Has it ever been this bad?

Had a number of friends who couldn’t find a box of ammo for hunting this last year. I’m sure they were not the only ones either. Some can’t afford to keep ammo on hand in bulk to go a year or 2 just for hunting.

On top of that I like to think that obtaining weapons and ammo is something most Americans can obtain, not just the rich.

Thankfully I stocked up some. I also shoot as a hobby, not just own firearms for self defense and hunting. I have enough to make it through the year, but not much longer. The wife and I just bought a house, saved our assess off and really couldn’t afford to just buy 500$ in ammo and components every few months.

I have no problem with capitalism, but what people are doing on gun broker is a kick in the balls. They are not just selling stuff, they are buying it out from under everyday people who want or need it.

And ammo is more than just a commodity in my mind. Especially with how things are going now.

And don’t even get me going on the housing market, like I said I just bought one. Pardon my language I know this site is pretty clean, but ******* ridiculous is an understatement.
Housing is insane around here, we looked at one the other day listed for 500 it sold for 330 a couple years ago, another we looked at 4 years ago listed for 410 just sold for 680. A guy I worked with just bought one and after losing a couple in bidding wars he offered 30 over and no inspection contingency. People want funny money for houses now and there is lines around the block to get them
This is funny... my dad always told me he would always shoot the common calibers - 243, 308, 30-06 was all he would ever buy because they would ALWAYS be available..... had to call and poke fun at him when I walked in to sportsmans the other day and bought 100 cases of 6.5-284 and ordered in stock 7 saum brass that night.

I bought a 308 bolt action about a year because I thought it would be a great idea to have a common caliber... boy was I wrong. Good thing I reload, other wise finding certain boxes of 308 would be nearly impossible

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100 CASES? You might have a problem... We meet every other Monday at the Bible center, no judging..
Right after the AA & NA meetings, room .357
This is funny... my dad always told me he would always shoot the common calibers - 243, 308, 30-06 was all he would ever buy because they would ALWAYS be available..... had to call and poke fun at him when I walked in to sportsmans the other day and bought 100 cases of 6.5-284 and ordered in stock 7 saum brass that night.
Well, got primers and a couple hundred 123gr SST. Should keep us shooting for a bit. With three of us we go through it quick.
Sweet maria, trying to get primers is the most frustrating thing in the universe. Been on the natchez site for over an hour trying to check out. I get to the start of the checkout process, get a gateway error which then sends me back to my cart and I have to start over again....I'm assuming everyone is in the same boat so maybe I'll get lucky but good grief!
Sweet maria, trying to get primers is the most frustrating thing in the universe. Been on the natchez site for over an hour trying to check out. I get to the start of the checkout process, get a gateway error which then sends me back to my cart and I have to start over again....I'm assuming everyone is in the same boat so maybe I'll get lucky but good grief!
Yeah a friend has been looking for CCI BR-2 primers for a bit and has been on constant rotation since lunch. He's about to give up and buy a box of Fed 210s from me and live with it.
Yeah a friend has been looking for CCI BR-2 primers for a bit and has been on constant rotation since lunch. He's about to give up and buy a box of Fed 210s from me and live with it.
I just want some magnum LR primers, I couldn't care less who makes them. After 1.5 hours I am a loser, they are officially out of stock.