Gunnison CO public lands closed

Nov 21, 2016
Gunnison resident here. My wife works EMS in town and since she is 7 months pregnant right now has been taken off the ambulance and switched over to the emergency planning department. To say that she works long and stressful hours trying to keep our county ahead of this Covid-19 ordeal is an understatement. This sucks for everyone, trust me, and having our “own” public lands is the least of any Gunnison/Crested Butte residents concern right now. Sure, people are getting out to take walks and maybe ride their mountain bikes/dirt bikes, but they are doing it alone or with housemates or families that they have been isolating with. It’s a ghost town here. Another reason to keep tourists out is because our hospital is very small (26 beds) and cannot take anymore stress than it already is. We cannot afford people coming out right now and getting injured from their recreational activity of choice, and taking limited resources from our already stressed infrastructure, and trust me, you all know how to get injured and killed out in these mountains, my wife and her colleagues are busy all summer and fall pulling tourists and locals out of the mountains, and to resume to a normal amount of carnage at this point in time would be unimaginable. We all need to make a bit of a sacrifice so we can get through this together, and when it’s all said and done I welcome anyone back to visit and hunt and fish and moto or whatever, I’d even show a Rokslider around and get some beers, but please, for fu$ks sake, just don’t come here right now and jeopardize anymore of these hard working people trying to figure this mess out, and I’d love for my first born child to be born healthy and in a hospital that isn’t dealing with overworked nurses and doctors more than they already are. I get some of the decisions being made by the local governments may come off as unconstitutional or what have you, but this virus is changing the landscape faster than any of us have witnessed in our lifetime (unless you lived through Spanish Influenza), and local authorities have to take actions that may come off as brash or shooting from the hip, but guess what, it’s working. Do I like it, hell no, but it’s better than the alternative. I can tell you that Gunnison County is doing a damn fine job with the limited resources they got, the screening and testing has helped (partly why we have a high count of contagious), where as other counties and even states were not as prepared for this as us. Trust me, Gunnison Valley Hospital was set up in late January for this to hit us, and it’s worked. Problem was we were still letting tourists flock in here until a few weeks ago, and most of the first cases came from folks in the service industry, serving guess who? Yup, tourists, so it makes sense we don’t want more people coming in right now. Anyways, I hope all you Roksliders and families stay safe out there wether you choose to isolate or not.

BTW, a few weeks ago I was also a skeptic of this whole thing, but having a wife and friends working on the front lines and managing this, I can truly say from what I’ve seen that we are not close to being done with this and the worst has yet to come. We’ve also lost a great member of our community here due to Covid-19 and several more who were taken out of Gunnison in critical condition holding on to their lives, and no they weren’t 80 with pre-existing disorders, Millennials, Gen-X, and Boomers alike.

Ah man hunting season can’t get here fast enough.

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May 10, 2015
Your rights are very important, but so is making sure you are not endangering other people. I think you have the right to carry a gun, but do you think someone should have the right to carry that gun pointing at people and shooting shots off wherever they go? Cause that would endanger the lives of other and I think that most would say that is a good reason to take that persons gun away. Now, this virus is spread by people going out and breathing, so you are literally endangering the lives of others by going outside and traveling, therefore I think that you shouldn’t be allowed to go out and potentially risk the lives of others, do what you want with your own life I don’t care. But you’re putting the lives of others at risk and that’s an asshat move.

and whoever said their as tough in person as they are online, you’re not

People with stage 4 cancer go out in public, often wearing ppe to keep themselves from contracting something that could be life threatening such as the common cold.

If this virus were so dangerous to high risk people, they should be the ones to keep themselves safe and stay home more during times like this.

The numbers don't add up for this thing...
Oct 17, 2019
People with stage 4 cancer go out in public, often wearing ppe to keep themselves from contracting something that could be life threatening such as the common cold.

If this virus were so dangerous to high risk people, they should be the ones to keep themselves safe and stay home more during times like this.

The numbers don't add up for this thing...

Well, the Gunnison County director of public health disagrees. Now, outsiders are looking at a $5000 fine and up to 18 months of jailtime for visiting here:
Gunnison County issues Colorado’s strictest COVID-19 regulations; no visitors allowed

Whether you agree with this order or not, let's hope its a short term deal for many, many reasons.


Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
People with stage 4 cancer are already dead. It doesn't matter what they do.

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May 10, 2015
Well, the Gunnison County director of public health disagrees. Now, outsiders are looking at a $5000 fine and up to 18 months of jailtime for visiting here:
Gunnison County issues Colorado’s strictest COVID-19 regulations; no visitors allowed

Whether you agree with this order or not, let's hope its a short term deal for many, many reasons.

Too bad for Gunnison county and the health director as well.

My post was about the ones more susceptible should do what they need to do to keep themselves safe and the benevolence of gov't shouldn't impose a one size fits all approach. It is amazing at just how easy people are willing to give something up in the name of the common good.

And, for the other guy, a stage 4 patient isn't dead until they are and they will take precautionary measures when they do go out until they are dead to not be dead by what you shake off as a 24 hr bug...
Apr 4, 2020

Interesting article on the San Juan County order. It would be interesting to read some more legal opinions on the matter.
This is all interesting,, hopefully let's up before season.


Dec 27, 2013
Durango CO
Texas AG sends warning to Gunnison Co about preventing Texans from coming there.



Mar 16, 2020
Oregon just shut NR hunting and fishing down. Then told residents they should not travel to hunt/fish. Placing a burden on small towns limited resources was the main reason given.


Oct 10, 2018
That sucks. My brother was headed to Gunnison this year for Elk. Hopefully it opens up by then.

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Nov 21, 2016
Maybe the Texas Attorney General should focus on his own backyard and keep up with his governor: Excerpt from Gunnison County in response to Texas AG “Unconstitutional” letter .

“Finally, we note that by executive order, the Governor of Texas has imposed freedom of movement and travel restrictions on certain out-of-state residents but apparently allowing complete freedom to other visitors. See Tx. Gov. Exec. Ord. GA-11 (March 26, 2020); GA-12 (March 30, 2020). Although we take no position on the legality of these orders, the flawed rationale contained in your correspondence would suggest that the Texas Attorney General should view these orders as unconstitutional.
We also note that the Texas Attorney General recently recognized that Texas law “allow municipal and county officials to control the movement of persons and the occupancy of premises in a local disaster area.” See Tx. Atty. Gen. Op. KP-0296 (March 27, 2020) at 2 (emphasis added). This is precisely what Gunnison County is attempting to accomplish with its Order under Colorado law.”

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Jun 17, 2017
There is now federal case law precedent that these overbroad / underinclusive orders are unconstitutional.

But just because something is legal doesn't mean we should do it. Please stay home.