Have you moved out of state?

Inadvertently became a California resident when I went there for graduate school and got employed immediately. Honestly, during those years I loved it because I was young, single, well paid, and having fun every day. Then I got married and had kids. Turned everything upside down, had to start paying attention to social issues, politics, crime, and especially the terrible schools in California. Everyone I worked with paid for their kids to attend private schools, but that wasn't for me. My feeling was, if you can't invest your own children in your own community, then why the hell are you living there? So we left, moved up the west coast to Washington. Schools were certainly a lot better there (at least where we moved), but for the past ten years I'm seeing the same trend lines for woke stupidity that I saw in California. I can foretell Washington is on the path to ruination, mainly because of the morons in Seattle. So now we are considering where we can find a haven. Montana is off the list because it can have left-leaning tendencies. Keeping an eye on Nevada, the northern part of the state that is more wooded and less politically stupid, but fleeing Californians are gradually ruining that state, too. Our best option is probably Idaho, which is also getting the California cancer, but seems to be more resistant to woke stupidity than other states. Sadly, we're even looking at different countries because, let's face it, this isn't the same old United States we grew up in.
Keeping an eye on Nevada, the northern part of the state that is more wooded and less politically stupid,
I can assure you any area of Nevada that is wooded is either on the California border or the gullies of the alpines above 7500' . Nevada welcomes conservative refugees from any state. Nevada is split pretty even between idiots and conservatives, so every conservative vote matters. Unlike California Oregon and Washington that is controlled by the radical left with no real opposition. I can see the writing on the wall. Time for a on the side of the left, which has control of the schools, pumping out brainwashed liberals every year, it won't be too long before we are just like Canada ,A
Moved several times. From Alabama; moved a really far away to MS for undergrad. Grad school moved back to Alabama but 2.5 hours south to Auburn.
After graduation moved to Georgia for 2 months to finish my preceptor.. hired in temporarily while one of the associates went on a 3 month maternity leave so all in about 5 months there.
Wanted to see different country moved out to Idaho. Things didn’t quite work out the way they were supposed to then moved back to Alabama and have been here since.
Depending on what transpires in the next couple of months, may be moving to Texas though
In my mind gaining folks from the Mid-West isn't a bad deal. Gaining folks from the South, California, Washington, Oregon and others that want to make it like where they left sucks.
This is exactly the problem. People are literally fleeing from California and Oregon (Portland is losing population badly right now). And why? Because policies in those states are antithetical to good government, good schools, good society. So give those people credit for undertanding their predicament and taking positive action by moving to a more rational place to live. But what those same people can't seem to wrap their brick heads around is their liberal ideas are what made Oregon and California so unlivable in the first place. They move to Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Texas, Florida, et al and sure enough don't have the self-awareness to shed their stupidity. They look awfully danged liberal to the natives in those states, and vote that way. Rinse and repeat. A terrible outcome for the people in those other states who want to keep things rational.
I've lived in most the Western States other than CA and CO/NM. Lived in 2 states back east and currently in a foreign country.

I haven't had issues with people being unwelcoming, but if you drive like an idiot with out of state plates you will draw ire. We also would refer to "Cidiots" who get their rigs stuck in the ruts/ditches at trailheads or in a couple inches of snow.

On your list I don't think any of them can go wrong. I would also look at AZ (not the best fishing) but Flagstaff/Snowflake are generally nice towns, good hunting. And during the winter only a 2-3 hour drive to Phoenix so you can get out of the cold. When my wife and I went to AZ to look for places to live she had a terrible allergic reaction, otherwise there is a chance that is where I would land up in the mountains.
My cousin lives in Tucson and they absolutely slay the bass. He thinks the fishing is pretty good! :) Just messing with you of course....
This is exactly the problem. People are literally fleeing from California and Oregon (Portland is losing population badly right now). And why? Because policies in those states are antithetical to good government, good schools, good society. So give those people credit for undertanding their predicament and taking positive action by moving to a more rational place to live. But what those same people can't seem to wrap their brick heads around is their liberal ideas are what made Oregon and California so unlivable in the first place. They move to Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Texas, Florida, et al and sure enough don't have the self-awareness to shed their stupidity. They look awfully danged liberal to the natives in those states, and vote that way. Rinse and repeat. A terrible outcome for the people in those other states who want to keep things rational.
Maybe I'm not following you. Are you saying people get fed up with the libs so they move to a conservative state to get away from that culture, and after they are in their new state, they vote like the libs they ran from? That doesn't compute to me. The problem as I see it is the libs are moving and bringing their lib views with them.
Maybe I'm not following you. Are you saying people get fed up with the libs so they move to a conservative state to get away from that culture, and after they are in their new state, they vote like the libs they ran from? That doesn't compute to me. The problem as I see it is the libs are moving and bringing their lib views with them.
Are you two not saying the same thing?
MT > WA > MO > AK > WA > AL > NC

Best part of being American is the freedom to go where you like, I’ve yet to meet a state I didn’t find something amazing about. If San Diego wasn’t in California I would have moved there in a heartbeat…but it is, and our views on firearms just don’t jive.
Moving away from home is the single best decision I've ever made. It allowed me to -

-Start my career (13 yrs in now)
-Find my wife
-Start a family
-Be fully independent from family
-Be exposed to other views, ideas, and experiences I would not have encountered if I remained home.

Don't get me wrong, home is great. I compare my experiences with those of friends/colleagues who never left; the difference in resiliency, preparedness, critical thinking, and overall development is astounding.

