High quality boots or high quality pack?


Apr 7, 2019
I’d like to hear yalls opinion on something. Would you rather have a phenomenal pair of boots with a sub par pack or a phenomenal pack with sub par boots?


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Entirely dependent on the type of hunting and terrain you are talking about. They are both the two items you don’t want to compromise on if at all possible as they both can directly impact the hunt experience.

If the terrain is mild to rolling hills, gradual ascents/descents, I am going “best backpack”

If it’s steep off camber type mountain terrain I am going “best Boots”.

But if you can swing both (new boots and slightly used good pack) that would be the best option.
Mediocre of both. A heavy low quality pack will be miserable on your back neck and shoulders, regardless of how good your boots are.

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depends on the terrain idaho i am taking boots here in south dakota taking the pack. Had good boots and packed a mule deer a couple miles here and i think sandals would have been fine but my shoulder and back were shot
For DIY elk hunting good boots and pack are equally important to me. Deer and antelope hunting I can make do with good boots and a mediocre pack.
I’d like to hear yalls opinion on something. Would you rather have a phenomenal pair of boots with a sub par pack or a phenomenal pack with sub par boots?


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I've worked as a guide for several seasons in Alaska and you can fake it with a marginal backpack, but without healthy feet your just an expensive camp cook. Boots to me are way more important.
Boots, love your feet.
Pack? There's dozens of pack options that will work just fine, Osprey in virtually any configuration will work nicely and they are everywhere between $1-200.

The simple truth is that modern gear that is even a year or two old is excellent insomuch that the 'latest and greatest' thinking is a total scam and a cash burn.
I'll likley die with the core gear I have, and that isn't bullsh!t.