agree that I have been away on hunting trips and business for more than a week and although I missed the family It was not like I had to quit what I was doing to be with them. I still think this is a cool concept for a program and will keep watching it.
Wait... Where did Lucas get a log built shelter? They never showed any of that construction... Just showed him riding the storm out, with a fire, under a more solid roof... Still watching this morning on the DVR and I don't remember seeing much if him in earlier episodes
Still shocked that a guy quit because of the wind and the trees. Any hunters has been there. Ya get out of the trees! I have noticed that the remaining few are not really worried about bears as much as finding food. Many have projects, the canoe was cool. That will afford him to possible set up on a better location. The remaining few might be in it a while. A little too much "I miss my family" drama. I still would be trying to build a long term solid shelter that can withstand the elements as well as be a deterrent to critters. As a hunter, I would have opted for the bow and some red meat. Bears are tasty! Also, the gill nets for catching some fish. Surprised nobody is doing that. Maybe even some snares out of the mono from the fishing kit?
Still watching, but a little too much typical reality show stuff. All about how each guy is feeling, etc. I want to see how each guy built his shelter - looks like there are some decent ones now. How they are managing their fires, getting clean water, food, etc. Instead they show guys talking about their feelings. All well and good, but I'm more interested in the survival stuff.
Not sure I can handle anymore tissue breaks... I mean come on man.. they act like they have been gone months.
Anyone still watching this? Down to 4 now. I'm thinking either Alan or Lucas win it, the yurt was impressive.
Put those two guys together they could live a very long time in the backcountry.

Alan has the mentality and Lucas has mad skills..

Anyone still watching this? Down to 4 now. I'm thinking either Alan or Lucas win it, the yurt was impressive.
I'm thinking Alan is going to win it. We will see. He just seems to have the right mentality. Lucas has a ton going for him but he seems to swing emotionally to extremes. One of the low lows he has may get him. Idk. I think Mitch is gonna go because he can't seem to stay dry and complains about it a bunch and now it's starting to get cold cold. I can't really blame him though. Cold sucks but wet and cold is horrible. Sam coukd go either way but he's really young and that pregnant wife will be his reason to go home. I can't blame him there either. Just my observations.
I agree that Alan's mental state seems to be solid but unless he starts being more active in constructing things that make survival more comfortable he will eventually break down. If he would incorporate a structure around his cave he could at least have a place to move around and keep busy in, he could also have a stable sleeping environment (Temp wise) if he turned the cave into a separate room complete with a thatched door to control the cold.

I also agree that Lucas has a weak emotional status at times but his approach on to how to survive is superior to Alan's, as long as he keeps doing what he is doing and mentally doesn't loose it on one of his lows I think he will win. I think he mentioned that he was going to build a crab pot, awesome! the boat really opened him up for taking advantage of the sea, although if he turns the boat over he is done!

Sam, WTH has he been doing?? he also hasn't lifted a finger to improve his living conditions, I don't expect him to go much longer either.

Mitch just seems to be looking for an excuse to tap, I don't expect him to go much farther but at times he seems to have the knowledge, maybe he will surprise us.
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I think Lucas' mental state will stabilize with his new structure and projects keeping him comfortable and busy.
Sam, WTH has he been doing??

Eating mice ala Farley Mowat, but must have missed the part in "never cry wolf" where the author found that you have to eat the entire mouse not just the meat. So far he appears to have expended about five salmon's worth of energy for two bites of mice. He's going to die.

I really don't get the not having wire snares as part of the kit. You can catch a deer, bear, cat, or a wolf and eat like a king for a few days. Maybe it was one of the few laws they had to conform to in BC.

I know from my travels in SE AK there is not a significant amount of small furred game on the ground down there - rabbits and such as well as tree rats are few and far between. I don't know if the area they are in further south would have more small game. I know there would be a lot of birds, but maybe not game birds.

One of the things I learned during my years on the coast of OR and up here in AK, when in a rain forest you have to live off the sea as the forest is nearly lifeless outside insects and plants. A boat, lots of fish and crab traps, trot lines or jigging for rock fish, and learn where the mussel beds are. A person should be pretty well fed after two months in that environment. They'd be really tired of fish.