Had a number of friends who couldn’t find a box of ammo for hunting this last year. I’m sure they were not the only ones either. Some can’t afford to keep ammo on hand in bulk to go a year or 2 just for hunting.
On top of that I like to think that obtaining weapons and ammo is something most Americans can obtain, not just the rich.
Thankfully I stocked up some. I also shoot as a hobby, not just own firearms for self defense and hunting. I have enough to make it through the year, but not much longer. The wife and I just bought a house, saved our assess off and really couldn’t afford to just buy 500$ in ammo and components every few months.
I have no problem with capitalism, but what people are doing on gun broker is a kick in the balls. They are not just selling stuff, they are buying it out from under everyday people who want or need it.
And ammo is more than just a commodity in my mind. Especially with how things are going now.
And don’t even get me going on the housing market, like I said I just bought one. Pardon my language I know this site is pretty clean, but ******* ridiculous is an understatement.