Have you moved out of state?

Moved all over the country,

Loved Alabama and Georgia, hated the heat at first. Compared to western NY they were blazing hot.

Now live in western PA, would rather be further south or west, however family first.
My family has lived in Northern New York State for 8 generations, and for the past 5 years or so, I’ve became convinced it’s time to leave. My wife who doesn’t follow politics, and generally goes through life with blinders on, was not convinced. This year with our property taxes topping $12.000, and the political prosecution of Trump in New York, has woken her up. Her job in health care will be easy to get regardless of where we go, but I own a well established real estate home inspection business. At 55 years old it is a major undertaking to start over, but I’m up for it. We vacationed a couple times in Eastern Tennessee with the dual purpose of a reconnaissance trip, and really liked what we found. Low property taxes, no state income tax, very Second Amendment friendly, conservative values, and a strong real estate market for my business.
The only thing that holds either of us back is her parents are in their 80’s and live about 2 1/2 hours away and my mom is just 80 and lives close by. It’s tough thinking that we won’t be there for our parents if they need us, but living here is just becoming too much to take.
I think it'd be interesting to talk about/hear about why people left their home states and where they went.

Personally, I'm seriously considering leaving WI for a western state - primarily looking at Idaho, Montana, or Utah - probably in that order as well in regards to preference.

Several reasons:

1. Hunting / outdoor freedom is greater / more enjoyable
2. Mountains!
3. More conservative (lines up with my beliefs)
4. Slower pace of life
5. Something new, challenging

We will see what happens. I have a work obligation that prevents me from moving for 1-2 years yet.
Yep, did that. Moved to Colorado 25+ years ago, then moved back to the Midwest 3 years ago. The 3 things I miss about Colorado, weather, selection of food, and specialty stores. It’s hard to compare a county of 500k people to 17k people for restaurants and shopping.

Things I don’t miss, lots of people, traffic, politics. I am enjoying the slower pace of life in the Midwest. I also traded a Mountain View for a lake view. Now I drive to the mountains and live on the water vs the other way around. Other than no elk, hunting is better in the Midwest.
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@Bluefish, I think people that haven't lived if the Midwest and hunted there don't realize the abundance of wildlife and great hunting there. I absolutely love hunting northern MN & WI and southern IL for deer. Northern WI for grouse. IL and IA for dove and pheasant. Yes, it can be difficult to find access in the Midwest depending on where you live. Yes, there's lots rules and regs. And yes, some states (lookin at you IL...) have absolutely messed up politics. But that can be anywhere.
I think the wife and I have lived in 8 different states and I visited all 50.
The only state that I lived in for a couple of years and would NEVER move back to is Colorado.
I grew up in St. Louis - moved to urban FL about 25 years ago. Was young and certainly not interested in politics - didn't even realize that FL was (and remains forever red, God-wiling) more conservative than MO.

Had to made a choice about 15 years back - relocate to Phoenix or Raleigh short term. Chose Phoenix/AZ as it was totally different - loved the mountains, topography, and the deserts; hated the relentless summer heat. Was difficult to meet quality people who wanted to do things other than go to bars. Felt very disconnected from friends/family back on the east coast. Didn't date - as I had no intention on staying out there and didn't want to be forced to do so.

Ended up heading back east when the project was over, settled in a semi-rural town in N.FL, didn't know a soul but now have a large network of friends and associates. And now I have a wife who has her own very large network.

I chose where I did to be close to the national forests for hunting, recreation, camping; close to beaches and good shooting opportunity, and an hour away from a major airport for business travel. I can only see neighbors out my front and the woods out back are mine. Within a day's drive I can be at my dad's house, the Smoky mountains, or Key West. Sometimes it does seem God has a plan.
I grew up in St. Louis - moved to urban FL about 25 years ago. Was young and certainly not interested in politics - didn't even realize that FL was (and remains forever red, God-wiling) more conservative than MO.

Had to made a choice about 15 years back - relocate to Phoenix or Raleigh short term. Chose Phoenix/AZ as it was totally different - loved the mountains, topography, and the deserts; hated the relentless summer heat. Was difficult to meet quality people who wanted to do things other than go to bars. Felt very disconnected from friends/family back on the east coast. Didn't date - as I had no intention on staying out there and didn't want to be forced to do so.

Ended up heading back east when the project was over, settled in a semi-rural town in N.FL, didn't know a soul but now have a large network of friends and associates. And now I have a wife who has her own very large network.

I chose where I did to be close to the national forests for hunting, recreation, camping; close to beaches and good shooting opportunity, and an hour away from a major airport for business travel. I can only see neighbors out my front and the woods out back are mine. Within a day's drive I can be at my dad's house, the Smoky mountains, or Key West. Sometimes it does seem God has a plan.
Moved from WV to FL and recently from FL to UT. Thought the move back into the mountains was what I wanted/needed. Actually disliking here. The lack of humidity is killing me, and I honestly miss the vitamin D that was so abundant in FL. Oh and hurricane season was always fun to just track too.
Moved from WV to FL and recently from FL to UT. Thought the move back into the mountains was what I wanted/needed. Actually disliking here. The lack of humidity is killing me, and I honestly miss the vitamin D that was so abundant in FL. Oh and hurricane season was always fun to just track too.
The lack of humidity in AZ was a major net negative for me - I felt continuously dehydrated and my skin looked like a lizard coat. I aged years when my visit was in months. I will take humid, damp heat any day over the feeling like you're in an oven heat.
I moved to a new area (around 40 miles away) and it was life changing. I loved it. I know it’s not a new area, but like others have said; it was great. New people and you had no past to follow you
I moved from Portland to Boise, only regret is not doing it sooner..

