Can not sight in new accura Mr-x (advice needed)

I got it 1/4 moa right of bullseye today. Took a break and adjusted it 1- 1/4 moa click to the left. Next 2 shots were touching center.. but 3 moa low? It’s been tracking perfectly so I am going to chalk that up as a poi shift probably due to temp change or maybe the way I was holding was different after the break. Idk but my god this has been a stressful experience, hahaha. I can’t wait to get a durable scope put on this thing and some seekins steel rings. I learned a lesson here 100%, and that is durability is the most important factor when selecting optics for heavier recoiling rifles. Consistency as well. It is dead deer moa but still, I like knowing I’m 110% confident when I’m walking to my stand with my gear. I need to get out there with only a few days left so I’ll shoot again tomorrow morning and hit up the stand or field edge in the afternoon.

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Are you measuring with volume or weight at this point? Make sure your loading pressure is the same each time as well.
Weight. 70G so should be 100G volume but I’ve noticed it’s not quite lined up on the measuring tubes I got. Looks more like 95

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I have a Nikon black X 1000 that I beat the crap out of that has never lost zero and still tracks perfectly. I believe it was tested with a 50 BMG. That is what I will put on my new Knight if I get a tag in a state that allows scopes. I also have a Leupold that I have had for over 20 years that has never failed me that I would use also. I do have a couple of Trijicon scopes on CF rifles that I like. The Huron model might be a good scope for a MZ. I don’t have a Maven rifle scope but I do have a spotter which has crystal clear optics.

Glad you got things going. I am new to muzzle loaders so have been following this thread and learned a few things.
Yeah the Huron as well as the credo HX, & accupoint are all on my list. Maven has 2 I’m interested in as well but not sure on durability which leads me back towards Trijicon. The Acogs they make can take a massive beating and still function perfectly and I love how the accupoint is kind of that in a scope form. They are just hard to find and pricey, especially on the 42mm objective models. Eyebox/eye relief is pretty important on a muzzleloader as well so idk how well the 2-10x38 Maven will be but man, it’s a steal at the $550 price tag… that Maven RS2 2-10 and the Trijicon Huron are both absolutely amazing deals imo. Both have Japanese glass under $600. Kinda like an Arken but made better and higher tier Japanese glass, lol. (I actually like my Arken EP5 but it sucks from 22-25X).

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Yeah the Huron as well as the credo HX, & accupoint are all on my list. Maven has 2 I’m interested in as well but not sure on durability which leads me back towards Trijicon. The Acogs they make can take a massive beating and still function perfectly and I love how the accupoint is kind of that in a scope form.

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Don't you have an ACOG for sale here?
Don't you have an ACOG for sale here?

Yes. I can’t move the thing. Will put on eBay soon. Brand new still in box and never mounted.
Last day was today and with 2 mins left, I let it blast. Going back out here shortly to track but I doubt there will be much tracking with that 290G hornady.

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Yes. I can’t move the thing. Will put on eBay soon. Brand new still in box and never mounted.
Last day was today and with 2 mins left, I let it blast. Going back out here shortly to track but I doubt there will be much tracking with that 290G hornady.

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Put the ACOG on the muzzleloader...

You shot something and then walked away?
Put the ACOG on the muzzleloader...

You shot something and then walked away?

Yeah, it was like 5 mins before legal shooting light ended. I always give them time so I don’t push them on to the neighboring property (guys a prick) but I’m pretty sure I seen it flopping around and heard a crash.
Idk about the acog on the muzzy, your eye has to be right on the thing. I got another one on an AR with an offset dot but used a riser to bring it up so I’m not cranking my neck down to the charging handle. Both eyes open (BAC) and it works phenomenal. I got almost a year to find a replacement scope (now that season is over) but this thread really opened my eyes to the durability of optics and how glass isn’t always the most important factor, especially with a heavier recoiling rifle like a muzzleloader. I think I’m sold on the accupoint 2-10 or the maven rs.2 2-10x38. Both have supposedly been drop tested and have Japanese glass . The Accupoint has a much larger objective at 56mm so it’ll surely let in a lot more light but it’s $300 more. It also has a lit reticle with no batteries like the acog so it seems worth the price difference especially if I can wait for a sale.

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It was definitely the optic. I already swapped it and put a temporary replacement on it and had it grouping good at 100. I did have a poi shift but it wasn’t crazy and still grouped less than 1moa after the shift so it was good enough to hunt with. I was hunting woods anyway so no open field 100+ yard shots were going to happen until next year when I get a new scope dialed in. The shot I just took was close, like under 50 yards. With it on a sturdy tripod it’s a done deal 99% of the time with any rifle. Cheers to a New Year

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If you’re shooting on the bog pod that’s been in a lot of your photos, it can make your rifle do wonky things as well. It doesn’t allow your rifle to move in a repeatable fashion. Groups can shift because of that.
If you’re shooting on the bog pod that’s been in a lot of your photos, it can make your rifle do wonky things as well. It doesn’t allow your rifle to move in a repeatable fashion. Groups can shift because of that.

Yeah I loosened the clamp so it’s not holding the rifle tight but it’s possible it was tighter when it shifted for sure. Just got the deer back, think it went 10 yards. Those boredrivers did their job! I found the plastic piece inside the deer which was crazy. Also these lone wolf plastic bags that come with the stands are thick and legit perfect for tossing the heart in. Thing is like an iv bag. It doesn’t leak and is thicker plastic.

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So I want to update this, as I’m unfortunately still unable to get good (huntable) groups at 100 yards. Yesterday I shot at 50 and it wasn’t great but it was close. I moved by turret up to clicks and moved target back to 100 yards. First shot I completely miss target… hoping it’s a fluke I shoot again and hit 2” high and 2” to the right. Next shot is touching then following shot hit low but still not horrible then my last shot is so low it misses the paper and hits bottom right, almost 12” lower than previous shot…. Wtf… at this point I was going to call or email cva to see what they thought but they’re closed for holidays.. I’m thinking I got an accura lemon (I’ve seen lots of people say this about the Mr-x), or it’s that damn breech plug. Maybe the pellets aren’t sitting flush. Can’t find another one available so does anybody know for certain, that I can use the black horn breech plug with pellets? If not my next step is trying some BH 209. If that don’t work I’ll swap scopes and after all that, it’s getting sold if I can’t get at least 2”-3” groups at 100 (which I would consider bad but I’m new to muzzleloaders so not sure what’s realistic). Again, it’s ok at 50 yards but completely falls apart at 100 yards.

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There would be a couple things you might want to check. With and when using pellets, they can break and come apart. This can cause changes in muzzle velocity as well as performance. Next thing I would check is loading pressure. If you put more loading pressure on one shot than the next you can cause a pressure spike and an increase in muzzle velocity. This will cause a point of impact shift. In reviewing the accuracy of the MRX and LRX I have found that less is better than more. My gun shoots 67 grains by weight of Blackhorn 209 and a 250 grain bullet in the 50 caliber. The reason is the 50 caliber has a 1 in 28 twist. The slower twist gun tend to shoot lighter bullets. The faster twist guns like heavyweight bullets. Hope this helps.
Thank you! I plan to get a chronograph and mess with the loads and see what weight of BH it likes best. Currently using 73G which was good but was using that heavier 290G Hornady. I’ll be ordering some Thors in 250G that i measured barrel bore size for and hoping those work great in it

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I had the same issue with CVA LRX and currently sent it back to CVA. Also had problems with barrel corrosion. Hopefully they make it right.