High BC copper bullets?


Apr 5, 2024
Is there any high BC copper bullets that can be used at extended target ranges? The Cutting edge bullets seem to high bc's but I dont know how accurate those are
I have experience with the Barnes lrx. Has anyone experienced the cutting edge bullets?
They have a 125gr solid copper with an estimated g1 bc of .530 and a g7 of .273?
Is that accurate? They also say reliable down to 1600fps
I guess I don't understand the BC calculations because copper bullets are all very long for weight compared to lead. The 6.5 127 LRX looks like a javelin but doesn't have an exceptional BC compared to some other bullets.
Coppers will always yield lower BC compared to traditional high BC target/match bullets. Cutting Edge has been used by extreme long range shooters for years.

They will never shoot good unless your have a non standard fast twist rate barrel with a long COL and tight jump to the rifle lands and grooves.

Published BCs are subjective, different test environments and velocities manufactures skew the numbers. I however would think the Cutting Edge numbers should be close but you have to compare test velocity speed and BC results when making your decision.

With all the modern Lab Radar devices these BC numbers are published by others as well. Its worth digging around and seeing comparable results from their data/BC numbers.
Barnes LRX
Hammer HBC, even their HHT line has some good coefficients.

The problem with high BC solid copper bullets is you typically need a fast 8 or even 7 twist barrel thats custom throated to properly seat the bullet for best case volume, to get that velocity needed to truly take advantage of the bullets BC, safely. Done properly though, they fly very accurately and hit hard.