Here we go again in MT...

Yeah, no on landowner tags, or any selling of them that isn't via FWP. Never want to see that here.

BHA put out a decent blast message with contact info on this, wihch I am pasting below.

None of it is science-based. Capping draw permits for public land, and making general (ie either sex, so you can shoot a bull) tags only good on private land certainly sounds like they want to get the general public hunting private and moving elk pressure away from ranches/ag. Great - except.........access is the issue. Not the tag. The current elk mgt plan needs updated before we screw with seasons. That plan at least has provisions for cow-only harvest when over the "objectives" for elk numbers - BUT you still have to have access to do it!

If shoulder seasons, which were promised as non-permenant, science-based and very targeted extended harvest of cows ONLY on private land (to haze them back onto public, was the thought.....but they go low in the winter for a reason, which is where ranches/ag are) aren't doing it - let's flip it to allow private only harvest of cows OR bulls? That's the solution to manage over-objective districts? What a crock. AND let's reduce limited draw bull permits public land only? Why? Never-mind science based, logic-based standard isn't even met here.

Apparantly we don't wish to manage for "opporunity" in MT now? This is simply insane, and very much needs to be stopped. PLEASE write in folks.

Fish & Wildlife Commission Meeting
Location: Helena, Capitol Room 152
Date: December 14, 2021
Time: 8:30 a.m.

Commissioner Contact Info

Patrick Tabor - Vice Chair
[email protected]
(406) 250-2899
Whitefish, Montana

Jana Waller
[email protected]
(920) 222-1136
Lolo, Montana

Pat Byorth
[email protected]
(406) 548-4830
Bozeman, Montana

KC Walsh
[email protected]
(406) 599-9556
Martinsdale, Montana

Brian Cebull
[email protected]
(406) 860-7416
Billings, Montana

Lesley Robinson - Chair
[email protected]
(406) 301-0787
Dodson, Montana

William Lane
[email protected]
(406) 778-2155
Ismay, Montana
For everyone on this thread, there is a public meeting being held on Dec. 14 at 8:30 AM in Helena at the Capitol building, Room 152. Show up in force and let our voices be heard!
I'll send smoke signals starting at 10am. Please translate to attendees.

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Do they care to hear from nonresidents or am I wasting my time?

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You should contact the Montana Chapter of BHA or reach out to Kevin the chap coordinator. They usually have a pretty good sense for stuff like that. Sometimes they just ask that nonresident use different avenues of contact.
I lived in Colorado a little while and have no interest in Montana changing things to look anything like Colorado's season structure, short split seasons and weapon thank you.

As far as FWP goes, these decisions are not made at the normal employee level at FWP. This stuff comes from the director level and above. In addition, the objectives are set by the commission. So always blaming FWP lumps an awful lot of good folks into a category they don't belong but in.
I'd encourage anyone who can't attend in person (or online) to write their commissioner.

I don't think it would hurt nonresidents to write in as well.
Time for Jana Waller to speak up. Is she a voice of logic? She seems reasonable on her TV shows.

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She’s bought and sold by sponsors, guides and SFW. Wonder if she will even make the meeting or be too busy off filming as she was for the previous one?

I have to assume the ground floor level employee moral at FWP is terrible. I’m surprised they don’t do an employee walkout, if I remember correctly they are union and thus would have some job protection
It’s funny Wyoming went to the mat for it’s residents to get 90/10. Then Montana wants to pull half of the limited entry tags that the public can get so they can sell access to private land since drawing a tag will no longer be a issue

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Vote Republican in Montana and this is what you get folks!
Unfortunately most people buy into the "waste your vote" fallacy that the mainstream media and the two political parties have brainwashed into everyone's heads.

For most people this means a choice of a party that favors landowners at the expense of the DIY hunter vs. a party that is actively working to destroy the idea of personal freedom and liberty. Not a hard choice for most Montanan's.
Let’s get the political ball rolling and then lose sight of the ball that really needs watching.

Square away the policies that need squared away, screw the political rhetoric.

I agree 100% it’s become to easy to just go for ow it’s this party if we lose sight of this we all lose

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For most people this means a choice of a party that favors landowners at the expense of the DIY hunter vs. a party that is actively working to destroy the idea of personal freedom and liberty. Not a hard choice for most Montanan's.
How to nationalize local elections 101.

It would be interesting to see a list of freedoms Montanans lost under Democrat Governors (since 2005).