Help with Packing Out Meat - What is Fair?

Tags are free for residents here, but we usually split all the costs. Gas, camper costs (if we have one), group food, etc. Even the times the other person didn't have a tag (i.e., not enough residency time in AK) I still split the meat as long as they contribute equally (or more!).

I thought it sounded too generous to split evenly if the other costs weren't divvied up as well. Your system sounds right.
1/4 mile flat, I'd whistle to myself and keep repeating "Holy shit, I killed a moose!" while I packed it out solo.
For the people who said split it evenly with those they hunt with...Do you all have your own tags or are they accompanying you on the hunt and helping with the pack out? If the latter, do you split the tag cost equally as well?

In my group for elk I split equally (assuming you hauled, if you kept hunting while others haul then you might get tossed a bit but you didn't do the work part). Why? Because when we're in far enough that we can only haul 1 elk reasonably there aren't any hard feelings on who is shooter if both are getting meat in the freezer. Deer/antelope you're usually hauling your own out but when the season dust settles if a buddy had a light year and I had a good one I'll drop off some stuff for their freezer.
I thought it was illegal to pay with meat in CO, but you could gift up to 20 lbs to friends and family.

You can't pay with meat and you technically can't gift meat at the trailhead legally either. You can gift 100% of it if you wanted if you drop if off at their home OR its processed meat. Not saying do that just clarifying the at home and/or processed meat part doesn't have a pound restriction.
Buddy = half, someone I just met = hind quarter + choice of backstrap or loin.

That said, it's probably faster to hump it all out yourself then call, plan, meet up and figure it all out.

If in doubt, be more generous.

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First let me say that I would accept gifts or payment for meat packing BUT I wouldn't do it expecting to get your meat and I definitely don't think that packing some meat justifies my entitlement to half of your bounty or even a hind quarter and a backstrap. If I was approached and able to help pack for someone I would do it just to help, I guess I think there is so much more that goes into a hunt then packing meat, the endless hours of front end work, the scouting trips, the effort expended during a hunt (sometimes it happens without much effort but usually it is a week or 2 or 3 of very hard miles and little sleep) the realistic cost of a hunt, what the meat cost per pound is usually way more then any one of us would like to acknowledge, give half away and you've double the cost per pound of already expensive meat. I would rather compensate someone a couple hundred bucks or the equivalent of 2 bucks a pound of packed meat, of course it depends on how far the meat needs to get packed out, if it is more than a couple miles then I would have to pass on helping due to it being past my own limits.

Now if the hunt was a team effort then by all means I would give up half of my hard earned bounty.

Also, could you imagine having a half of an elk or even a quarter and a backstrap at a G&F roadblock and no tag for the meat!
Thought I would solicit opinions on what you would consider fair on the scenario below.

A solo hunter draws a moose tag in a unit unfamiliar to him and not close to his home. He gets an offer for packing help via a hunting forum from someone who will aslo be in that area. The packer just wants some meat for helping and the solo hunter is more than happy to give him some. The solo hunter kills an animal and contacts the guy that made the packing help offer and they end up carrying out 3 loads each to the truck - 1/4 mile carry each time and fairly flat. What do you consider fair "meat compensation" to give the guy that helped pack out?

If it me I tell the guy to take what's fair and know I did the right thing. I then buy him a case of beer to go with it. In my case, the guide had a winch in the back of his truck and a ramp. Drove right up to it. I kept it all but the backstrap we ate in the lodge. <g>
