Headed Back To Colorado!

We got all checked in at the place we rented and hit the hills for more scouting. Some bucks are starting to chase and some aren't at all. The rutt should continue to get hotter and hotter over the next few days. We saw a bunch of deer today including a few mature bucks.

These two look pretty solid and we are going to try and get a closer look at them tomorrow. I believe one of them is really good.




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This morning, my dad and I set up where we saw those bucks last night. My brother and Katrina went to a glassing spot just to the east so thy could look from a different angle.

We saw a bunch of does and small bucks just about everywhere we looked. Eventually Branden text me and said he could see the smaller of the two good bucks. A little later I caught a few glimpses as he made his way toward an area of really thick oak brush.

About that time Branden said he could see the bigger buck down in a brushy draw between us. So, my dad and I snuck that way hoping to cut it off before it made it to the big brushy area. We Eventually spotted the bigger buck but he was spooked (not sure from us or something else) and was headed for the brush. He ended up trotting right past the spot we were originally glassing from. No shot unfortunately.

Next we headed up to a big draw to glass but only a small buck and some does.


Now we are watching a big sage flat and a draw while we eat some snacks.

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Well, we spotted a good buck midday from a mile or so away and my dad and I drove over and then hiked into position. We could see the does that were with him but after a couple hours, he still hadn't come into the open. Most likely was bedded.

We were getting tired of sitting about the time my brother text and said he saw another buck up the road from us. So, my dad and I made the move over to look for that buck. We finally found him just as he went into a thick draw. By that time my brother and Katrina were on their way and eventually hiked in from the other side so we could see two angles.

Just before dark, a buck (possibly the same but not sure) finally appeared up the draw so my dad and Katrina both got set for shots. Long story short, neither ended up with a good shot so no shots fired.

Tomorrow is a new day though!
Another long, fun day hunting mule deer. My dad almost got a shot at a buck at first light but he was pushing does around and wouldn't stand still. He got into the thick brush without a shot so we will be back after them today.
We started getting snow flurries this morning in the dark and the wind and snow kept increasing as it got light out. Visibility was low with the blowing snow and it was freezing! My dad and I made our way up to a glassing point in the SxS when I saw deer about 200 yards to our right, just outside of heavy oak brush.

As I glassed I saw a big framed buck but he didn't stick around long enough for me to judge him or for my dad to get a shot opportunity. He took a few quick steps and disappeared into the brush and heavy snow.

**edit to add a little gear teaser**

Very interesting little bipod from our friends at Gunwerks. It has one more section in the legs that isn't visible in the photos and it also has four width positions making it very versatile.

First photo is full width.


Second photo is one from the narrowest position.

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Monday night was one for the books. My dad and I hiked down to a little glassing point to watch an open area for the night.


Half hour before dark deer start running all over the place and we ended up getting to watch the most epic buck fight I've ever seen. Two heavyweights went at and it was awesome! We ended up seeing five big bucks but didn't have a great opportunity at any of them due to distance and fading light. Still an awesome evening hunting deer with my dad.


Yesterday was slower. We saw quite a few deer but still no shooters within range. Today is forecast to be even colder so it's just a matter of time before a buck slips up.
Well, you sure are into some great bucks, it's just a matter of time. Some really great photos to go along with update reports. The one in the open area with the deer and the Mts. in the back ground with the sun setting on them is great. Nature is amazing.
Today was a good day! This morning dad and I hit a different draw where I have seen good bucks in the past. We ended up seeing five or six bucks but nothing mature. We watched that draw for a while and then headed to look over the other side of the ridge into another draw.

I immediately started seeing deer. Lots of does, and then a few small bucks, all filtering through the oak brush. As I glassed up to the top on the other side of the draw I saw a buck looking through the brush at us. He ended up being a really cool cactus buck with lots of extras and a drop tine. My dad decided he wanted to shoot him so we got everything ready. The buck was facing straight on and instead of turning to the side, he spun completely around and walked off. Never presenting a good shot.

Just a few moments later I spotted a buck pushing a doe through the brush. He looked heavy and had a good frame. I told my dad to get ready to shoot. His shot would have to be standing using my tripod due to the tall brush. I ranged the buck at 218 yards and we waited for a broadside shot. The buck turned and presented the shot we needed. Unfortunately the hit was a bit back so a couple followup shots were required but in the end, my dad had a great buck on the ground.


Branden and Katrina came over and helped get him cut up and packed out as well.


It's been a great trip so far hunting with my dad. Only thing left is to get Katrina on a good one!
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