Headed Back To Colorado!


Nov 25, 2021
Thanks for following along on the first half of our adventures in Colorado. We will be packing up to head home in a few hours and then I'll be back for 3rd season with my brother to help my dad and sister-in-law fill their tags.
Congrats on the deer to the young men, and a big thank you to you and the other father for having those young men in the outdoors hunting.


Nov 25, 2021
Today was a good day! This morning dad and I hit a different draw where I have seen good bucks in the past. We ended up seeing five or six bucks but nothing mature. We watched that draw for a while and then headed to look over the other side of the ridge into another draw.

I immediately started seeing deer. Lots of does, and then a few small bucks, all filtering through the oak brush. As I glassed up to the top on the other side of the draw I saw a buck looking through the brush at us. He ended up being a really cool cactus buck with lots of extras and a drop tine. My dad decided he wanted to shoot him so we got everything ready. The buck was facing straight on and instead of turning to the side, he spun completely around and walked off. Never presenting a good shot.

Just a few moments later I spotted a buck pushing a doe through the brush. He looked heavy and had a good frame. I told my dad to get ready to shoot. His shot would have to be standing using my tripod due to the tall brush. I ranged the buck at 218 yards and we waited for a broadside shot. The buck turned and presented the shot we needed. Unfortunately the hit was a bit back so a couple followup shots were required but in the end, my dad had a great buck on the ground.

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Branden and Katrina came over and helped get him cut up and packed out as well.

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It's been a great trip so far hunting with my dad. Only thing left is to get Katrina on a good one!
Heck yea great buck, love the play by play.


Feb 25, 2018
I’ve stomped all over those mountains in the background during summers and hunting seasons. And congratulations on your hunts.