What about the hunting is better in the Midwest?
In Montana a guy can pretty easily have 10+ deer tags in his pocket every year, shoot bears spring and fall OTC, hunt elk, kill 5 gobblers, 10 wolves...draw a speed goat every other year, shoot every kind of upland bird until January (including better ruffed grouse hunting than Sawyer/Bayfield/Price counties), 107 day waterfowl season with a 7 bird limit...the list goes on. Objectively, no one could support the argument that any Midwestern state comes remotely close to that.
Every single one of my childhood buddies still in WI is green with envy each fall.
The fishing on the otherhand...yeah you might have yourself a case.
One of my favorite parts of NW Montana is the massive number of Minnesota/Wisconsin/Michigan transplants. We stay here for a reason...
I'm throwing no shade at the Midwest, I love the Northwoods dearly and think about growing up there quite literally every day, but better hunting...no way no how.