My path to date was WI - IL - CA (San Diego) - ID - RI - CA (San Diego) - WA. All of that interspersed with months of oceangoing time where "the ship" was home. Nothing like 509ft of sovereign American "soil" sailing around the ocean, loaded with 300 of the most diverse people you'll interact with.

Highly recommended, 10/10.
Been seriously considering a move from Missouri for awhile now. Either west to Idaho or Montana or south to Arkansas or Kentucky. Mostly just to be close to hunting and outdoor opportunities. Where I live near KC there is almost nothing withing 4 hours that offers and real amount of space to enjoy the wilds. Only thing stopping me is the money. It would be tough to match my income now in a new area.
“Federal academy”, ATC?

No, we used the NCED for DHS. It was super nice! We've since moved back to Arlington, VA, so I don't get to enjoy the city/facility anymore. I do miss Norman, an awesome city. Just big enough to have all the amenities, and OKC is just up the road.

The ACADEMY has moved back to Arlington. I would never live there personally.
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Lived in a big handful of western states. California currently.

I like the wilderness and size of California. If you include the east side ( NV) it’s a big range. Fishing is okay to really good if you can utilize the whole states water and have the ability to get on the ocean , hunting opportunities are good for CA residents
and there’s no non residents.

It’s likely the most diverse state in the nation in terms of unique geographical area ( Utah is up there )

AK( nov-feb would leave ) BC, Mexico
Are all places Id like to live.
No, we used the NCED for DHS. It was super nice! We've since moved back to Arlington, VA, so I don't get to enjoy the city/facility anymore. I do miss Norman, an awesome city. Just big enough to have all the amenities, and OKC is just up the road.

I was thinking maybe the ATC training center in OKC. 9 months ago I moved to Houston to work at the enroute facility here.
I have lived within 20mi of here my entire life. Been getting more crowded every day. When I bought this place and built my house it was a dead end dirt road. 24yrs later they are building ( literally ) 50,000 houses within a few miles of me. Bought a place in rural north central AR, 7mi from the White River and less than 20 min to a gorgeous lake. It is down a narrow, dead end dirt road, 224ac of heaven. With any luck I will be moved in by the end of the year. The Californians, city people and illegals have run me out.
I’ve heard Flippin is paradise. Seriously, a buddy called me once and didn’t even say “hey” when I answered. He went straight into, “Ryan, I’ve found paradise”! Lol
I work for the feds and have moved around quite a bit. Grew up in Idaho and Utah, lived in Cali for 7 years (hated it) am currently in the southeast and love it. The people in the south are amazing and it has been a great place to raise kids. Parents are still in Idaho and I travel back half a dozen times a year to hunt/fish with buddies and golf with my dad. I bought my son and I lifetime idaho hunting licenses, but I am pretty high up in my agency and have enough time and money to hunt out of state and pay non resident fees etc. In my experience, southern states are far more conservative politically than Utah, Idaho, and Montana. My other hobby is golf - both my kids and my wife play and I love how we can play year round. I don’t have any winter hobbies, so the snow is an annoyance more than anything.
I work for the feds and have moved around quite a bit. Grew up in Idaho and Utah, lived in Cali for 7 years (hated it) am currently in the southeast and love it. The people in the south are amazing and it has been a great place to raise kids. Parents are still in Idaho and I travel back half a dozen times a year to hunt/fish with buddies and golf with my dad. I bought my son and I lifetime idaho hunting licenses, but I am pretty high up in my agency and have enough time and money to hunt out of state and pay non resident fees etc. In my experience, southern states are far more conservative politically than Utah, Idaho, and Montana. My other hobby is golf - both my kids and my wife play and I love how we can play year round. I don’t have any winter hobbies, so the snow is an annoyance more than anything.
My first move out of WV to FL, I was absolutely shocked by the differences in manners. I'm used to holding doors for people, saying thank you, yes sir/ma'am, no sir/ma'am... None of that in FL lol. Some states are still like that in the south, FL isn't one of them though. Or at least where I was at.
Moving away from home is the single best decision I've ever made. It allowed me to -

-Start my career (13 yrs in now)
-Find my wife
-Start a family
-Be fully independent from family
-Be exposed to other views, ideas, and experiences I would not have encountered if I remained home.

Don't get me wrong, home is great. I compare my experiences with those of friends/colleagues who never left; the difference in resiliency, preparedness, critical thinking, and overall development is astounding.

My path to date was WI - IL - CA (San Diego) - ID - RI - CA (San Diego) - WA. All of that interspersed with months of oceangoing time where "the ship" was home. Nothing like 509ft of sovereign American "soil" sailing around the ocean, loaded with 300 of the most diverse people you'll interact with.

Highly recommended, 10/10.
Be fully independent from family - the importance of this can’t be emphasized enough.
My first move out of WV to FL, I was absolutely shocked by the differences in manners. I'm used to holding doors for people, saying thank you, yes sir/ma'am, no sir/ma'am... None of that in FL lol. Some states are still like that in the south, FL isn't one of them though. Or at least where I was at.
Florida is an interesting state with a lot of transplants and retirees. We are in TN and southern hospitality is alive and well. We are religious and I appreciate that god is still a part of life out here. High school baseball teams kneel together in prayer before games. In travel ball the kids from both teams meet on the mound after the game and pray together…plus no state income tax is the cherry on top of the sundae :-)