Have you moved out of state?

What about the hunting is better in the Midwest?

In Montana a guy can pretty easily have 10+ deer tags in his pocket every year, shoot bears spring and fall OTC, hunt elk, kill 5 gobblers, 10 wolves...draw a speed goat every other year, shoot every kind of upland bird until January (including better ruffed grouse hunting than Sawyer/Bayfield/Price counties), 107 day waterfowl season with a 7 bird limit...the list goes on. Objectively, no one could support the argument that any Midwestern state comes remotely close to that.

Every single one of my childhood buddies still in WI is green with envy each fall.

The fishing on the otherhand...yeah you might have yourself a case.

One of my favorite parts of NW Montana is the massive number of Minnesota/Wisconsin/Michigan transplants. We stay here for a reason...

I'm throwing no shade at the Midwest, I love the Northwoods dearly and think about growing up there quite literally every day, but better hunting...no way no how.
Fishing, if I did, it’s right at my front door. Hunting, Colorado was draw and had to select units. Last year I was there, didn’t draw. Here, I can get 2 bucks, probably as many doe’s as I have space. Hunt 1/4 mile from the house. Pheasants, turkey are in the area, so less than a 20 min drive.

Is it the same as hunting in Colorado, no. There is simply no national forests, so camping and scouting are not options. Sounds like Montana has better hunting that where I am, but I am comparing CO to IA.
Wow, K I Sawyer. Have not heard that base mentioned since the 70's. My cousin same same. went to Elmendorf and stayed. They love it up there.
Me neither. I have flown in and out of there several times. One of my best friends was raised there just a couple miles away.
I have lived within 20mi of here my entire life. Been getting more crowded every day. When I bought this place and built my house it was a dead end dirt road. 24yrs later they are building ( literally ) 50,000 houses within a few miles of me. Bought a place in rural north central AR, 7mi from the White River and less than 20 min to a gorgeous lake. It is down a narrow, dead end dirt road, 224ac of heaven. With any luck I will be moved in by the end of the year. The Californians, city people and illegals have run me out.
Grew up in NYC. Enlisted in the Air Force and first assignment was upstate NY. Then it was off to California. Now I live in Massachusetts. I'll likely move to either Maine or NH next but keeping Myrtle Beach SC open to possibilities.
Grew up in NYC. Enlisted in the Air Force and first assignment was upstate NY. Then it was off to California. Now I live in Massachusetts. I'll likely move to either Maine or NH next but keeping Myrtle Beach SC open to possibilities.
Grew up in pa. Went into the Marines and saw the world, got out and went back to pa for a few years. Moved to South Carolina due to the horrible politics in the north and much better weather in the south.

My in laws did the yankee dream and moved to Myrtle beach. It’s a mini version of pa, ny,Jersey, etc. No one in Myrtle is from Myrtle and it’s turning more and more liberal by the day. Needless to say the listed their house and are moving to the western side of the state where we live. I highly suggest you visit Myrtle, it’s not the same as it was 5-10 years ago let alone 20-30.
Grew up in pa. Went into the Marines and saw the world, got out and went back to pa for a few years. Moved to South Carolina due to the horrible politics in the north and much better weather in the south.

My in laws did the yankee dream and moved to Myrtle beach. It’s a mini version of pa, ny,Jersey, etc. No one in Myrtle is from Myrtle and it’s turning more and more liberal by the day. Needless to say the listed their house and are moving to the western side of the state where we live. I highly suggest you visit Myrtle, it’s not the same as it was 5-10 years ago let alone 20-30.
I was in Myrtle Beach in April, right before Spring Break. Locals told me if I wanted to live there to consider either North Myrtle Beach or just south of Myrle Beach near the Marine Base. I'm undecided, but my two sons live in Greenville SC and I'd like to be closer to them, I just can't do inland because it's too hot and I like being near the ocean.

