Has it ever been this bad?

I don’t understand where all the bullets are though I watch and watch and watch and none of what I’m looking for ever comes available

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I don’t understand where all the bullets are though I watch and watch and watch and none of what I’m looking for ever comes available

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People are buying things they do not need or use as barter material. Something to consider, "boutique" shops like Hammer Bullets are usually in good shape even in times like these. You'll pay more but, you'll have bullets.
Totally speculation on my part, but do you think the government is subsidizing the manufactures of ammo like the do for farmers. Don’t grow wheat in the section of 4,000 acres and we the government pays them X number of $$$. Mr ammo manufacturer don’t process X number of rounds and we the government will subsidize you X number of $$$.

Pure speculation on my part

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Totally speculation on my part, but do you think the government is subsidizing the manufactures of ammo like the do for farmers. Don’t grow wheat in the section of 4,000 acres and we the government pays them X number of $$$. Mr ammo manufacturer don’t process X number of rounds and we the government will subsidize you X number of $$$.

Pure speculation on my part

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The presidents of hornady and federal both made YouTube videos dispelling this.

But that's exactly what a good conspiracy theorist would expect them to say.

But they did conclude there were like 5 million 1st time New gun owners in 2020
So it they each bought 2 boxes that's 10 million boxes.
Realistically they just don't want to warehouse things for long and while they were just starting to gear up for an election year the rona hit and cleaned them out.

Listened to a podcast with the owner of ready gunner who said he warehoused twice as many pistols as normal in prep for election.
And he was cleared out by March
I don’t understand where all the bullets are though I watch and watch and watch and none of what I’m looking for ever comes available

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It is entertaining to be in the bullet aisle of my local gun store. I have helped several people who think they are getting loaded 308 or 9mm ammo instead of just bullets. Many are first time buyers or are just coming in for someone to see and buy what they have. The store finally put up a big sign saying “NOT LOADED AMMO”

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Dont be the asshole that follows the cart around as the employee is putting it out too. I had a couple guys block the cart the other day and just go through it as I was moving down the isle.

If you are mad because we hold some ammo back to sell with guns...just remember that if we put that ammo on the shelf it probably wont be there for you either.

We have guys come in and fill carts with primers, powder, 9mm, 556 and then walk around the store for an hour as their buddies trickle in and buy their allotment. So when you are mad that we hold things back, dont allow lists, etc. Just remember what you see once, we are seeing daily.

It baffles me that amount of people that think we are just being assholes and dont understand. I had a guy call me on the phone yelling at me because I couldnt just let him "buy primers now and he can come get them next week when we get them." I explained three times that A) we dont even know if we are getting them and B) if we did that, he would be about 1000 people down the list and that at the current rate of receiving primers, we would get to him in about 7 years. But yes, sir "I am just being an asshole and choosing a shitty way to run a business."

I COMPLETELY support this practice of holding back ammo. I am visiting my mother in Northern Arizona and the local store (very small gun store mind you) will only sell to local residents. I really love that idea and voiced my support. They confided that people would come from all over to clear them out and then resell their supplies for huge markups, so they quit selling to out of towners.

But in the end, assholes will be assholes and there is nothing you can do to appease them. I always like to ask what their last butler died of. That seems to shut them up.
I COMPLETELY support this practice of holding back ammo. I am visiting my mother in Northern Arizona and the local store (very small gun store mind you) will only sell to local residents. I really love that idea and voiced my support. They confided that people would come from all over to clear them out and then resell their supplies for huge markups, so they quit selling to out of towners.

But in the end, assholes will be assholes and there is nothing you can do to appease them. I always like to ask what their last butler died of. That seems to shut them up.
Crazy enough, during the last ammo freak out with Obama, small gun stores here in Kalifornia were wiping out Walmarts and reselling in their shops for at least a 50% mark up. Eventually WM put a limit of two boxes per person per day.
I don’t understand where all the bullets are though I watch and watch and watch and none of what I’m looking for ever comes available

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I have thought this too. Hornady (or any other manufacturer) doesn't just make bullets for the reloader. They go into loaded rounds which they sell as well. I'd like to know which line gets priority to make it to market first. I'm willing to bet it's the loaded ammunition but who knows?? Plus neither seems to be available anywhere anyways.
I would think loaded ammo has to have 500% more mark up the bullets.
Maybe the increased shipping eats it up.
But at manufacturing price add a piece of brass and a splash of powder is what $1
And it turn 100 bullets worth $45 plus $100

$145 cost is $200 @ $40 per loaded 30.
I would think loaded ammo has to have 500% more mark up the bullets.
Maybe the increased shipping eats it up.
But at manufacturing price add a piece of brass and a splash of powder is what $1
And it turn 100 bullets worth $45 plus $100

$145 cost is $200 @ $40 per loaded 30.
This is basically what I concluded as well. Either way I don't see any loaded or loose bullets to be bought out there.
No never this bad. 2013 you could get some stuff and it was higher but it was there, there is nothing to be had right now
The local scheels had cci 450s today, 200 max per person..

Also overheard a scheels associate telling a guy that “he wants MOA over mil scope because it’s more accurate. Mil is for the military because artillery doesn’t need to be as accurate”
200!? Pretty soon they will be breaking up 100 packs.

I still need some fricken 6.5mm bullets. Tempted to buy some 130 AR hybrids but need to just be patient and wait for more 135 hunters or 140 hybrids.
You should try and get ammo here in Australia. We’re often waiting months for supplies to come in from the USA. If things are this tough, I might head down to the shop and buy a few boxes now.

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I picked up one box in three different calibers. I think the cost is what bugs me the most, especially for how much we shoot. $1.25 per bullet x 3 shooters gets spendy really fast. I haven't loaded them yet but I hope the performance exceeds the price
Well I bought 50 hammer hunters to try, Iv wanted to try them. Just can’t get over the crappy BC. I’ll see how they shoot.
I picked up one box in three different calibers. I think the cost is what bugs me the most, especially for how much we shoot. $1.25 per bullet x 3 shooters gets spendy really fast. I haven't loaded them yet but I hope the performance exceeds the price
If these shoot good I’ll just buy 200 to work/learn a load and not mess with them. I could never see practicing with that expensive of a bullet very often unfortunately.

We will see, if I can get good accuracy and 2900fps out of the 124 I’ll be happy and run them for hunting around home to see how they do.
Just got a bunch of bullets I bought from powder valley delivered by a prime driver.. didn’t know prime was delivering for other entities?