Help me rescope and reload for Christensen Arms Summit Ti.

A cheap way to check if you'll like dialing for yardage is to order the stickers from Custom Turret Systems. They are $20 and you'll get 3 stickers, all the same, and a wind hold sticker to place where ever you want. I place it on top of the scope. Anyways, you simply range and dial for yardage just like those Gunwerks and Huskemaw guys do, only for a heck of a lot less money. They'll be accurate as long as the weather and elevation are the same, similar to memorized hash marks are only for the same conditions.

I just remembered that you don't have exposed turrets. So having to remove the cap to dial might be a pain.

Just food for thought. Great shooting by the way.

Just my 2 cents and worth the price charged.
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Maninthemaze- on that note, Mark Boardman at Vortex told me one of the top finishers in their challenge this year was shooting one of these Light hunter scopes without exposed turretss and he was dialing. It doesn’t have a reset to zero but Mark said this guy had it tuned to a gnats eyelash and shot with the best of them.


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Finally played with a load in my 270wsm, settled on the charge now I'll play a little with seating.

Nice. I'm liking RL26 a lot. What velocity are you getting?

Not sure, I'll chrono it when I finalize my load. I just loaded .005 off the lands and tested 4 different loads: 68.5, 69, 69.5 and 70. 69 is above and 69.5 started to open up, 70 opened up and started to show pressure signs. I'll settle on 69.1 and next I'll test .01, .015, .02 off the lands and then will call it good.

My mule deer hunt starts Nov 29th, so won't get to really mess around with it too much before then.
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You got a shooter. I got my new Tikka out recently. 7mm mag, factor HSM 168.

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I'm back. Hunting season's over for me so I finished up the final review on this project (link is at bottom of post).
I'm very happy with the scope/rifle/load. Talking to Mike at Hell's Canyon, I'm going to play with my seating depth a bit more and see what that does, then I'll try the Runout guage suggested by danmayland earlier in the thread if more tweaking needed. Even if I can't shoot it better than it is already, I'm very happy with it. Thanks everyone...



Vortex Razor HD Light Hunter 2-10x40 Riflescope Review - Rokslide
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Robby are you gonna put a bubble level of some sort on it to make sure you aren't canting the rifle anyways, cause all the leveling of the scope goes out the window if you naturally cant the rifle anyways. I know if I don't make sure I am my bubble is level especially shooting towards uneven ground and just try to make my cross hairs "look" level I have missed steel even as close as 550. Then correct for a bubble level and make 5 shots in a row at the same distance in less than 30 second. That said I'm a newb and just starting to try the longer distances out, but I have figured out enough that especially shooting to uneven terrain I naturally try to make the cross hairs look level when in reality I look at the bubble level and my rifle/scope apparently has a serious gangster lean going on. ;)

YUP,.. Leveling the Scope, to the Rifle then, "leveling" the Bubble level is,... MUY Importantico !! Especially, beyond 300-400 yds or so, like Luke, says !
I have "put together" a Tikka Stainless Lite T3, in .270 WSM with, a 3X9 Burris (for "real World", hunting, from Dark Timber to Sage, at 600 yds) and will use a "Dial" on top after, load "work up" and Verification, in Burris Zee, Medium Steel Nickel plated Rings on weaver silver alum bases, total weight, 7.5 pounds. I am now trying, 64 to 65 Grains of IMR 7828 with, a 140 AccuBond (mainly for Elk Hunting ) trying to reach 3,100ish ! This gun, has shot 6, 5 shot, Sub MOA groups, starting at 58 grains, to 63 grains so far. Note; Nosler Data was, VERY LOW as, to powder charges ! I'm impressed with the TIKKA so far,.. Love, the 70 degree Bolt lift, adjustable trigger, HARD Composite, free floated stock, great Bbl's, changed the Recoil lug to Steel and put on a LimbSaver, Total cost, $920.00 ! IF you like Remington Brass, I got mine at, Precision Reloading, in Mitchell So. Dakota ( $90.00 shipped, per 100 ). Love the .270 WSM ! I SOLD my Custom Wby MK5 in .338 Win Mag and 7 MM Rem Mag M-700, BOTH were, 9-10 pounders. Liked your 7mm Mag. vs .270 Article,..SO,..True ! Your CA Ti Rifle looks great ! Good Luck !
thanks Idaho lefty and that sounds like a sweet gun and for under a grand. I don't know much about 7828, but if you want to beat 3,100 handily, that R26 and H4831SC I tried in this project was in the 3,300-3,400 range with 140 Berger Classic Hunters.