I'm running out of options for the same reasons though. I'd rather not be in a state that doesn't align with my values. I have to get out of Mass as soon as I can. My job is anchoring me here, but I'll commute from NH if I have to. Unfortunately Maine and NH are being flooded with the Massachusetts libs as well.
Moved to Colorado for the mountains and hunting now wishing we would have gone Wyoming, Montana, Idaho
@Bluefish, I think people that haven't lived if the Midwest and hunted there don't realize the abundance of wildlife and great hunting there. I absolutely love hunting northern MN & WI and southern IL for deer. Northern WI for grouse. IL and IA for dove and pheasant. Yes, it can be difficult to find access in the Midwest depending on where you live. Yes, there's lots rules and regs. And yes, some states (lookin at you IL...) have absolutely messed up politics. But that can be anywhere.
If Wisconsin had elk I could actually hunt I’d stay here. They do have some great other opportunities though. I’ve lived a few spots and WI is by far our favorite so far. Likely moving back to TX in a few weeks and actually quite sad about it.
Grew up in Buffalo, NY, finished undergraduate in Syracuse at the Forestry school. Went to Missoula, MT for grad school in '97 and knew within weeks I was never going back. Short stints in Salt Lake City and Salmon, ID starting my career. Been in Boise since '05.

Why? Yes, public lands are a big reason. Hunting is better, but its not everything. Fishing is better out East. And of course, seeing family only once a year is a real downer.

Biggest reason: Lack of humidity! Holy cow, a summer of dry heat blew my mind and was totally unexpected! I enjoy the outdoors so much more in the dry heat (and therefore cooler summer evenings). Am I the only non-native that values that?
Moved to Kalispell from Syracuse. Hated the bugs, ticks, mosquitos, deer flies AND humidity. I hate humidity. The humidity is miserable back east. I will never leave to go back east. My son is in Casper WY, daughter is in Houston(talk about humidity) and ex wife is still in Syracuse. I absolutely love summer here vs. back east. Have I mentioned how much I hate humidity? I may move out of Kalispell, but will never leave the WY, MT, ID area.

And as far as moving, after the divorce I packed all my stuff into my horse trailer and moved 2300 miles across the country for a job. closest person I knew to me is my son in Wyoming. Best thing I ever did. Love living in a free red state.
I left Nebraska at 18 to join the Marine Corps and found my self semi settled in NC after 10 years of service. But I’ve also been trying to spend summers in Montana after a season of canoe guiding in the breaks and meeting my fiancé there. She needs to be back in Montana once a year and I cant argue with that.
Grew up in PA. Served in the Navy for a hitch, FL, IL, CA and Guam. Went back to PA college then work but job took me to South FL best move ever. But with state getting full and heat getting worse need to move north. Could be north FL or Carolina’s. We’ll see, got few years to decide.

Worse phase ever “Where I’m from we……..” no one cares.
My wife and I are considering a move to WY. She’s lived in 3 states, I have not. Leaving my parents and a 10 year job is a bit gut wrenching, but Ohio sucks so bad it’ll more than likely be worth it
Lasted around 9 years after I left, but this town calls you back. the ring of fire yuma. Prefer the smaller towns as Im sure most here do
Moved to CA 11 years ago when I was young and didn’t know better. Now I can’t stand the city and will hopefully be moving again in the next year.
Moved out of northern California two years ago.
Reasons for leaving include but are not limited to:

California essentially abolished home schooling
Fires and fire insurance
Homelessness , tweakers, theft, crime
Passing laws that are absolute lunacy.
That's just off the top of my head.
My wife and I are considering a move to WY. She’s lived in 3 states, I have not. Leaving my parents and a 10 year job is a bit gut wrenching, but Ohio sucks so bad it’ll more than likely be worth it

I’ve traveled a bunch, I will gladly concur that Ohio sucks.
Moved from Oregon to Washington. Did it for the money and fishing opportunities, and I get about as much time as I can stand after the jump. But, if I ever found a way to take my situation and transplant it into better western states I would in a heart beat.