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I too was born and raised in good 'ol Wisco, went to school in Madison, and up until I left, that was the biggest city I had ever been in haha. I still miss the Northwoods, and there isn't anywhere else in the country that even comes close to scratching that itch, but mountains are my jam, so I had to get out.

When I graduated I was seeing a gal who's cousin lived out in Seattle and said it was awesome. As most of you know, it doesn't take much to convince a 22 year old man to do anything, especially with a young woman involved, so off I went with the promise of amazing outdoor adventures and a vibrant city.

I quickly realized that Seattle proper was on a downward spiral, the gal that had introduced me to the idea wasn't the gal for me, but the adventure/hunting/fishing scene was indeed as advertised.

Met my wife shortly after (funny how God works eh) and ended up sticking it out in Southern Snohomish county for another SEVEN years, even though I would have left for Montana years earlier if left to my own devices.

Seeing WA slowly go from an outdoorsman's paradise to a living hell for a conservative/small-government proponent became stressful to the point that it was unhealthy to be there. I mean that, like physically, emotionally, spiritually draining.

COVID was the final straw and we said F it, let's go to Montana 5 years earlier than we were planning.

Best decision of all time. So easy to make friends, amazing church family, outdoor rec scene is unrivaled, and local/state political offices are filled with like-minded individuals. Dramatic change in our happiness and fulfillment.

I'd go spend some serious time in your contending states and make a decision that way. Do it once, and end up where you want to be the first go-round.
Born in Clarkston WA, and was adopted out of the North Idaho Childrens Home in 1962 by an Air Force couple. My new dad had orders for Vietnam so we moved to Nampa while he was gone, then to Mountain Home until 69. K.I Sawyer AFB in Michigan UP for two years . Then to Elmendorf in 71 been here ever since. Wife was born and raised in Seward and has never lived in another state.
Born in Clarkston WA, and was adopted out of the North Idaho Childrens Home in 1962 by an Air Force couple. My new dad had orders for Vietnam so we moved to Nampa while he was gone, then to Mountain Home until 69. K.I Sawyer AFB in Michigan UP for two years . Then to Elmendorf in 71 been here ever since. Wife was born and raised in Seward and has never lived in another state.
Wow, K I Sawyer. Have not heard that base mentioned since the 70's. My cousin same same. went to Elmendorf and stayed. They love it up there.
KY to Florida after college 15 years back, I'll go back to hunt and visit friends but I doubt I'll ever live there even part time again. There are still areas of Florida that are wild, not over crowded and beautiful.

There's a little honey pot in Eastern TN/NW NC that is truly spectacular. I could see myself having a seasonal property there later in life.

I haven't done a ton of out west exploring, I'm living vicariously at the moment through the stories I read on here.
KY to Florida after college 15 years back, I'll go back to hunt and visit friends but I doubt I'll ever live there even part time again. There are still areas of Florida that are wild, not over crowded and beautiful.

There's a little honey pot in Eastern TN/NW NC that is truly spectacular. I could see myself having a seasonal property there later in life.

I haven't done a ton of out west exploring, I'm living vicariously at the moment through the stories I read on here.
Nonsense, Florida is nothing but condo towers like Del Boca Vista, retirees, and 4PM buffets.
Well some of it anyways, and they can keep it.
This is my Florida

Hi Bears,

Take this same shot in twenty years. Hopefully from the same truck.

If possible, buy some the land nearby now.

It will make it easier to look at the area in twenty years!

Florida is and was beautiful!
My whitetail/Osceola lease in CFla went up 250% year to year. Back to Public land until I figure something else out.
Yep, did that. Moved to Colorado 25+ years ago, then moved back to the Midwest 3 years ago. The 3 things I miss about Colorado, weather, selection of food, and specialty stores. It’s hard to compare a county of 500k people to 17k people for restaurants and shopping.

Things I don’t miss, lots of people, traffic, politics. I am enjoying the slower pace of life in the Midwest. I also traded a Mountain View for a lake view. Now I drive to the mountains and live on the water vs the other way around. Other than no elk, hunting is better in the Midwest.
What about the hunting is better in the Midwest?

In Montana a guy can pretty easily have 10+ deer tags in his pocket every year, shoot bears spring and fall OTC, hunt elk, kill 5 gobblers, 10 wolves...draw a speed goat every other year, shoot every kind of upland bird until January (including better ruffed grouse hunting than Sawyer/Bayfield/Price counties), 107 day waterfowl season with a 7 bird limit...the list goes on. Objectively, no one could support the argument that any Midwestern state comes remotely close to that.

Every single one of my childhood buddies still in WI is green with envy each fall.

The fishing on the otherhand...yeah you might have yourself a case.

One of my favorite parts of NW Montana is the massive number of Minnesota/Wisconsin/Michigan transplants. We stay here for a reason...

I'm throwing no shade at the Midwest, I love the Northwoods dearly and think about growing up there quite literally every day, but better hunting...no way no how.