Hemorrhoid flare ups

Aug 25, 2016
All depends on how bad they are. Keep them lubricated and clean, Prep H, Desitin ointment , A+D ointment helps keep that whole rear area from getting too chaffed or too inflamed from all the walking and sweating. Got to stay clean! Worse case, take those kill kit gloves and just shove those little buggers back where they came from! LOL!

If it's a purple sock hanging ..... you better just skip the hunt all together!


WKR & Chairman of the Rokslide Welcoming Committee
Classified Approved
Feb 2, 2020
Scottsdale, AZ
Proto-Med or Proctozone (Rx required; there might be others) is also an option.

Industrial strength Prep H is my understanding.

A friend told me about it. ;)



Aug 6, 2021
Take 400 grams of Magnesium everyday. It should help keep you regular and keep things flowing better which means less flareups.
X2 on the magnesium.
Take 400 grams of Magnesium everyday. It should help keep you regular and keep things flowing better which means less flareups.
X2 on the magnesium. Also zinc oxide. I personally do not have experience but I have heard from the old man these are the remedies.
Jan 10, 2021
I don't know everything, but I do know that our hunting camp consists of many things, and a guaranteed item on each of our lists is baby wipes. I have them in my pack for the on the fly emergencies, a small pack in a cargo pocket for the drive to/from, a small pack in my hunting pants pocket, a huge pack in my camp duffel, a huge pack for at camp, and then a backup huge pack. Multiply this times 3-5 guys, and it's pretty rare than anyone gets gorilla ass (that I'm aware of!). Usually about day 4-5, the giant shower wipes come out at night, followed by "look this way at your own risk".

After traveling Europe, I've frequently opined that we cannot call ourselves a first world country until we accept the fact that TP only doesn't do the job.
Gorilla ass ⚠️


Apr 6, 2021
Gold Bond. Especially the menthol version for its cooling and soothing properties. Of course that is after the first 15 -20 seconds of intense burning sensation.

It fun to watch some the reaction of someone that uses it for the first time. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
That’s no lie, I used some last year in elk camp; not for a hemi but just general day 5 chafe control - Big Mistake!! Had it been a later season with snow on the ground I might have done better, but not much relief to be found on a warm, dry September evening. Lucky we were truck camping and there was ice in the cooler😂


Dec 29, 2019
Backcountry bidets solve so many problems. If you get crap on your face, you wouldn't wipe it off with some paper, even if it's damp, and call it good, would you? You should treat your nether regions just the same. I've got one called the Culo Clean that pops onto your standard water bottle and does an admirable job of keeping everything nice and clean. Combined with some fiber supplements to counteract all that junk food on backpacking trips and you'll be doing just fine. It also saves having to pack out dirty TP if you're the leave no trace type.


Jul 2, 2016
I had them BAD about 10 years ago. They didn’t hurt, they itched, the itched so bad they burned I could almost never get comfortable. There was a point where I would have to walk out of meetings to go to the bathroom and claw at my butthole. It was terrible and I considered surgery. I got to a point where I would try almost anything that somebody told me would help. I’d try to ice it, put on aloe, crushed garlic (no joke, saw it on a homeopathic website). Holy hell it was bad and nothing seemed to help.

One day I went to use the restroom and there was just tons of blood on the TP. I was pretty freaked out as that had never happened before. As the day went on I realized I wasn’t itching as much. The blood thing lasted a few days and the itching just disappeared.

All I can think is that there was some vein engorged with blood and the irritation and all the nerves of the butthole were causing the itching, maybe the vein broke or something which is why there was so much blood and the release of pressure stopped the irritation and my butthole was able to return to normal.

If you’ve ever had them bad you know what I’m taking about. Sorry for the gross details, butthole problems are not for the faint of heart.

123 4/8 P&Y

May 17, 2012
I had them BAD about 10 years ago. They didn’t hurt, they itched, the itched so bad they burned I could almost never get comfortable. There was a point where I would have to walk out of meetings to go to the bathroom and claw at my butthole. It was terrible and I considered surgery. I got to a point where I would try almost anything that somebody told me would help. I’d try to ice it, put on aloe, crushed garlic (no joke, saw it on a homeopathic website). Holy hell it was bad and nothing seemed to help.

One day I went to use the restroom and there was just tons of blood on the TP. I was pretty freaked out as that had never happened before. As the day went on I realized I wasn’t itching as much. The blood thing lasted a few days and the itching just disappeared.

All I can think is that there was some vein engorged with blood and the irritation and all the nerves of the butthole were causing the itching, maybe the vein broke or something which is why there was so much blood and the release of pressure stopped the irritation and my butthole was able to return to normal.

If you’ve ever had them bad you know what I’m taking about. Sorry for the gross details, butthole problems are not for the faint of heart.

Oh man. Years ago I got an itchy hole like that after doing a warrior dash. I figured it was irritation from the run. Or else somebody in front of me put their ass fungus on one of the obstacles. Then I squeegeed it into my own bung sliding down the same place they did. But perhaps I was wrong and it was a rhoid? I had light blood when I wiped. The wipes I had on hand just burned and made it worse (since that time, I have had kids and discovered the real wipes for babies are what I needed.) I tried a few topical treatments and finally A&D ointment seemed to do the trick. That was a rough few weeks.

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Jun 30, 2021
Staying hydrated and eating fiber pills daily. All of that processed food (snack bars/space food/dehydrated meals) wrecks my system. I keep my fiber pills with my instant coffee when backpacking so I remember to take them first thing. A&D is a miracle when you get chafed.


Jul 2, 2016
Oh man. Years ago I got an itchy hole like that after doing a warrior dash. I figured it was irritation from the run. Or else somebody in front of me put their ass fungus on one of the obstacles. Then I squeegeed it into my own bung sliding down the same place they did. But perhaps I was wrong and it was a rhoid? I had light blood when I wiped. The wipes I had on hand just burned and made it worse (since that time, I have had kids and discovered the real wipes for babies are what I needed.) I tried a few topical treatments and finally A&D ointment seemed to do the trick. That was a rough few weeks.

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Sounds like rhoids to me. Mine lasted around 8 months….terrible.
Apr 6, 2015
I'm not joking, but Vick's Vapor Rub works better than anything I've ever used. You can Google it and read about how successful it is for many. Your butt will be on fire for a few minutes but it works great. It's always in my travel kit and my backpack when hunting.

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