Gritty Podcast Kifaru vs Stone Glacier

Aron just posted on YouTube that they spoke and are going to do a podcast together and. Apparently air out what has happened. As part of this Brian took down the video and Aron was going to delete the thread on FB.

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I hope they use a third party to host it

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Brian Call: Gritty
1 hour ago (edited)
@Dean Shear -- I appreciate the comment. We all know that KIFARU sold heaps of product on the Gritty Bowmen Podcast. Aron was a frequent guest on my podcast. During that time, I was not paid by KIFARU. In fact, the exact opposite is true, the last year we worked together, I paid Aron Snyder $24,000. KIFARU grew substantially during the GB years--and Aron profited nicely off the situation, receiving substantial increases in salary, bonuses and even a new truck paid for by KIFARU. In return, I received a couple of backpacks, and partial payments on a few hunts in 2017. For example, on our moose hunt, I paid $7,000 and Kifaru pitched-in a few thousand beyond that. In the meantime, KIFARU was paying individuals like Donnie Vincent $40,000 to wear KIFARU packs. That's how the finances worked out between KIFARU and GRITTY. When I stopped working with KIFARU, Aron came back after a couple of months and requested a renewed partnership. I told him I would partner with KIFARU for $25k per year. Aron didn't think it was worth it. We did not renew the partnership. Additionally, I still used KIFARU gear for more than a year after Aron turned down offer. All of my content throughout 2018 featured KIFARU. So it's simply a lie for Aron to say that I started trashing KIFARU because they turned down my offer. Fact is, I can use whatever pack I want. KIFARU has no ownership over me--KIFARU cannot dictate what I say. Aron is a bully and I hate bullies--can't stand them. I'll keep voicing my opinion, and Aron will keep attacking my character--I'm cool with that. Outside the the Snyder Fan-boy club, there's an entire world of people who see right through their bullshit. You'd be hard pressed to find a person with more internet friends and fewer real friends than Aron Snyder--there's reason for that. Takes grit to put up with the shit Aron dishes out; I'll be just fine, I've got that in spades.
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Let me sum this up...Gritty, "Just ask me how awesome I am...Okay, I'll tell you anyways."
Highly entertaining lol, but it would be nice to see some kind of resolution here. Sometimes there's too much water under the bridge between folks to ever go back to being friends again. But it would be mature for everyone to just let bygones by bygones and move on and stop talking negative about each other, or making the other side feel like they need to respond.
This relationship between these guys would make for great reality TV. But unfortunately for Brian the gay guy who manicures his beard for him would steal the show.

Our community is grossly pathetic on many levels, thanks to social media and wanna be “influencers”
Aron has earned everything he has through hard work and actually killing stuff with a bow.

Gritty's fall was inevitable. It is called....all hat no cattle.
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Why on earth would Brian want Aron to pay him? Does he feel if he promotes Kifaru, they’ll sell more packs?
I am going to start my own podcast. I think that I will ask the Shockey's to pay me to be on my know, because they don't have a lot of other options.
Glad to hear Aron and Brian are going to hash things out. Life's too short and in the current f'd up situation we're all in, no reason to have a situation fester.

I'd suggest you fellas do it in private though; it's none of our business and the added drama from the Peanut Gallery won't help.
Glad to hear Aron and Brian are going to hash things out. Life's too short and in the current f'd up situation we're all in, no reason to have a situation fester.

I'd suggest you fellas do it in private though; it's none of our business and the added drama from the Peanut Gallery won't help.

Speak for yourself. During the covid crisis, this is must see. I bet this podcast gets a crap ton of views.
Pulling it off of youtube is the reason we are here in the first place. This guy does whatever he can to be in front of everyones faces, if it goes south, he just deletes it and pretends like it never happened. Same thing he did when Greentree was busted for poaching, Gritty came to his defense, through a bunch of people under the bus, took a bunch of blowback, deleted it and deletes anyone that brings it up. He does anything for attention.

I could care less if he talks to Aron to "clear up any differences", I just want him to stop taking advantage of hunters who don't know the difference. Anything Gritty says on any platform for me gets ignored. I just wish there was a way to get through to a lot of the newer people who he clearly takes advantage of. The best thing about the internet is it gives everyone a voice. The worst thing about the internet is it gives everyone a voice. I wish it were easier for some people to do the right thing. As I mentioned in earlier posts, I love SG and Kifaru and could care less what people use...but the issue I had was in his "review" there were people that took it as fact and that was how they were going to make their decision. Gritty deleted any form of negative comment, not sure which of you read the ones that stayed. There were many that read along the lines of "I'm new to hunting and have been saving my money for a pack. Thanks for showing me which way to go." There were a ton of comments like this...seamingly about to graduate college guys who were intrigued by hunting and looking to be manly and spend some money. When each of you first started hunting, if this was the only form of information you had, do you feel like it would be responsible to make a decision based on his "factual review." Instead of getting several different people to bring up opinions/thoughts/experiences, he simply does this wingnut review, and pushes it out to a lot of people who think he's cool. Its simply dishonest.

I love coming on this forum (as well as other forums of my interest) and learning new things as well as hearing what people say about gear. I do feel that there is a responsibility for anyone with a larger platform (as well as the rest of us with no platform) to be aware of who they may potentially be taking advantage of and providing information/misinformation to. With a larger following, people are going to look up to what you say, it is on you to do the right thing and leave 7th grade drama aside.
I hold the opinions of the average people on here way higher than any hunting figure with a big following. I’m sure many were good hunters at some point to get famous, but once they become famous their opinion becomes meaningless to me. I know they’re getting paid to say they like certain products, so that makes their opinion on gear and products worthless. They usually end up going on expensive hunts for free, so that makes their hunting advice worthless to me. That’s why I’ve never paid attention to hunting TV, and quit paying attention to these hunting personalities once they get to a point where their hunting no longer looks like my hunting. As an example, I was listening to The Cleared Hot podcast. Cam Hanes and a few other guys were talking about a recent elk hunt they all went on. They were talking about how much work they all put into hunting. All they kept referring to was shooting their bow and how much work they put into shooting. Think about it. They went to a ranch where someone else located the animals, someone else called in the bulls. All they did was execute a shot on an elk at 30 yards with a compound bow. They’ve lost concept of what hunting even is. To them it’s just shooting.
I think they are all great guys. The issue is they have all become brand ambassadors. ALL of them. I don't care for that in a hunting vid. It's too commercial and robs the viewers of a true hunt, and we have to sift thru the garbage. Eventually the scales will tip to more garbage than real content. Again I think Ben and the Bro guys are some of the good guys, but there is no argument you will make to convince me they too haven't seen the need, value and importance to build their brand in a world of brand marketing.

I see your point. They did see a niche and made some money on it. If there is some content I’d like to see stick around it’s them though.
I’m just posting to get my classified and PM credentials...😂. On that note, Stone Glacier and kifaru both seem like awesome products! Gritty makes some great YouTube hunting videos. Other than that this is all starting to seem a little Kardashian.... (as much as I like to dislike them I’m secretly jealous of their never dug a ditch wealth, and they are easy on the eyes) If anyone wants me to compare my 90$ big 5 back pack (delta 80L) to Stone Glacier or kifaru packs please send a reckoning, and Sg 5900 with all the fixings and I’ll post a YouTube video to keep you entertained during the shutdown. I may or may not include shameless plugs for my garage knife making operation, front porch optics reviews, and lots of scandaly clad women, you won’t know till you hit the subscribe button 😂