Christensen issue?


Nov 17, 2024
Hey folks, so i need some opinions. I have a Christensen Arms Ridgeline in 300wsm and it has what I can only assume an overly tight chamber. Since iv owned the rifle (new) I have had to wipe out the chamber with a cleaning patch on a brush every 20 round or so, or I start to show signs of over pressure (sticky bolt lift, ejector marks). I recently purchased 200 rounds of Nosler Trophy Grade 180s and it wont even chamber. A visual inspection shows a very slight difference in the shoulder area but this seems crazy to me. I contacted Christensen and they told me that their chambers are cut on the lower side of SAAMI spec and that is how they can achieve such good accuracy... The rifle has never been a fantastic shooter to begin with (~1.25MOA. ) So, here are my options; A. Rebarrel B. Have someone ream the chamber slightly. C Sell the rifle and put proceeds towards something else. Heres the kicker, the rifle needs a new stock as well. When I first purchased the rifle I took the stock off to clean and torque everything (like I do with every new rifle) and the stock between the mag box and trigger had a crack. I contacted Christensen at the time and they had told me that is was no big deal and that people will actually cut that part out... I was naive at the time and believed them. I'm kicking myself now for not making a big deal out of it and demanding a new stock. I say all that to say this, between a new stock, possibly a new barrel or having it reamed, Im pretty close to the cost of a new rifle. If I didn't like the 300WSM cartridge so much I would just walk away from it. Needless to say, I will never buy another Christensen. Do you guys have any thoughts?
I'd make them make it right on the stock for sure and possibly the chamber.

I'd have a gunsmith confirm the chamber is within spec. I imagine having someone "clean up" the chamber to open it a bit could be done for quite a bit less than a full chamber job if you want to go that route.

There have been a handful of reports of nosler ammo not being within spec in recent years, i'd make sure that is good too.
You can repair the stock..i wouldn't replace it epoxy can patch the crack. I'd take it to a good gunsmith and have them examine the chamber. If it's out of spec that gives you the ammunition to demand they make it right. If they won't come back here and make a stink.
Super common with CA rifles. Did CA say anything about opening up the chamber or is that on you?

I’d for sure want a new stock out of the deal from CA. Then decide if you really like the rifle. If not, sell and get a reliable rifle. My brother had a CA 300 WM - he had tight chamber issues too. While it shot well, he got tired of dealing with it and sold it.
Super common with CA rifles. Did CA say anything about opening up the chamber or is that on you?

I’d for sure want a new stock out of the deal from CA. Then decide if you really like the rifle. If not, sell and get a reliable rifle. My brother had a CA 300 WM - he had tight chamber issues too. While it shot well, he got tired of dealing with it and sold it.
CA told me if I were to send it back in, they would check and see if it were within their specs but that was it. I should probably cause more of a fuss about the stock but I had the forend drilled for an addition 1/4-20 attachment and they make it well know any alterations void the warranty. Maybe I'm being pessimistic about it but Im thinking they're just going to tell me "to bad"
Send it in. I doubt they would not take care of you. Overall, of the 4 I have owned, I had to send 1 back for a cracked stock. They took care of it, no issues. All of mine have shot really well.
Send that POS in, let them fix it, then sell it. Had the same thing with a 28. Worst rifles ever.

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Send it back, make them repair what needs to be done, have them shoot it and send the report back to you. Shoot it yourself, if you are happy with it keep it. I have 2 CA FFT Ti rifles and both shoot very well without any issues. No complaints here. They will make it right.
CA customer service has been very easy to work with. If you are > 1 MOA and having issues with factory ammunition tolerance, ask for a return authorization from them. They will check the barrel, shoot and replace if necessary. They will likely also fix or replace the stock.
I have same gun. Here's what I have to do. Clean it every 50rds. I little carbon will cause problems. They have double electors and very stiff springs. They will make marks making it look like pressure when it's not. Yes every thing is tight. I reload and never had brass chamber problems unless not cleaned, full length resized each. Mine is very accurate, but looks like even mild loads have pressure but it's fine. I do not shoot it a lot. But I'm about 250rds and and still have to clean at 50 or it get hard to close bolt. You just have to decide if that's okay with you. Because mine shoots very well, I'm good with that.
If you reload talk to your die manufacturer. Ive sent my sizing die and a few pieces of once fired brass to Redding and they shaved a bit off the base of the die to make it size properly for a tight chamber.

As for the crack. Are you talking about an internal crack of the web between the trigger and mag port? A front to rear crack in the center foam filler? I think thats common with those stocks, from the action wedging in and spreading the sides. I believe they state its non-structual and that foam filler web can be ground out.
If you return it, thats probably what they’d do if thats the crack your talking about.

Im not sure having a smith pull the barrel and clean up the chamber would be worth it to you, but its probably only $300 give or take.
At this point there needs to be a sticky / pinned post of “What to do when your Christensen won’t shoot”.

Send it back in. Don’t chase the problem yourself, like I did myself. They will fix it, their customer service is good (obviously not as good as their QC dept).
They built the gun wrong to begin with. Seems to happen a lot with these guys. Why would you think they can get it right the second try? Third? Money has been wasted. Don’t waste your time. Trash the stock. Trash the barrel. Use the action to build a custom rifle. Or sell it for parts and move on.
Hey folks, so i need some opinions. I have a Christensen Arms Ridgeline in 300wsm and it has what I can only assume an overly tight chamber. Since iv owned the rifle (new) I have had to wipe out the chamber with a cleaning patch on a brush every 20 round or so, or I start to show signs of over pressure (sticky bolt lift, ejector marks). I recently purchased 200 rounds of Nosler Trophy Grade 180s and it wont even chamber.
I realize this thread is over a month old, but new to me. What you’re describing doesn’t sound like a tight chamber but rather carbon build up in the throat. If the pressure is relieved by cleaning, that’s a carbon build up.

You can easily test this since you’ve got factory ammo that won’t chamber. Take a Nosler cartridge that won’t chamber and pull the bullet out (and dump the powder). Now stick the empty case back in the chamber. If it goes, the chamber is not your problem. The bullet is hitting a carbon ring in the throat and preventing chambering.

If that turns out to be it, hit the throat area with JB bore cleaning compound on a patch tightly wrapped on a jag (or any other carbon ring remedy you prefer).