Has Anybody Seen Jumbo Wild on Netflix

Jan 28, 2016
I thought this was a really interesting documentary on a Land Conservation Issue in BC. Now I know a lot of people don't love Patagonia because they have a supposed anti hunter stance. Regardlessly, I think the movie was really worth checking out.

There is a character that represents hunting in the movie as part of the conservation party, and I think that they really painted a pretty good picture of how hunting and conservation mesh together.

Interested to hear peoples thoughts.
Jan 28, 2016
Yea, I thought Damnation was great. I fly fish a lot, so it hit close to home.


Dec 7, 2013
I didn't think they were Santiago hunting. In fact, I thought they were somewhat positives about hunting. I bought a Patagonia hat once that had a picture of a wild hog that said "support native wildlife, kill invasives"
Jul 30, 2013
I thought it was a pretty good doc. It really speaks to why BC is still the way it is and I'm glad to see the fight the people of that area are putting up. I find it funny when people bring up Patagonia ( not directed to the OP) They are pro wildlife, and pro environment. Yes they donate to companies that want to bring back the wolf, but I don't call that anti hunting. They give a TON of money to habitat restoration and preservation. How many guys have Verizon wireless?? Ricky gervais has been their front man for at least the last 8 months... That guy is about as anti hunting as it gets and I doubt the guys that bitch about Patagonia are changing their wireless plan.
Jan 28, 2016
I thought it was a pretty good doc. It really speaks to why BC is still the way it is and I'm glad to see the fight the people of that area are putting up. I find it funny when people bring up Patagonia ( not directed to the OP) They are pro wildlife, and pro environment. Yes they donate to companies that want to bring back the wolf, but I don't call that anti hunting. They give a TON of money to habitat restoration and preservation. How many guys have Verizon wireless?? Ricky gervais has been their front man for at least the last 8 months... That guy is about as anti hunting as it gets and I doubt the guys that bitch about Patagonia are changing their wireless plan.

I agree. I have a lot of Patagonia gear. Personally I think they make great stuff, and they pump a lot of $$$ into land conservation and fisheries. A few dollars here or there might end up with some anti hunting group, but for the most part, I think our interests align. Plus I fish, a lot, so there is that.
Jan 17, 2014
Thanks for posting the info on these docs. I saw the posting in the Patgonia catalog but didnt know the doc was on netflix.
Jan 17, 2014
Ok. Watched damnation and jumbo. I enjoyed them both and found them informative. That jumbo area looks pretty badass and hopefully stays undeveloped. The portrayal of the hunter seemed fair .That guy sure has some nice public land access ! The damnation doc confirms what I always thought about the overload of dams in the US . I personally find the "activism" approach annoying but see the point. There certainly are WAY too many dams . The algae blooms in the Klamath are a total grossout. I'm sure there are many watersheds and rivers in general that would benefit from dam removal . I used to live in Page AZ right next to the Glen Canyon dam. Talk about a grossout. Just watching water waste away , become polluted, and evaporate...The subject of dams I'm sure goes much deeper but I found this doc pretty informative.Neither doc appears anti hunting or fishing .