Has it ever been this bad?

Considering how long it takes to get a blank.... I ordered another tikka contour blank from proof. 8-10 month lead time. Bartlien is the same. Maybe I’ll go ahead and just build the 3006 I have parts for.
Apparently, according to an article I read last month, reloading components are sold from excess after a manufacturer of ammo fulfills there orders. Since the manufacturers are throwing everything they have into manufacturing finished ammo... and are on average, two years behind on orders, there is no "extra" to be sold as reloading components. I suppose the lesson would be: Never pass up a reloading aisle in good times, even if it is just to buy a box of bullets, a can of powder, or a couple packs of primers.
This is an incredible time.

Me and a coworker are supposed to go to a sporting clays event and are having a hard time getting 400 rounds for us and 2 clients. Had 2 close calls today, so think it could happen. Seeing prices from regular to $50+ for a box of 25 rnds 12 ga #7.5s.

Just crazy tho - put a notification in anywhere and you get notified, then you have like 3 minutes to make the purchase. LOL! That's if it even comes thru.

Add the new charge on gun ownership and rights, and we're in for a continued bouncy ride.

I seen an article that said the manufacturers aren't producing. If that's true, it opens up a whole 'nother thought process.
12 gauge 7.5 lead? It has never been anywhere close to this bad.

I watched an obviously well off 30 something couple handling weapons in a gun store on Saturday. Their conversation was interesting to say the least. I sure hope they have a mentor.
This is an incredible time.

Me and a coworker are supposed to go to a sporting clays event and are having a hard time getting 400 rounds for us and 2 clients. Had 2 close calls today, so think it could happen. Seeing prices from regular to $50+ for a box of 25 rnds 12 ga #7.5s.

Just crazy tho - put a notification in anywhere and you get notified, then you have like 3 minutes to make the purchase. LOL! That's if it even comes thru.

Add the new charge on gun ownership and rights, and we're in for a continued bouncy ride.

I seen an article that said the manufacturers aren't producing. If that's true, it opens up a whole 'nother thought process.

$50 for a box of 7.5s.. that’s bonkers.

In regards to manufacturers not producing.. I’m curious why at a time like this any manufacturer would not be producing. President of federal got pretty worked up about such claims.

I finally realized last week that I’m wasting too much time trying to find stuff. I’ve got enough components to get me through any shooting I’ll have time for in the next year and then some so I’m going to lay off the h1000 and SRP search a bit for a while.
I think it is just a matter of staying ready to buy when the opportunity arises. I've missed a couple things i had notifications for cause my phone didn't chime when the emails came in, mutter-mutter and resign for the alert...

Was able to order 2 cases at $110/each + shipping for a total of $260 for 500 rounds of 1-1/8 ox #7.5 lead. Shoulda cost $100 +/- at the local gun shop...times a-changing.
Without sounding like a conspiracy theory...does anyone think this situation will lead to shooting becoming a "rich mans sport" unobtainable by the average shooter/hunter?
Without sounding like a conspiracy theory...does anyone think this situation will lead to shooting becoming a "rich mans sport" unobtainable by the average shooter/hunter?
Yes, one of my best friends and I have been saying this about shooting and hunting for years. We saw this with the leases. Then all the huge increases in fees for leases and guided hunting. Witnessing the DIY movement to public and Outfitters Associations lobbying to reduce NR tags and access because of it. The hunting and shooting sports are ever so changing. Not to mention the gouging now for reloading components.....UGH
Without sounding like a conspiracy theory...does anyone think this situation will lead to shooting becoming a "rich mans sport" unobtainable by the average shooter/hunter?

It's slowly been heading that way for awhile but I don't think it's an intentional conspiracy...

Love the username!
Without sounding like a conspiracy theory...does anyone think this situation will lead to shooting becoming a "rich mans sport" unobtainable by the average shooter/hunter?
IMO - folks who go shoot are dropping about $50-$100 or more every range trip. Is that a rich man?

Leases are out of sight - I remember when they first started leasing. Amazing paying $100-200-300-500-$1,000/ per month just to hunt. Used to be free.

I'm starting to question the return for the expense vs the hassle (public and quota permits).
I reloaded back in the 90’s and then got out of it. I started back 3 months ago and just yesterday received 200 accubonds to finalize my supply list. I had to buy everything too. All I had was a set of dies for my .264 mag and 7-08. It took me 3 months of going to gun shows, hitting the local gun shop circuit once a week and bartering with folks that have excess. I’m good for a while now but I won’t ever pass up components again as I see them hit the shelves again. I also believe that in a few years after this shortage (hopefully) goes away that loads of used reloading equipment will be up for sale.

