And I think that anyone selling their home for what they paid for it instead of market value is an idiot. Come on, man........as Biden would say. Nobody that is complaining about others selling their stuff at market value is going to sell their home at way less than market value........especially middle class folks. That's hypocrisy. Whether it's a home, a vehicle, a stock, or ammo........stuff sells at market value, unless you're in it for philanthropy. But then you'd sell your ammo or components for what you paid for them to "be a nice guy" and then they'd sell it for market prices.I get it, it’s capitalism. I’m just the working man who doesn’t have the tech, time or money to automatically buy whatever I can just to repost it for a 200% profit. I guess it’s just part of being middle class.
Regardless I still think whoever is doing the above is a jackass.