Also, I have not put a bubble on the gun and unless I found an utlralight simple solution for that, I won't. I don't dispute a thing Luke is saying, but I don't want one more step in my shot and in three seasons of shooting the gun, even to nearly 700 yards, I'm happy with the performance, and the guns killed every deer I've pointed it at. As the two stories in the review show (and same thing with the other two bucks I've killed), I like fast and simple. Adding a bubble is one more time consumer to me. Maybe I'll change my mind someday, but for the yardages I shoot, I doubt it.
thanks Idaho lefty and that sounds like a sweet gun and for under a grand. I don't know much about 7828, but if you want to beat 3,100 handily, that R26 and H4831SC I tried in this project was in the 3,300-3,400 range with 140 Berger Classic Hunters.

Also, I have not put a bubble on the gun and unless I found an utlralight simple solution for that, I won't. I don't dispute a thing Luke is saying, but I don't want one more step in my shot and in three seasons of shooting the gun, even to nearly 700 yards, I'm happy with the performance, and the guns killed every deer I've pointed it at. As the two stories in the review show (and same thing with the other two bucks I've killed), I like fast and simple. Adding a bubble is one more time consumer to me. Maybe I'll change my mind someday, but for the yardages I shoot, I doubt it.

I hear you, NOT everyone "cants' their gun and if you feel comfortable, shooting past 400 without one, go for it ! Bubble levels are very light, being Aluminum and plastic, but I've never weighed one ( I just know that,.. I,.. "need", one !).
I had 3 pounds of 7828 left over from, my 7 mm Rem Mag and it fills the case, nicely, I do know that, Rl-22, Rl-26 and 4831 get more velocity, but, 3,100 to 3,150, is fast enough for me, because I'm going to use a "DiaL" for shots past 300 yards, and not shoot, over 550-600 yards, Max., anyway ! 600 yds is about, my max range for, "doping" Wind and the effective kill range, on Elk with the .270 WSM and AccuBonds, unless I went back to the 7mmRem Mag.,..ugh, almost 10 pounds with, Bipod ! My son and I are Bow hunters so sneaking up a little closer is, no big deal for us ! I enjoy reading your articles and this, "thread" as, you have a lot of, "common sense" about, Rifles and Hunting ! Good luck to you ! Doug
I have looked at the 140 classic Hunter and may try them later
Thank you Idaho Lefty. It’s not the bubble that weighs much, but finding rings that include a bubble that aren’t heavy. I tried to go with Xtreme Hardcores system but they don’t make them for 1” tubes.
I agree that 3,100 with a 140 is plenty fast. Sometimes my need for speed blinds me to just how well modern propellants perform. 3,000 in a 270 with a 130 used to be fast.
Good luck to you too

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I "settled" on, 64.7 grains of, IMR 7828 with, the 140 AccuBonds and am "happy" with, the Velocity at, 3,125 - 3,130 FPS with, NO pressure, signs showing ! And still, sub MOA ! This load, has about 1,500 ft pounds of Energy at, 550 yards and at, 600 yds it's about 1402 ft. lbs and the Bullet, is still going, 2,123 FPS which should expand, an AccuBond. I plan on doing a lot of practicing, to 700-800 but, NOT looking, to shoot that far, on Game ! I know that, the 140 Classic Hunter, by Berger, would be even better, for distance, on Elk/ Deer but, I haven't tried them, yet !