If you’re an ONX member you get discounts direct with RCBS and can sign up for product notifications. This is how I bought my press and loads of other items.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Availability and Pricing is shocking,

I just went to a local gun show last weekend and was stunned at the prices. Mostly looking for factory ammo as I don't yet reload. Finding ammo for my Grandson's 308 has been a chore. They had plain jane loads for $65 to $90 per box! Saw ammo for .243 Win. and 30-30 that was $100 per box.

The worse thing for this guy at a gun show, is realizing the error I made in selling 3 weapons in my life. The lever-action market has really shot up. I saw a plain Marlin 30-30's in fair shape going for $600+. I sold a scoped 336C in 35 Rem. 10 years ago for $250. the stock was scarred from carrying climbing stands on my back and the like. A good shooter (in spite of the poor ballistics) it folded up deer at modest deep-woods yardages pretty well. Was getting into western hunting so I sold it just before they introduced the LeverEvolution ammo. There were no Marlin .35 Rem at this show. A new in box 45-70 guide gun was tagged with a price of $1200.

Currently own bolt guns in 280 Rem, 358 Win, ,325 WSM, 338-06, and a lever-action Marlin in .308 ME. I needed to get set up for hand loading and regret I had not yet done so. This would have been a fine project during this pass spring-summer while travel (an nearly everything else) was so restricted by COVID.

Without sounding like a conspiracy theory...does anyone think this situation will lead to shooting becoming a "rich mans sport" unobtainable by the average shooter/hunter?
Seems to be headed that way.

I didn’t think it would get much worse when I started this thread, but it’s way worse.

That said I did get 600 primers the other day.
Availability and Pricing is shocking,

I just went to a local gun show last weekend and was stunned at the prices. Mostly looking for factory ammo as I don't yet reload. Finding ammo for my Grandson's 308 has been a chore. They had plain jane loads for $65 to $90 per box! Saw ammo for .243 Win. and 30-30 that was $100 per box.

The worse thing for this guy at a gun show, is realizing the error I made in selling 3 weapons in my life. The lever-action market has really shot up. I saw a plain Marlin 30-30's in fair shape going for $600+. I sold a scoped 336C in 35 Rem. 10 years ago for $250. the stock was scarred from carrying climbing stands on my back and the like. A good shooter (in spite of the poor ballistics) it folded up deer at modest deep-woods yardages pretty well. Was getting into western hunting so I sold it just before they introduced the LeverEvolution ammo. There were no Marlin .35 Rem at this show. A new in box 45-70 guide gun was tagged with a price of $1200.

Currently own bolt guns in 280 Rem, 358 Win, ,325 WSM, 338-06, and a lever-action Marlin in .308 ME. I needed to get set up for hand loading and regret I had not yet done so. This would have been a fine project during this pass spring-summer while travel (an nearly everything else) was so restricted by COVID.

Holy buckets!! I have a practically new JM guide gun in stainless collecting dust....I guess it's doing better than my IRA. A family friend gave me a JM .357 Mag carbine a couple years ago, too. Don't tell my wife, it's probably better to just let them mature. Right now the only thing I wish I had done differently was lay in as much .357 ammo as I did 45-70 when I first bought the GG.

It's crazy out there but ammo and components are still around if you keep after it.
The LGS around me have been spotty. Sportsmans gets picked over immediately if they get anything in. Been hoping to find some LPP and 10mm brass so I can shoot my new G20.
I seen an article that said the manufacturers aren't producing. If that's true, it opens up a whole 'nother thought process.

In regards to manufacturers not producing.. I’m curious why at a time like this any manufacturer would not be producing. President of federal got pretty worked up about such claims.
Manufacturers are producing more than they ever have. Whoever these morons are writing these articles should crawl back into whatever hole they came from. Let me guess...in this article they said that they found out from an "inside source". 95.9% of gun writers and now ammo writers are the scum of the shooting world.
I just don't see the manufacturers providing more to the market. Majority of the places around here are bare and there are a few that have ammo but at absurd prices. How does it all work together? beats me.

Either we have a bunch of buy everything on sight hoarders or someone is blowing smoke. It seems more like smoke to me.
I reloaded for about 25 years. Had to ditch all my equipment when my first marriage shit the bed. (Long story) Looking to get back into it after a 12 year hiatus. I have been searching for an RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme kit for almost a year now. Everyone is either out of stock or charging gouging prices. In the mean time, I've picked up a few die sets in 257 Rob, 7-08, 260 Rem, 250 Sav and 300 Sav, and claimed a 5x3 space in my wife's (traded way up) studio. Also sniffing around for a power powder trickler/scale and a power case trimmer.