Life after stents?


Jan 13, 2022
I’m 52 and fairly active, eat pretty well, never smoked, drink wine with dinner on occasion and overall felt really healthy so it feels extremely strange to say that I had a heart attack 3 weeks ago and received 4 stents ( 2 separate procedures) in the last 3 weeks. Fortunately no damage to my heart but my confidence is shaken. Genetically I had some cardiovascular problems I was unaware of. I’m really looking forward to getting back to my passions of hiking, traveling, scouting, and ultimately hunting again but obviously need to consider my potential limitations. It feels pretty damn good to just be alive BUT I still have so many things I would like to do! More than anything I’ve learned you never do know when your time is up and want to cross as much off my list as possible. The moving forward is not only for me but for my wife who is now scared for me to leave her side. Currently I have 2024-25 hunting licenses for three different states in the Northeast and Midwest and 6+ points in 2 other western states. Will I get back to where I was (or better) physically someday? Will I be able to continue doing what I love? I’m looking for some advice, guidance, experiences etc to help me understand what has happened to me.


Nov 5, 2022
A friend of mine had a heart attack in 2018, had 2 stents put in. Doctor told him to return to his normal lifestyle immediately. He does not hunt but is a very active guy that does a lot of hiking and mountain biking. He is around 70 now and says he feels great and feels the heart attack with stents has not affected his lifestyle at all.
Apr 14, 2019
Fort Myers , FL
I am 62 as of last week. I had to have a stent four years ago. As long as you don't other issues stents generally improve your ability to do things. What does your cardiologist say? If it was me, and it was me…
I would go do what I wanted but take it slow and easy. Monitor how you feel. I got my stent in November and hunted the Alabama rut in January. I wasn't dragging deer all over the woods or hiking long distances but I got out there and been out there ever since. After that hunting season I yak fished in the salt all spring and summer. In the event you cant be as physical safely then find other ways to enjoy the outdoors that wont risk your health. Good luck.


Oct 2, 2015
This post really hits home with me I just turned 47 very active tall skinny eat very healthy diet never smoked light drinker have guided elk and deer hunts for alot of years and consider myself in very good shape for just turning 47 and I June I go in for a calcium score and a scan of my heart and vessels only reason is it was suggested by my cardiologist because of my age and my family history of cardiovascular disease that's why I started going to a cardiologist i wanted to avoid any of this in the future since my dad went thru this,well let's say the results were shocking 2 arteries were narrowed about 70-80% and another 2 pushing 90% I have never had any indication I had a problem to say the least I was shocked along with my doctor he had me do a nuclear stress test in which I crushed according to the tech took 15mins to get heart rate up to 147 well it revealed even more and just this last Monday I had two stents put in and 2 spots that he just ballooned out since they were to small for stents and I will have to go back in for 1 more Stent for sure possibly two these last few months have been a emotional train wreck thankfully my cardiologist is amazing along with his team around him I have been a big topic on his cardiologist panel I feel I'm in good hands I leave to hunt in 3 weeks and then start my fall guiding elk hunts I find out Monday when I go back in for the next procedure just went for my first 4 mile loop I do to stay in shape and I felt great no problems but I never had any to begin with as far as discomfort goes all,I can say is please go get a calcium score it's cheep and only takes a few mins and see a cardiologist it's well worth it