What to upgrade first: boots or backpack?

definitely buy a good quality pair of boots first. Throw a couple of large black trash bags in your kill kit to keep your pack clean during pack out. Do NOT store meat I the trash bags, only use them for pack out by putting game bags with meat in them and then into your pack. When you return for your camping gear, your bag will be clean. Large dry bag would also work, but weighs more and will need to be cleaned.
backpack. You can wear approach shoes instead of boots i like the la sportiva tx3. Have worn them all across alaska
I completely agree with new boots. I wore sub par boots for a long time hunting in Idaho and every year I told my Brother I was good. I never got hot spots or blisters but my back would hurt and my legs got tired fairly easy. Last year my brother told me I was an idiot and let me use a pair or Thors he had as extras and it was a gamechanger. I can go further and harder without the fatigue.