Back from the shooting range. 30 to 36°, light winds, and cloudy – perfect for the chronograph.
This gun is shooting better than ever, with three groups at 1” or less. I’ve had it for three seasons and several of today’s groups are better than anything I’ve ever shot. With all the change to bullet, powder, and BTO, it’s hard to say what’s making the difference, but she’s a shooter for a light weight magnum.
Keep in mind this is a 7 1/2 pound gun which is very hard to steady, and I’m not using a lead sled, just my shoulder and beanbags—and 10x max
I don’t have my journal in front of me, but the velocities are incredible with these two powders. I had one group at over 3400 ft./s. Well over published velocities from Berger. I’ll post the velocities later, but here are all the groups I shot today. I could not shoot the 65 grain in the H4831SC as the pressures were getting too high, so five groups total
I’ll be going with either the 63gr. H4831SC or the 67 gr. R26
Several of you guys suggested those powders, and I’m very impressed with their velocities/accuracy. Thanks for all your help you guys, I’m even more excited about this. Super glad I learned to do the BTO, as it’s really nice to know the uniformity of your cartridges and then see these groups.
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